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Everything posted by Twocoda

  1. there proof that Seths parents were big fans of LSD back in the day..... i gotta say ...im with Stewie on this one...
  2. of course it wasnt Big Cliff....cuz it was 100 bux in canadian denomination and he doesnt have a canadian tire anywhere near to spend it ( puts pinky finger to the corner of my mouth ...looks straight into the camera and says "or does he ")
  3. instead of saying hi to the people i meet on the river i simply ask..."are ya winnin or losin?"....always seem to bring somewhat of a smile to people and an opening to socialize
  4. nope i would say its just a really firm hookset... nice shootin
  5. Dunkin Donuts with no transfats
  6. sorry couldnt resist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuQKcVKSEoE Go Canada Go
  7. think along the lines of purple ...or green maribou with crystal flash
  8. i have won soo many non fishing related items over the years its crazy...power tools/golf supplies etc.....any prize i never wanted i would give to someone that would appreciate it ...personally when i pick up a power tool i won in a derby ...it still to this day makes me feel good inside that my passion for fishing provided it ....i dont golf EVER so its a good thing to be a golfer around me should i be fortunate enough to win Golf equipment
  9. imagine the encouragement you would receive from your wife to go fishing for the rest of your life if you gave her a new car....people get all bent out of shape regarding the prizes in derbys ....i dont understand why ....yeah its nice to get a new boat but honestly ...if you cant justify the price of gas through your boat or the cost of an entry ticket ...then imo you shouldnt be fishing in derbys..the prizes are nice should the fishing gods shine on your rods...but the adventure of the catch is what its all about and the people you meet along the way ....i religiously buy my derby tickets every year ...and there have been years i didnt even fish in it....these derbys are NOT for the sole purpose of giving away prizes...they keep our hatcheries going so you can catch fish all year long Apparently the prize structure for the Chantry Chinook Classic has been reformatted again too Good Luck to all that do enter your rewards may not happen during the derby times...but im sure they will when your pounding the tribs
  10. he will rise to the occasion ...but this explains why Fleury isnt going to be considered
  11. well that same game ...the kid did get two goals but Ovie got the hat trick....
  12. caps and pens on the 7th of Feb hopefully the kid can get the better of the recent wounds Ovechkin imposed upon him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIsv8iiSFyo...feature=related its going to be a good game ....
  13. Definatly going to be a "right gaurd" moment for Toyota...he better be "sure" of his answers
  14. ummmmmmm can i get a box seat reasonably priced when the Flames come to town???
  15. feeling a bit guilty for the Miller thread ?????
  16. kinda reminds me of some adventures we had on the N Sask river ..... much appreciated
  17. yep winter has reared it ugly head again ...lol... the comment about sewing the panties reminds me of the first time i made love....every push forward her legs would fly up in the air....couldnt understand why until i realized she had forgotten to take her nylons off yes that comment was made on purpose in hopefully a successful attempt to lighten this thread up and get back to the original great topic for a thread Im doing my homework right now on which lathe to buy cuz i want to start turning my own plugs for rigging
  18. i posted a recipe for crow in another thread ...in case ya missed it ....here it is http://www.crowbusters.com/recipes.htm no ive never tried it ...but the author seems to recommend it
  19. not too bad for the masses in the only water thats open... was contimplating taking a trip down your way to get some perch....hearing good things
  20. nice ties Bondar...i better get at it too ...wont be long now.. as always Leechman......bravo!
  21. nice shots Brandon....i made that trip myself back in 89 but it was winter and i had nothing to shoot but a snowstorm that i couldnt get ahead of ...so i just made videos of the snow blowing in wyoming....its a long trip outta that state ...seemed to go on for ever...several parts of the video is me being amazed at the fact i was "still in Wyoming"...i couldnt go back into north Dakota for fears of getting more speeding tickets so i had to hit South Dakota...
  22. For the lake huron coast in the tribs an east wind is highly favourable.....out on the lake things seem to shut down....probably cuz no chop on the water...but it makes for a great boat ride
  23. Looks like the kids from Ilderton pulled off a gold....in dance skate...
  24. LMAO!!!!!!!!!
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