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Everything posted by Thrasher

  1. What are the temps like right now?
  2. BEAUTY!!!! Nice work!!
  3. awesome report!!! nice fish!!
  4. I'm by no means a tech guy, so I don't have all the technical understanding to explain it, but here's what I encountered in my area of 705... I recieve my phone & internet through a Rogers Rocket Hub. Due to where I live, I get a weak signal, yet sufficient to provide me with constant service. Since May, I noticed it getting worse, dropped calls, internet froze/no signal etc. I called Rogers, and they said that due to the number of "summer" residents, that demand on my closest tower is increased. This "overloads" the tower and causes the problems. I called Rogers and after 3 calls at almost an hour a piece, I've recieved 2/3 off my monthly bill until the issue resolves itself, or until they do whatever to the tower to accomodate the extra pressure. Seeing as I called last month, and the issue's been since may, they retro'd my rebate back. 95% of the time, my service is fine, it's only here and there that it is an issue. Yes i spent a lot of frustrating time on the phone, but it was worth it.
  5. Not sure, but depending on when he did the course, it can take time to have all the documentation send to your buddy. Maybe the instructor meant that he can't because he wouldn't have the paperwork/lic etc in time??
  6. You have a PM
  7. I just had to do this a couple weeks ago. Are these things really needed? Thrasher
  8. Beauty haul!!! we got lucky and did Ok last night, but the full run has yet to happen. Won't be long! Nice work waiting it out! Awesome when the hard work pays off!
  9. was out, in the snow, last night, 2 of us managed a full 5 gal pail in a couple hours. There weren't running full steam, but I've scooped for a lot less! were getting some scoops as big as 40-50 in it, but they were the biggest scoops, on average about a third of that. We're not serious scoopers, more of a social, but nice to bring home some bait! Thrasher
  10. Blair, do you come down this way to your "secret spots" or do you stay up there?
  11. I don't believe the ottawa has a run. There's been nothing in my neck of the woods yet. I may go and check some temps tonight to see how far away the run is. Getting much warmer in the next few days, won't be long!
  12. I've used the energizer & Trojans. A couple years ago, was told aboput Total Battery, boith the name of the store, and the battery. Bought one, and will not buy anything else again. Compare them, you'll be glad you did. 16.5 lund, 46 lb minn kota, troll for walleye, using 4-7 power, and can troll for 6-7 non stop hours, and still have plenty of juice. My brother 21' nitro, 65 lb thrust 24 v system, can't kill the batteries in a day of tournament fishing.
  13. 18 miles! wrongfuly so apparently, but I thought you were closer to the end of the access rd! that would be a long hike! We're usually not far from the island, cause that's where I know best. I spend a lot of time in Cross during the open water season, so I tend to know that end better. We spend 3/4 of our time fishing Walleye, and the rest on Lakers. Most of the guys in our group have paddled through a lot of the back lakes, but never fished them. Other than hearing that a couple of the back lakes around there hold some fish, I've never heard or saw anything that would make me go to them. We've got Electronics, mapping chips, etc and like you said are mobile, so it's not an issue for us to do it, just never had the need as we generally do OK down there. I'm open to ideas if you're sharing back lake walleye sopts! lol! Anyway, we should be at the lake around 6 or 7 am heading down, and fishing by 8. You know where we'll be if you decide to go for a tour!! good luck! Thrasher
  14. Haven't posted or read in a while, try to spend as little time on the computer as possible!! Wish I knew before we booked! 5 buddies and I will be at Tamar from Friday early morning till Sunday mid day. We likely won't be in his huts, but not too far from the island. 3 sleds with 3 portable huts. grand touring with an otter, venture with a clam, and an arctic cat with a frabill. If you're bored and want to say hi, fish, drink, or whatever, we'll be down there. Good luck!! Thrasher
  15. I had a trojan, lasted 5 years, amazing battery, but $$$. Didn't want to spend the $$$ on a gel cell, so went to Total Battery, bought their brand, and they are awesome. I use it in a 16.5 lund, with a 46lb thrust bow mount. I use it for trolling, i ran it for 6 hours almost straight, and used about 1/2 the charge. My brother runs a 21' nitro bass boat, and uses 2 of them in his 24v system, and never an issue during tournaments etc. Best bang for your buck IMO. I also used this additive for them, Supposed to increase battery life, increase charge time, and decrease discharge time. I'm by no means an expert with battery stuff, but mines working great!! As said, go with a min group size 29, preferably 31.
  16. I moved my hut last friday. Fished from about 3-7pm +/- on friday, saturday, sunday and wednesday. The first 2 nights caught 4 walleye, (one was 6.5 lbs), and tons of perch. The last 2 nites, SKUNKED!!!!! Apperently I jinxed myself!! I mean, uh, it's the, uh, mid winter slow down, that's it! lol! Hey Sandy, you're kinda creepin me out... Do I know you? How do you know what shack is mine??
  17. I fish Nip year round, (in season of course lol) and have done great. I find the Walleye harder to find in the winter than summer, but if you move around, you'll find them. I've fished it a lot over the past 10 years or so, and during the hard water, for the first 6 years or so, fished south shore, and did very well. Last 4 years, we moved it to Callander bay, as during the open water, it was amazing. First couple years on C-bay were great, Last year, as we all know was terrible, and this year, not much better for me on C-bay. This year on South Shore however, where we used to put our hut, has been awesome!! Limit out if we kept them all many times, and never skunked with walleye any time. I'm moving my hut back there tomorrow. I'm not saying that the winter take and the netting isn't a lot of pressure on the fishery, but the last 3-4 years has been the best open water I've had out there, maybe just getting to know it better, I don't know?! What I do know, is that there are still a lot of fish, and quality fish in the lake, that are just begging me to try and catch them, so try i will.... Thrasher
  18. What type of info are you looking for? Gear, routes, specific portages, lakes.... I've spent many a nights in the park, and may be able to be of some assistance. thrasher
  19. Gimme the dates, and I too might be able to help...
  20. Netting them is a blast!!! do it every year! They run at different times depending on temperature. Last year was the best run I've ever seen. Usually when the in flowing creeks reach 8 deg, start checking around for sign. Catch them lots on the ice, usually accidentally on spreaders, but the odd one on jigging spoons etc while looking for whities and lakers.
  21. I know HH.. I like seeing others pics too. Maybe I'll have to learn how to post pics, if a bunch of hillbilly fishermen and hunters can do it...... Rick, thanks for the advise, but it's all chinese to me! I have a few buddies at work that can help me. Indy, trails are in rough shape, soft and chewed. Nip isn't bad for a tour, but lots of ice patches that are slick.
  22. Ice is good, 18" or so everywhere. No slush, lake consists of snow drifts and bare patches. Drifts are only12" deep max, and there are some bare patches that you could have a hockey game on. guys pullin big huts out with small cars. The bare spots are very slippery, if you're going with kids, old or drunk folks, it's a recipe for an injury. Fishings been on and off, some say deep, some say shallow. As usual, Nip's unpredictable at best. Hopefully you hit it right. Lively minnows and try mixing up spoons, flyer jigs, jigging raps, and whatever else you can manage from the arsenal. good luck, Thrasher
  23. My fishing partner (my 2 year old son) isn't that good with the camera yet! I have no pics, never have them! no time when the fish are biting. Even with pics, I wouldn't know where to begin on how to send, and from what they tell me, with my only internet option of dial up, it would take a long time to do..... So guess you'll have to take my word for it!!!
  24. I fish Nip often, and have for 10+ years. I've had many of good nights, but last night was in the top 3 ever! Not a single sniff all day, then then at about 4, I got a tap, missed it. Then at 4:15 it started with a 5+lber, it was NON STOP after that. Watching my one rod being bent over the hole while I was fighting a fish on my other rod, hoping the first wasn't gonna get pulled down. Constantly getting hits on both lines, or a fish one one and hits on the other. It was almost too much!! I left at 4:45 with the fish still hitting like crazy! 25 FOW, chartruese jigging spoon, and a pink/white jig. They would've hit ANYTHING last night. Lively minnows, and aggressive jigging was the ticket. When they hit, it wasn't slight tap, slight tap, hoping the suck it in, they were smashing it! Gotta love it! Thrasher
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