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Everything posted by highdrifter

  1. kewl Moby pics!! thanx for sharing HD
  2. Very noice! The red devil... Is there anything it can't do? Definetly a go-to spoon when the winds are high and the alewife are pushed into shore.. Thanks for sharing. HD
  3. That was a great read Les. Thanx for sharing! cheers HD
  4. And soo easily staged.. gnaww
  5. G! You got a worm hook on that jointed bait... and it's missing it's lower half! Has the world gone topsy turvy?? CRAZY!! And that's Marabou instead of Bucktail... OH YEE GOD!!
  6. Hey Rob! Did you ever end up catching that elusive sucker off the Breakwall??! Don't the weedless trebles inpact the action of the bait? This would no doubt further lessen the chance of hooking up in my books...
  7. Aww.. Thanx Grant. Feel free to use her, work her in a bit for me... I wonder how hard it would be to dress them with mono to make em weedless.. There's some quality time spent in the lab for ya!!
  8. Hmmmmm.. Glorified implements of destruction with a mid-evil twist.. You'd have to dress the hooks yourself, no?
  9. Well done Snagster! I wish to join your little kayak fishing fleet. Where can I sign up?!! I am not worthy of your greatness... But I wish to bask in your fishing prowess. WUUUUT Fiddlon
  10. MUAH!! Good one budday. Actually, that wouldn't be too far off for some of the pools around these parts. Fooeeeh, bass tend to like the dirtier, smellier spots anway. The more floating turds the better!! gnawww
  11. And peeving the locals right off with his spieling antics... yeeesh
  12. Very kewl Dan! You guys have my vote. cheerio HD
  13. Well done! I'm drooling overhere!! Tight Loops HD
  14. Haha! That title is a tad misleading... The younger generation woulda thought you had gone kuna hunting, while the older gents may have thought you had been out after some puma!! gnaawwww Good stuff though! I'm sure she was tasty... cheers HD
  15. Hey Kewl! Never hooked up with a brownie on that side... Nice fish! tight loops HD
  16. OOOHHH.. Bummer! Glad the rod and reel are okay though. God speed and full recoup man. tight loops HD
  17. I've my own methods... MUAH HAHAAH (ringing hands).. I second that notion. Migratory bird laws asside, something needs to be done. Not only are the trees and fishes in geopardy; the local nesting colony of Black Crested Night Herons, one of the largest in North America, are on the verge of having their nesting sites taken right out from under them. Death to all cormorants!
  18. Hey, was that you I saw plowing through the ice drifts in the harbour before closer?? How'd ya make out?? Send me a PM!! tight loops HD
  19. Well well... Lookie lookie!! No worries mate.. Just know that you'll be getting some harassing phone calls very soon! I've got a bottle of El Jimador with your name on it. And while I'm quite resolved to not leave you pleading messages in the wee hours of the morning, cause well... you don't have the itch just yet, you should ring me up you pike violator. I miss the s**t outta ya! Keep in touch Fiddlon aka. HD
  20. Hey TJ!! Long time no speak. Good to know we still have allies... Moose licences (calf) are available for purchase yes, but bull tags?? Which brings to mind the following rant. I have a bone to pick with our local outfitter. We're loosing out on availability, because our local outfitter is buying the moose tags right from under us, and sending his clients to hunt a piece of land that our family has hunted for thirty years... You got the idea what this comes down to. Okay, now I'm ticked!! HD
  21. Dang, those picks are sexy! Great action shots... Welcome to OFC!! tight loops HD
  22. Moose Tags for purchase?? I'm waiting for the draw, but I wasn't aware that you could purchase them elsewhere than an outfitter.... I need to be in the now!! Hence, we shall need more details, please. thanx in advance HD
  23. Hey Scott! That a bead head pheasant tail nymph I see there??! Very noice! tight loops HD
  24. MMMMM... NOICE. How much?? Great flies Mr. Parker. Good sunday morning inspiration too! Thanx for posting. Tight loops HD
  25. LOL But my mom says Im kewl. tight loops HD
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