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Everything posted by setomonkey

  1. Good choice, I used to have Norton and then McAfee and switched to AVG for my personal computers. AVG plus Spyware Blaster and Ad Aware and you should be good to go. Mike
  2. Kids having fun fishing is a great post, even if it's a few months late. Congrats to your niece, looks like you've got a good fishing buddy there... Mike
  3. Yup, good suggestion, I do the same around the house so that I have documentation about furniture, art on the walls, etc. And upload the pics to an online storage site, having photos won't do you any good if the camera or computer is lost or destroyed. Mike
  4. Congrats Jamie, that is awesome... Mike
  5. Welcome to the board, looks like some interesting fishing out east... Mike
  6. Given your last avatar, I should have known better than to click on this post. Mike
  7. Fish is very healthy but it all depends on how you prepare it. Deepfrying it or covering in a rich cream or butter sauce isn't better than a piece of grilled chicken done with some spices & herbs. Have you tried sushi? If you go to a good place the fish is excellent quality, tasty, definitely not fishy-tasting or -smelling. Easy to make at home too if you have a place where you can get sushi-grade fish. Mmm, sushi... :closedeyes: Mike
  8. Same pt as Roy, I adjust drag (spool tension) all the time but I have never changed the brakes on my baitcasting reels since adjusting them when I first got them. I suppose I could ease up on the brakes as I have gotten more experienced using a baitcaster, and cast a little further, but birdsnests aren't pretty and I have a helluva time untangling them when they do happen. Mike
  9. always a treat to read softwater reports in Jan! Mike
  10. There isn't anything like it in the world. Everyone tells me not that it goes by too quickly, but I can't wait to get him his first rod (he got a toy plastic one this Christmas) and start teaching him how to fish. Mike
  11. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback on the lake. Not that there are any fish in it. (except for that 20lb laker! Nice fish) Looks good, my main worry was that the non-fishing folks in our group would find the lake too busy. I'm happy at the chance to go after some smallies or pike. Mike
  12. Hi, would appreciate any feedback/advice on Chandos Lake, my wife and I are thinking about renting a cottage here with some friends of ours who also have young children, so we can hang out, relax, and if I'm lucky do a little fishing. Would appreciate your input on the following questions: 1. How's the lake for noise? I know any lake can get busy on the weekends, but it's important to us to find a place that is quiet during the week, i.e., not filled with jetskiers & powerboaters roaring around. 2. How's the fishing? 3. Anybody on Chandos who might be interested in meeting up with an OFNCer for a few hours? Thanks, Mike
  13. TJ hasn't been around?? Who's been minding the store?
  14. I like using the "classic" twister tail grubs but I like the look of the minnow-shaped plastics too. I don't fish for walleye often but when I do I almost always jig, trying different colour combos. My best success has come from a yellow or orange grub on a white jig, this is on Canadian Shield lakes that are either clear or tea-stained. Mike
  15. Sounds cool, I read a book a few months ago called The World Without Us, which is also about what the world would be like if we disappeared, e.g., how long before all the buildings crumble, what animal species would bounce back... Mike
  16. But you have to admire their "give it your all" attitude... Mike
  17. I can't believe you were able to get your bike back. Awesome report. Mike
  18. My inlaws bought a cottage a few years ago and I really enjoy going there every summer. But I personally would want the freedom to rent in different locations and explore new lakes and different parts of Ontario. If it's a dream of yours, then I say go for it, I know lots of people who have bought cottages and have offset their mortgages/bills/taxes by renting the weeks they aren't there. The only downside I can think of is if you put your money into a cottage and then can't act quickly if you decide to move out sooner than planned or you can get a house for a good price. Mike
  19. That's great news, we should maybe consider starting a new forum for OFC babies considering how many there have been in the past few months... Mike
  20. Thanks all, it's been great, even with the loss of sleep these first few months and the fact I haven't been fishing since August. Hopefully will get a chance to get out for a few hours at least in the spring. Mike
  21. Have you taken a look at the lodge guides avail from the "old" OFC site? It's got lots of listings for NW Ontario and more remote areas. I've used it a couple of times to find places to stay and have been happy with the results. OFC lodge guide If you want to stick with tent camping, there are some OFC members from NW Ontario and hopefully they will offer some suggestions. Like Squid says, there lots of lakes on Crown land, almost too many to choose from... Mike
  22. Sure is nice to read bass reports in Jan! Nice fish, Mike
  23. I'm impressed that you remember the spoon after 20 something years! Mike
  24. I've had the Fish Easy 2 for years and have had no problems, under $200 and very portable. I've put it on canoes, rental boats, the cottage tinny and have even packed it in my luggage a couple of times for trips I've taken after flying somewhere. Mike
  25. Hi guys, Been quiet for the past few months as I have been really busy with work and with taking care of my son, our first, who we've named Oliver. He already got his first (toy) fishing rod at Christmas, and he seems to like watching fishing shows with his dad. I think he's a bass guy because he doesn't seem too interested if the show's about other species, but if smallies or largemouth are getting caught, he starts paying attention. Can't wait until I can get him out for some panfish off the cottage dock. Looking forward to catching up on OFC and making some posts once in a while. Happy belated new year to all, Mike
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