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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016


    Just to set the record straight, lead shot was banned for hunting migratory birds in 1999 (16 years ago). Lead shot is still legal for other purposes, is readily available and is widely used for many things as are full choke barrels.


    Actually Migratory waterfowl. Migratory birds such as woodcock can be hunted with lead even though you need a migratory bird permit to hunt them.

    And you are correct that there are many uses for full choked barrels, even extra full chokes (turkey). ;)


    That was over 25 years ago old man...........lead hasn't been legal for at least that long and no one uses 36" full choke shotguns anymore and those were NOT ducks you killed at 125 yard where they ? ? ?


    Let's bring this discussion back to reality and modern times.


    No they were not ducks, they were larger fish stealing birds. ;)

    Also my old double gun was purchased to shoot classic doubles sporting clay and trap competitions.

    Just so happens it makes a great long distance fish stealing deterrent.

    The shells were my old pre-ban goose loads.

  2. Have not hunted in years; but when I was a teen-ager some 50 plus years ago. I would prefer to shoot ducks on the water. I would wait until they grouped up and then "harvest" them. Most were head shots which dispatched them immediately leaving the breasts untouched. Easier to retrieve as well without searching through a whole bunch of cat-tails searching for downed birds.


    This was pond hunting; not driving up on them in moving boats close to docks. I see your point Cliff.


    We would do that as well.

    Let the birds come in to the deeks and when the first few hit the water pop up out of the blind and pop em.

  3. I'm going back 30 years ago when we had a camp on the Ottawa. I didn't hunt but the guys would shoot waterfowl and I was told NO you can't shoot a sitting duck. It must of changed if it's legal now, I would be mad as hell to Cliff especially for these lugins shooting at shore, that's just stupid. A well placed throw of a stone in the middle of the flock would piss them off I bet, or a blast from a safety horn. Idiotos.


    Unfortunately, you would then be doing something illegal.

  4. I bought my crossbars online for my Honda Pilot.

    When I got my yak I purchased as set of Malone Saddle Up Pro kayak saddles that fit on my Honda cross bars.

    Got them off Amazon while I was in the US last year.




    Had a set of the J racks and didn't like them. They kept coming loose on my bars and almost fell off on the interstate because of it.

  5. i am at a dealer and a oil change is in the $50 range for most cars up to around $200 for the eco diesel.

    lof always falls to the low man, if available us bestest mechanics are usually doing something like putting a ring and pinion in or putting clutches and steels in a transmission unless you want the kids trying that lol


    That's correct.

    We know how busy Chrysler is replacing transmissions and rear ends in Ram trucks.

    It's amazing dealers have the time to even do an oil change!!! :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease:

  6. You can't get a regular oil change up here for $80!!!

    And synthetic is $150-$200 to have done here.

    It costs me about $50 to do a synthetic oil change with a good Fram filter.

    Some times less depending on if my oil is on sale or not.

    I usually pick up a couple of jugs when it comes on sale @ CT. ;)

  7. So I heard today that apparently the rape kit has been tampered with. Not sure what side is responsible, but it looks like it can no longer be used as evidence against Kane. Heard it on OTR by a lawyer that was interviewed by Landsberg. It was ripped open and left on the front porch of the victims mothers home. Don't know how to give you the link, but typing Pat Kane in google will give you the info. I don't like to speculate, but this is huge for Kane getting off.


    The police are quoted as saying that all of the evidence is intact and in the property room including the rape kit.

    So who do you believe?

  8. I always keep a water proof container with TP, matches, flash light, spare plugs in my boat.

    I also have a spare prop and flo torque hub kit as well as a spare prop nut and a prop nut wrench in my boat.

    I have a small compressor & tire pressure guage I keep in the truck for filling low tires etc.

    Also have a 4 way tire wrench along with the original vehicle lug wrench.

    On long trips I keep a spare bearing set, grease and tools in the tow vehicle. Don't do many long trips anymore though.

    The next one will probably be in 12 years and I retire to Northern BC. :D




    Forgot an important piece of info.

    Twice a year I go over my trailer looking for loose brackets, broken bolts, broken welds and broken spring leaves. I've seen what happens when you ignore these things.


    There was a guy last year or the year before trailering his big pontoon boat back to town and had a spring break. When it let go it ripped the axle right off the trailer!!!!


    Years ago while doing one of my inspections I found a broken weld on one of my spring hangers. If I hadn't noticed I could have ended up in the same predicament.

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