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Everything posted by azebra

  1. WOWZERZ thats 50X bigger then any perch Ive hooked into! way togo kiddo! good job! always remember to get a fish bigger then your dads, so he knows he's teaching you well!
  2. I remember a time many years back, I strung up a good spinning rod and reel the exact same as my girlfriend mickeymouse rod from when she was 9 or 10 years old. well, different line but the same jig.execpt she choose to paint pink nail polish spots on the grub. as I tested her rod to see if it would cast out, fish on, I cast again, fish on! we then switched rods, and I fished my rod in the same place and manner, nothing hit. but they were all after her mickeymouse line.. so its really all up to the fish on what their going to eat or not. i recall anothre time i was 12 or so, i found a heap of old line tangled in a bush along a lake, it had an old half rusted spoon on it..still have the spoon. i was throwing it in by hand and catching perch and bluegill, there were some guys in a boat a couple hundred feet out, they yelled some good words my way and i felt great to outfish the experts back then, by hand.
  3. well, his walmart line get as stiff as a... board this time of year. his drag cant hold anything over 2 lbs and he mentions he feels more and can cast further. and has more confidents...
  4. ya got me there! once in a while I can be a nice guy...
  5. then why does my friend with the $150 fly rod outfit always ask to borrow my $700+ doller rod and $600 reel with $120line, $20 backing and a $19 leader and says "your rods feel so much better then mine" "hey,your drag can actually hold a fish" "i love how your fly line doesnt stiffen like mine in the winter"... maybe he's crazy
  6. Yeah thanks. Although I haven't landed any steel yet this fall. hope to see you on the river! All the best
  7. Sounds interesting. Maybe I'll try it one day, but I'm lazy, if I'm not wallis casting I'll pull Line from the 2nd 3rd guide and swing it out there. My main line is 10 lb stuff I picked up in Guelph( the stores own) then 8.2 down to 4.75lb tipper. I only loose the tippet
  8. BillM do you carry a variety of shot lines? I might like to try this because if I need a lighter flows taking shot off the line is most times impossible if it doesn't idiot the line it's attached to. THen I get confused about how Long a shot line should be if I were To carry 3 or 4 sometimes I run my float up my main line shorter then my tipper in shallow riffles. And sometimes 9 feet up for those 5 foot deep Holes. So I'm confused and therefore apprehensive to change my thchnique
  9. Billm and the swivel above the float tecnique is hand down amazing for elimination line twist. Ive tried it and and see how it works. But if everyone knows the side cast etc gives line twist why not do what I and several Others do, learn the wallis cast. That is the first cast I ever taught myself and I never have any line twist issues, also I like to stear away from more then one connection, witch is my tippet attached to the main line via a xxxs swivel.
  10. Ha, I've recently read something similar to that in an US article of some sort my friend showed me, my question is was that woman on the phone a really good actor? Or simply just, completely out of it? Is this bad that the first thing that came into mind was 'only in America' Sorry OhioFIsherman. And the rest. I don't mean that.
  11. I use a 14 foot as my favourite float rod,over kill for most rivers. And no matter how careful I am, I always somehow get the tip up in some branches the other is 11 6 and seldom sees water. My go to spinning rod is 7 6 medium for steelhead but I'd love a 10-11 footer And my big fish fly rods are 9 and 9 6 in 8wt
  12. This remark reminded me of my father, and brought me back to ground. Thank you. Your right, un fortunately I feel because of the internet and the use by thousands of people it has become more of a storytelling place, people are scared to tell where when and how. Even I, there are to many out there that just wanna use the thickest line keep me all trample throughetc the list goes on. But your right.
  13. For bill m and Daley b sure you both have heard this argument/outrage before, but bill, I'm sure you have heard it a million times being a seasoned angler and it makes you laugh, but like Dave's said, let it be heard in other words. The loudest... I don't want to be the loudest buti sure will make a comment on what goes on, considering there is approximately a 3 percent reply rate to the views, hopefully some people out there will have a little more conservation, fish friendly, people friendly state of mind. Sure the poachers will poach and the sun will rise.. But we need to be a group, a family of happy law biding anglers who enjoy the fishing just as equal as the catching and leave it at that... If you have to snag or net a salmon any where in the river by the dam or else where..your a loser who should be fined. My girlfriend was using a dry fly of all and had a chinook rise and eat that bugger, I rolled my eyes when she took it outta my box, but she said "you never use it" " only in the summer" Literally a few drifts later.... Gulp! She lost it because the hook bent, it's had one to many Brooke's on it.... Slowish that, you can catch fish with out doing it illegally...
  14. Great I don't use roe,, so I don't know how to take it all I know is when the NMR takes it they milk them not gut them.. I use artificial bait and have the utmost success, all I know is what I saw was illegal and inhuman e inanimalmane And let's put figures out there say..... 3 out of 15 anglers were legit float spinning fly anglers the others with bows dip nets machetes treble hooks 80lb braid and a tuna rod..... Aaahhhhi wanna scream and some of you still have the tenacity to giggle at this... S c r e w y o u
  15. And if we all kept all our mouths shut nothing would ever ever ever happen! where's the CO? I could have given 15+ tickets besides the indefinite confiscation of rod and reel and tackle to those non law biding shouldn't be legal should be dead poacher SNAGGER roe cutting flashlight dip Ned bow fishing for salmon poacher anglers.... Dot dot dot dot dot :devil: :angry: :asshat: :worthy: :wallbash: :blahblah1: Happy fishing for all who care to fish not poach
  16. Tears
  17. Was this a remark to my post.? Sorry if I may seem upset about the slaying of salmon/ any living thing but heck, if your gunna gut her just for two skiens full of roe take her meat too, and at least kill her by cutting her head off/ cut the gills not crap on her and let her float away still gasping for air. I think I've had enough, the dip net last weekend did it, I'm going to approach and question and argue with anyone no matter what size shape color who is doing illegal activities in the water, I'll give me my piece of mind maybe more where ore the CO's???????????????????????? WHERE ARE THE CO'S??? Where are the co's where are the co's where are the co's???????????????????????
  18. Do t want to be rude, but a lot of people I saw this weekend and people who came up to me to talked pissed me off, do your own homework like I did... Or maybe I'll post it to the world, the salmon come and the snaggers come with them, then the browns, and fewer snaggers then the steelhead with very few snaggers shut up and get out and tell us what you found out river flow rate temp, etc amount of fish on certain conditions etc.... Don't ask that type of q again, and I had a talk with a few fish this summer, brown and steelhead aren't coming up the river cuz you and your friends will be there...
  19. And what about the person who cuts open hens takes their skiens and leaves then to die? Why can't there be more conservation officers? I've had to put down two hens this year that I walked up on that we're alive with their gut sliced open so the a hole angler can keep ALL her roe,,, and not even cut her gills open, so they were just trying to swim, I'm sure it must be hard with no functioning internals and a gaping hole in your belly... Where are the Co's? I might start taking legalities in my own hands, I.e break poachers rods. Find the fish slasher and slash him and leave him to swim for as long as they can before a good person comes and puts them outta their misery, where are the CO's?..... If there is a CO on here come out and talk about the lack of you people esp on the weekends when the majority of the goof offs come out and play\poach does any one read these posts? Does any one care? Maybe fishing should be banned in ontario maybe just southern ontario because we have all these arse hole poacher snaggers flashlight fishers gut slashing murderers and roe stealers so they can snag another....... If you want roe. ,gently rub the belly of the hen and she'll squirt eggs! Don't cut her skein out nd leave her alive cut her gills and take her meat too......... Cut off prt of your fat ass fisherman belly and see how you feel! "Every bad word in the world"
  20. The first sign on the Humber. Sorry for the name,says 60 yards, if I'm wrong my bad, but as for all the other stuff and the guys 15feet from the dam, there is no questioning that
  21. Ooh the stories, Sunday I told a guy there is a sign , you can't fish 60 yrd from the dam... He game me the ooh , really? And didn't move on, plus the other 6 guys at the dam, and the guy in the middle of the river with a dip net and no rod, the guys with the flashlights... Etc... It makes me sick, we need more CO,s ESP on the weekends how is this still an issue in 2012 hire more freakin officers or train toronto police/ Durham/peel etc to enforce and ticked the losers!!!!!!!! :angry:ooh and the guy with the compound bow on the H shooting salmon. And the guy who cuts open hens and takes their entire skein and leaves the fish to lay there alive with her roe cut out, I had to cut the grills myself With I could cut the guys gills who is doing this...
  22. Those made me rather ill, the first one was funny... Then it was all sick Hannibal lector stuff...... Not for me
  23. What was inside? Did you fix it?
  24. If try fly fishing for a big pike! Or centerpin with a big minnow on a huge floatThere is plenty of months ahead to get a big rainbow.
  25. I'd have to agree, this time of year as much as I like the warmth of my long johns and gloves I won't do it unless its bitter bitter cold out. Why get comfy with your winter gear now when it's not even winter yet?! The long johns wont get cracked until the thermostat reads - 10
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