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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Ya'll c'mon up!!! I'll fire up the still!!!!
  2. Up here that is pretty much every day between December & March!!! Suck it up buttercup!!!!
  3. It would be a side trip from the steelhead waters.
  4. If I can't afford to pay off a vehicle in 60 months I'm not buying it. I did the 10 year route on my boat though. But I still have it after nearly 24 years.
  5. Just kiddin' buddy. Lets hope all goes well for you and the fam in 2015.
  6. Yeah, don't waste your time it's a lost cause!!!!!
  7. I would go just to see Dawn Wells. Still lookin' fine after all these years,
  8. Those Caravan's are nice planes. We used them up @ the lodge on Bear on turnover days to shuttle guests to the main lodge. One year there was a group that came up to the main lodge with their own Caravan on floats. The inside was all spiffy with leather etc. The flew out to different areas of the lake each day and had a pair of inflatables with outboards. Would love to be able to do that.
  9. My goal is to get my 24x36 1/2 loft cabin framed and dried in. Hopefully I can get a friend or two to lend a hand. Doing it solo will probably kill me!!!!
  10. -28 with -36 windchill here. We have plenty of ice and a good snow base for sledding.
  11. Did they remove the dams in Baxter and on the Pine. Pretty sure they are obstructions and were probably man made. OH, and please never stock steelhead in the Notty. It is a special and unique strain that should never be polluted with inferior genes.
  12. I just find bass fishing shows about as exciting as watching paint dry or grass grow Ryan!!!
  13. You won't be sorry. Plasma is way better than LCD/LED. IMHO Just wish my Panasonic was bigger.
  14. I will tune in for the trout shows for sure. I don't watch bass fishing however. Not a bass to be found anywhere near me.
  15. Be even better with a set of tracks for the winter.
  16. Anyone got $155K they can lend me? https://www.watercar.com/index.php
  17. It's still redonkulous!!!! Don't pull up on this door handle or it will break. To open the hood you need two people and two screwdrivers. And you get to wait a minute and a half for the fuel door to open. ​Stupid that you can't open the hood. That means you need to make an appointment to have the coolant level checked.
  18. After watching this video of the BMW i8 I can honestly say there is no way I will ever own a BMW. The designers were obiusly on crack when they came up with this design.
  19. Yeah, go back and try some on. Guessing is not the way to go.
  20. When I lived in Grand Valley I just walked down to my pond with a shovel. Instant rink!!!
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