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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I have a tool kit in my dry storage in case of emergencies like that.

    Just a small socket/screwdriver/wrench/pliers set from CT.

    I think I paid $49 on sale years ago. It's in it's own plastic case and sits in my dry storage behind my seat.

    There is only very minor surface rust after being in there for 15 years or so. ;)

  2. There are several States where carrying a gun is quite common, I think FL is one of them. I would be interested in knowing how they stack up against Ontario as far a violent crimes are concerned.


    To me it makes sense that if only the criminals have guns then they have little to fear except the police who I believe are often out numbered and in many cases out guned. If everyone carried a gun most criminals would think twice about walking into a bank or store and pulling a gun (well any of the smart ones would)..


    Our government already DICTATES so much of our lives and then turn around and tell us that this is a democracy. I believe that what we have is just a dictatorship with many heads. Vote for whoever you want, they give themselves lavish pensions, raises, fill their friends pockets, lie, steal from us and spend our money to make themselves look good. Then they give us back a pittance of what they have already taken from us and try to make us believe they are doing something good for us!


    FL is one state that allows carry as well as Texas, Alaska and others.

    There are a lot of violent acts all across the US. Alaska has more murders than Ontario does in a year with less than 700,000 people.

    Having said that, the most violent place in the US is Chicago and they don't allow carry (open or concealed).

    To me it seems that the problem exists with the US' way of dealing with background checks. The reason I believe you see much less gun violence in Canada is because of our laws regarding training and the PAL.

    I would think if the US would introduce mandatory training and an acquisition type license there would be far fewer issues.


    As it is you go into a gun shop and fill out the paperwork and a week later you come and pick up your gun.

    Minor BG check and no firearms training needed.

  3. I had a large musky attack the prop on my first boat back in the early 80's.

    I had a 12' tinny and 5.5 Ob. As soon as I popped it into gear and started forward there was a thump.

    I saw a 30#+ ski come up and roll in the prop wash.

    Never had a pike do that. ;)

  4. Id love to see a castle law!


    But police/justice system seems weird on this stand.


    Years ago I had a break in called 911 and we have really long wait times for police around here. After off the phone with 911 the police called and i was informed "i could remove the intruder from my house and property by any means necessary. Dont kill them unless you feel you have to"


    Well the intruder was drunk and i couldnt see a weapon but I had 5 kids in the house and said person was trying to grab my daughter.


    I opted baseball bat instead of shotgun in that situation.


    Well i also powerbombed him off my deck and restrained him no so comfortably for 30 minutes till the police arrived.


    Upon arrival the police said I made a good call but did have the right to shoot if I chose. He said especially since the intruder touched my daughter i had every right to fire.


    Anyhow, its kinda weird and seems to go almost on the judgement of the officer(s).


    Im not even sure what the EXACT laws are for protecting your house and property???


    Yes, shooting an intruder is fine.

    The only real issue is all the clean up after!!!! :whistling:

  5. Took the day off work as it was forecast to be a good one.

    No wind for most of the day and mostly sunny skies.

    Was a pretty frosty ride up the lake @ 40 MPH this morning.

    Got the front gable and roof sheathing done. I also got the tarp properly secured.

    Just have the back gable and roof sheathing left to finish.








    If you will remember Harper didn't want to run a deficet but it was a minority govt and the liberal and NDP said if he didn't try to spend his way out of the recession they would vote his budget down and trigger an election so he just reied to make them happy


    Did they make him throw away environmental protection of our waters too? :angry:


    Apparently she is YOUR queen too then.


    The Royals have limited power to influence anything other than patriotic and dangerously jingoistic fervour amongst the faithful, maybe if they did have some political clout of their own they would actually be worth the millions of pounds the tax payer pays them.


    Don't be dissin' my Royal Homies!!!! :angry:








  8. This just showed up in my FB feed. :)



    A Note from the CSFL

    On September 15, 2015, the Top Bass Tournament Series released a statement that there were two cages holding bass found on Balsam Lake, one found prior to their Classic, the other found during the event.

    The CSFL would like to applaud the anglers in all their efforts in outing these perpetrators through social media. Your voices have been heard loud and clear, in seeking well deserved closure, and important lessons learned in protocol to assure conviction.

    The CSFL would like to reassure anglers, sponsors and followers of the sport, that this type of behaviour is not common in competitive fishing. There has been only two other recorded incidences within thirty years in Southern Ontario, both with convictions. The CSFL’s expectation of its anglers is to maintain the highest level of professionalism just as they can trust the CSFL to do the same in upholding its position as an organizer to maintain the integrity of the sport, in deterring this type of behaviour and ensuring that the CSFL is not opposed to utilizing the lie detector test and working with law enforcement to make examples of those who think they can take advantage of the dedicated anglers and organizer’s trust. This type of behaviour will not be tolerated and will not be welcomed in any CSFL event or any CSFL supported events.

    The CSFL is confident that with a little patience the authorities will put this matter to rest.

    Andrew Pallotta
    Competitive Sport Fishing League



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