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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. A few weeks ago I posted about a guy shooting ducks out in front of our place and the fact I had called MNR and reported him for a couple of things, shooting from a moving boat, traveling with his gun not cased and loaded, shooting toward shore. I was disapointed that I didn't hear back and finally just wrote it off.


    Well it's Sunday afternoon and MNR just called, it seems they might have a lead and even know who the culpert is and wanted to know if I could send them the picture I have. Picture sent!!!!!!!


    Just made my day!!!!!




  2. Well if you think you have it bad..................................you don't!!!

    Up here in Yellowknife the price is 19.21 cents per KWH up to 1000KWH.

    You don't want to know what it is over that.


    That's not just on peak, it's every hour of every day!!!!


    And our power is heavily subsidized due to the low population as well as drought issues we are having.

    They are using $50,000 worth of diesel a day to get enough power because our local hydro plant doesn't have enough water to run @ full production.


    Kind of makes that 8.3 cent off peak price seem pretty much free doesn't it? :whistling:

  3. Pretty sure it should be an RG-6 cable - should be printed on the cable itself. Just phone the satellite service you're thinking of using and check with them. I'd let them worry about the install - they've got all the toys to set it up and a van load of stuff to do it. They used to give enough programming credits to offset the install cost, not sure how they do it now.




    Yes you do. Too much loss with regular RG-59 cable.

    RG-59 is the regular cable they use for cable TV.

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