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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Got my box yesterday and have been fiddling around with it.

    Seems decent so far. The main reason I got it was because my streaming laptop is old and starting to have issues.

    I installed the NHL app on my box and it's super sweet!!!

    ​It's actually crisper than my HD channels on my Bell dish.

    Way better quality than the old laptop for sure. :)


    GO LEAFS GO!!!!! :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Im sure there are good reasons for it to yo-yo


    There aren't!!!

    Just trying to make some extra $$$$ of'n y'all.

    Our fuel prices stay pretty much the same for years with just the very odd change up and then back down.

    This happens at most once a year.

    Ontario fuel pricing is a complete ripoff and if you don't think the oil companies are colluding down there I have some sweet swamp land in Florida for sale!!!! :tease::tease::tease:


    You'd hand it to me in the 1/4 mile for sure.  Diesels don't make the best 1/4 racers with the gearing they've got.   BTW, the GN is one of my all time fav cars.  I remember seeing those cars as a kid and just drooling.   


    With my current tune I've pretty much maxed out fuel and the turbos (33psi at WOT).   As you know the more power you want the more expensive it gets, lol.    Methanol is next and will give me another nice bump in hp.


    Got any pics of that GN?


  4. I'm surprised it's that cheap up your way to be honest.


    13 or so years ago when gas was around $.85 I was paying $1.89 ish in ear falls and that hardly far up north


    Yeah, it's really not that bad.

    It has been @ $1.139 for several years with the occasional rise and lower like this.

    The last time I drove to Ontario @ Christmas a few years ago it was 1.13 here and way more in Northern Ontario.

    At the time it was more than that in Southern Ontario.

  5. Pulled a guy like him that was stuck on the beach in Alaska.

    He was driving a Suburban and stuck er good.

    Hooked er up and yanked it out. Joked with my buddy about filming it and posting on FB.

    Big bad GM has to get towed by a Honda!!! :whistling:

    Dude got all embarrassed. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

  6. One bad game lol...you laff fans would give a nut to have him and you would be lying if you said you wouldn't.

    2 time Norris winner, should have been 4 times.

    He lost his partner in Methot, had surgery, missed the training camp and first 5 games of the season. He comes back and gets 9 assists in 3 games and you guys on bashing him for 1 off game.

    No wonder you cheer for a team that sucks as bad as the laffs, you know nothing about hockey!

    By the way is that 3 losses in a row for the laffs?

    Who did they lose to and by how much last night?







    He is the best player in the NHL and they don't have bad games.

    Therefore he is not the best player in the NHL!!! :tease::tease::tease::tease:


    Silver is the best colour for "looking" clean.

    Black, not so much!!!! :whistling:

    Can't remember the last time I washed my Pilot.

    Think it may have been last year. :unsure:


    Just remembered it was the end of June when I got back from Edmonton and the puppy repair facility.

    There was a bug on the grill.






    Next spring try my Pam Veggie oil spray trick to keep bugs from sticking like tar on feathers. We get hoards of bugs along the lakeshore that look like plumes of smoke 100' high and they sound like an electrical pump 1/2 KM away. It used to take me until July to get them critters off the front of the car and truck. Just give them a wipe and they are gonezo. It works.



    I usually don't have this issue. Had to drive to Edmonton on zero notice to get my sick pooch looked after.

    Not nearly as bad up here in Yellowknife. Down by Ft. Providence and South to the border with Alberta and Northern Alberta are pretty infested. ^_^

  8. Jealous, I wouldn't even care about keeping it clean lol.


    But silver seems pretty good at "looking clean" withing reason of course.


    Silver is the best colour for "looking" clean.

    Black, not so much!!!! :whistling:

    Can't remember the last time I washed my Pilot.

    Think it may have been last year. :unsure:


    Just remembered it was the end of June when I got back from Edmonton and the puppy repair facility.

    There was a bug on the grill.



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