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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. The mines here give preference to aboriginals. They have deals in place for hiring quotas.


    I hate to say it but most dont make it.(long term)


    The ones that do are the best workers ever though


    Wanna laugh at work?work with natives the jokes never end



    Yes they have quotas here as well but it's no where near as bad as the Territorial govt's hiring rules.

  2. Rick not to take away from this thread at all but in fairness dave the p1 and 2 are keeping some very qualified people out of the mines just saying. qualified at heavy equipment and policing but because a person is p3 its gutter ball material up here, yes the mines are great but u have to get through the territorial politics first, sorry Rick for posting, u have been given some great advice and u know our family thoughts are with you


    The mines aren't run by the govt and aren't under the same hiring rules.

    If they were there wouldn't be more Newfies here than Newfoundland!! :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease:

  3. Out here the mines are one of the biggest employers.

    They pay very well and treat their employees like gold.

    Excellent compensation for working on site, health and retirement plans etc.

    Most in camp positions are 2 weeks in 2 weeks out. 7 days a week/12 hours a day.

    Of course you get a 2 week vacation every month which isn't that bad.

    Lots of families here with a parent working 2 in 2 out in the mines.

  4. I'm having some significant difficulty figuring out who I should lend my support to; I don't trust any of them to do the right thing for the people of the country.

    The fact that Uncle Katy is supporting Justin, just sounds like an extension of the provincial Liberals, then anything else to me. i guess that if Uncle Katy supports it, I just have to consider my position with her and look elsewhere.

    On topic, 90K per year is not an un-common salary for professionals in the business world; especially in the large metropolitan areas. How do you think people can afford a $900k house in the GTA?



    2 years ago the average yearly salary in Yellowknife was $97,000 according to the local news outlets. :w00t:

  5. I remember back to one of the first debates where Mulcair just kept saying "what's the number, Justin." It was comical and Trudeau nenver, ever mentioned what his number was.


    Facts are facts - the vast majority of people/families identify themselves as middle class, even if they aren't. That's part of how shady and aloof this guy is. Can't be trusted.


    Nice hair though!!!! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:

  6. Actually #4 is not a wasted vote if enough people have the courage to do it.

    It will send a strong message to the top parties when they see that they all lost votes to an under dog.

    I plan to vote for the only alternative to the big three as I would hate myself if I voted Blue, Red or Orange in this election.


    Send a message Cliff and vote for one of the under dogs in your area!!! :good: :good:

  7. So the first two games I tried to watch but could not get past the half way mark.

    It hurts my eyes.


    Obviously you are not watching the games properly.

    Sounds like there is a lack off booze involved here!!!

    I managed to watch the whole game but it took a few extra drinks!!!! :whistling:

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