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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. They were mentioning that on the radio. In Leafs games, they never give away jerseys, the contests are small and sub par even when they have them and they are always a sponsored contest. Drop your $400 at the door. Feed from the trough. Don't forget your complimentary kick in the backside on your way out.


    At the Canucks game they were celebrating the 10th anniversary of Tampa winning the cup, so they were giving out replica Stanley Cup Rings.


    My buddy Sam and I mugging it up in the stands. :D






    Maybe the Leafs will do this for their fans on the 50th anniversary of their last Cup win. :whistling:

  2. This sounds fantastic.


    They released a list of all 122 'big four' professional sports franchises ranking them on various categories. Best bang for your buck, most enjoyable experiance, most championships and liklyhood to win more.


    Tampa was the top NHL team at 3rd. The leafs were 122/122. I bleed blue and white but I agree with the list.



    It is!!! It's great value for $$$ and a ton of fun!! :D




















    They have a pair of these Tesla coils mounted in the ceiling.

    They go off at the beginning of each period and after every TB goal.



  3. No it's much better in Tampa!!!

    Big tail gate party before the game with music and booze!!!

    Rum and cokes you can drink in your seat.

    Chillin' in your shorts!!!

    A much nicer barn than the ACC too.

    Lots of give aways and hot cheer leaders.

    For $150 I can get 1st or 2nd row tickets which include a private before game party.

    Free food and booze all night and a shindig with the players after.

    And they have real fans not just a bunch of suits in $400 seats.

  4. i have a pair of leaf tickets here in my hands. march 3rd. against the wild.


    just purples...but seated....row 6, 2nd level.


    90 dollars plus 8.90 service. So, not sure the standing room only price, but I have a pair in my hands here, $200 for two, and again, 6th row, 2nd level.


    each to their own I guess.





    edit: I do agree on the top end prices. My ticket stub from Leafs / Montreal opener this year, platinum, 3rd row is $445 / ticket. Now, that is crazy. But no one really pays those prices...corporations do.


    But real fans purchase tickets for sure.....just not platinum's.


    I've looked at a few ticket resellers and there is virtually no single tickets to be had.

    Always 2 or more and $80+ each.

    I looked at tickets like the ones I get in Tampa and they go for $300-$800 ea with 2 ticket min.

    In Tampa I get those tickets for $100 on the high end and $30 on the low end.

    100 level rows 3-5!!!! :)

  5. rippin on the Leafs??? I bleed blue and white. Too many corporate seats and too high prices for the other seats = a crowd of nerd, executroids. I've been to more Leaf games than you've had hot meals (playoffs too).


    I'l be in Ontario in December take me!!! :whistling:

    I was checking out Leafs game pricing and...........................................................NOPE..................Too rich for my blood.

    Really? $90 for nose bleed standing room only? PUHLEEEEEESE!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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