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Everything posted by blakewalk

  1. those are beautiful, great photos thanks for the post!
  2. Beauty fish! What a great day! Thanks for posting the photos!
  3. Home for a Rest
  4. 8 Feet! thats amazing! try chisel-posting that out!
  5. Thats a unique looking setup! What a cool experience, thanks for sharing. Your reports are keeping me at least psychologically warm in these -30 temps. =) Soak up the sun!
  6. Good day to work from home, thats for sure- especially considering how the trains were running over 85 minutes late this morning.
  7. What did she beat you with? haha great catch! I am desperate to get out there.
  8. My tree usually comes down once the cats try to scale it; the poor plastic bugger is lucky to make it to Boxing Day.
  9. I operate a private consultation in geographic strategy, cartography, and GIS, specialising in environmental analysis. If any significant projects come by soon, I will certainly post here to let you know- although it would only be contract work (still good for the resumé, however). Keep up the search! In the mean time, you might wish to check with some of the firms found on this site.
  10. -44 eh?! Sounds like global warming changed its mind. I am quite fond of the cold myself, provided my lips dont freeze to my teeth when I step out to get the mail.
  11. Lovely Haul! Theres a supper or two!
  12. Great report thanks! Great day to be on the lake! Is this kempenfelt?
  13. Thats a giant tube! Ive landed a couple off BBP with 6"ers; never thought to go any bigger tho
  14. Hahahaha! Nice catch! Theres a supper fit for a king
  15. Great day & nice catch! That must've been a tough pull with that pike on. Your chi-chi has great taste =)
  16. Bronte has extended season -dec 31, but its open year-round south of lakeshore (hwy 2) to lake ontario; pretty much the same regs as lake ontario for that stretch (mostly harbour). I was out there today, and no action; alot of loose ice drifting and made for a frustrating day of casting and jigging. Did, however, see some folks on the marina ice just south of lakeshore, looks like a decent prospect. I'll prolly go for it next weekend, but its back to school now for another bloody week.
  17. I think he was getting at: if you cast upstream, you end up with alot of slack line unless you keep trimming it up and letting it out as it drifts. This makes setting the hook a real quick and tricky prospect; Ive lost a couple bows this way. I'm talking about flies here, not much into floats myself. However, the 45* sweep keeps the line relatively taught, but does betray the natural presentation. I have found I maintain the most control by rolling it out at an angle, but timing the drift so that the fly crosses my target zone in a natural speed and direction. This means that the fly sweeps into position, then drifts past the target, whether it be a pool or riffle or quel qu'un chose, in such a way that I always have control over the line to some degree. I would recommend experimenting with some drifting to see what feels right. Bows will definitely be wary of an supernatural olympic-swimmer fly and are most likely to take a normally drifting and helpless critter.
  18. I think he hooked more than just a first ice fish, but a sport that will stick with him for ages to come! Congrats wee man on the monster perch! Tell yer da' to catch up! haha
  19. What a day! thats excellent!!! You really put gas on the fire now; i gotta get up there haha!
  20. If i hook into one, I usually say: "FINALLY! Ive been freezing out here ALL DAY- you'd better be at least thissss big!"
  21. Ah sorry to hear about your soggy afternoon. Nice lookin hut though! Im sure it will see its share of fish this season still.
  22. bahaha I missed it; watch for those CRTC folk! that laker is a beauty; sounds like a pretty good day to me!
  23. mmm *drools* great catch!
  24. If Jesus caught 10 000 fish in a day, and I caught zero today, then a billion fish is an eternity away. haha! Interesting comment JediAngler, I agree that capitalism betrays each and every working person for the benefit of the few greasy buggers on parliament hill.
  25. Not bad, look like a healthy bunch. I'd rather be Perch-whipped on a day like today; panties can stick about all week. hahah
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