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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. just to throw this out there ....a deers brain is considerably larger then a swan...ive been taught that they mourn for the rest of their lives at the lose of a mate...... some tree huggers suggest a tree feels pain when its tampered with or cut down....there are tree doctors but no tree neuroligists ....it is a life form with no abilities to fight or flight....how can it feel anything? with the exception of a weeping willow IMHO i tend to sit on the side of the fence....if it has a functioning brain ...it feels pain
  2. almost makes you wonder how we as mammals can debate over the complexity of a fishes brain and the relativity of it to register pain when we cant even understand our own brains....but ....if you set a hook...is there a reaction?? yes the fish runs...if you open the bail and ease off the pressure does the fish still run? not normally....that to me sounds like an indication of some level of pain.....when a lamprey connects to a fish does it not flight to get it off????another indication of pain....lets say a human gets his ear pierced....initial piercing is somewhat discomforting but we feel it and it subsides ...now lets tie a rope to the earing and pull on it ...do ya think its going to hurt continuously while the pressure is on?... i think so ....based on simple physics of action and reaction....do they cry when i catch their mate????who knows ....cant see tears under the water...lol... i would hope a teacher would base his or her perception based on actual facts....albeit right or wrong at the time...but based on something to support their beliefs catch and release ...to each is their own ....its a definite that its favorable so the fish can live to feel pain again isnt stress a form of a feeling ???? if they can feel stress ...why wouldnt they feel pain?
  3. yeah im kinda stoked for the competitions too...."destinity doesnt drive two hours for a practice or get right back up"
  4. its this kind of paranoia that Bin Ladens buddies pat him on the back
  5. then you really have nothing to complain about then ....kids these days want everything RIGHT NOW....for the majority of the world life doesnt work that way ...even though a 10 buck an hour job isnt going to get you what you want RIGHT NOW ...it will contribute to your lifes accomplishments in the form of moulding you into a man and make you more aware of how good you already have it (even with your lay-offs) compared to people without a trade or skill set to have a choice... as i said to my son ....write a hit song and learn to sing it if you want the easy life or shut up and get to work
  6. statement was made in jest ....
  7. Tarion registration will easily do that ...good for you if thats the case...personally myself....its my nature to slug the shingles ...pour the concrete...frame the walls ..plumb...floor ...insulate....paint....do the building exteriors...install the kitchens/baths....trim... and even landscape ...EVERYTHING except drywall or electrical and gas...somethings are best left to the people that like it ....and honestly ...there is no better feeling than making peoples dreams become a reality....i guess my point is ....you gotta love what you do for the right reasons...through the good and the bad....after all ....who really wants to be a banker, lawyer or a doctor anyways???
  8. just thought of the solution ...cuz its what i do. ...we change the name from "Asian Carp" to "Exotic Asian Perch" .....now they are palatable ....BON APPETITE !!!!
  9. even if it doesnt harm the ecosystem ....there is still a price to pay in damage i suppose i should start working on a mould to manufacture boats out of hockey puck rubber
  10. my son was in the same position ....except I was his boss ....with the times the way they are in our area ( getting better though).... i sent him out west ...twice to work....first time to Calgary....then when things picked up here ...he came back for a year ....but found he loves the west....( kinda part of my plan)...and decided to move back on his own ...this time to Edmonton....him being a carpenter as well ...hasnt stopped working his 40 plus hour regular job and pulling in weekend work on the side for his play toys....im happy he is doing very well for himself .... Bad points ....i lost my fishing partner to the west... Good points....i lost my fishing partner to the west and can visit ... Take on some side work to get you through the slow times...spring isnt that far away ... You say your a cabinet maker ...take the EI as a sourse of income ....and hone your skills in cabinet making during the winter...its only going to make you more valuable in the peak times... im sure if you look hard enough ...you can find some framing jobs ..... lay-offs are mere opportunities to force you to open up shop for yourself....the first step is the biggest but in retrospect ...it aint big at all Good Luck
  11. now that we know what the yanks are going to do ....only question left is ..... what is Kanata going to do http://www.greatlakesdirectory.org/zarticl...reat_lakes2.htm
  12. you know what it is ????? the Halmark Holiday is upon us ....ya get more out of them with chocolates as opposed to dirty laundry
  13. you win the right to try and guess the outcome for some Olympic competitions ...polish up those crystal balls
  14. if you dont intend on racing ...go with the 4 stroke ...youll be pleasantly surprised at the power they have ...but they are heavier ...i always had two strokes but my son bought a thumper and i was quite amazed at the torque ( even in the lower bands) no problems what so ever riding on one wheel with a flick of the wrist....your not going to come out of hairpin turns like a stroker but you gain it back in the high end ....and you can say your eco friendly... trust me ...they both have the abilities to hurt you ...
  15. I used to own one and it faired out as a great little boat until i over rated the transome with a 55 Suzukie and took it out in extremely rough waters...and i ended up popping a few rivets.....but i had much respect for the boat and its capabilities when i kept it within the power limits it was designed for ...40 horse im sure you will be happy if you purchase one after building a casting deck and adding a console it was a very stable boat
  16. yes bass dreamer is the closest....must have some crystal balls or something ....all in all.... it wasnt a bad game for a superbowl....
  17. i wonder if the americans almighty right to sue played into his decision....or maybe he realized that the weather in Ohio is pretty much the same as in Canada... j/k
  18. if i had to do it all over again i would buy better condoms ....so the person responsible for me having to replace things on a regular basis ....wouldnt exsist.. seriously though ....im not sure i would change much of my purchases....still using most of my stuff for many years ....but i do rotate it to newer versions of a respected set ups
  19. it isnt like we were farming them and set them free...they are a product of the shipping industry ...mostly American owned i might add...
  20. even though the Colts are 5-1 favorites.....im going to predict Saints 30.... Colts 24
  21. welcome aboard .....wont be long and youll break the smell...spring is comming
  22. i agree ...these things will spawn and im sure our top predetors will evolve to eating them if they have to ....personally i hope this invasion is prevented ...but if its not ....fish are resilient and will adapt to their new menu.... i wonder if there will be restitution from the US if this does get outta hand...
  23. mykester.....i just got home from a turtle rodeo ....ive got to tell ya ...the action was slow
  24. Assuming there is a heaven...sorry Cliff ...couldnt resist ...
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