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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Ummmm. They are videotaping every strategic bombing to avoid being blamed in any type of false flag operaration


    The US blamed them of bombing two hospitals, that was determined to be a lie.


    They are documenting and releasing info of bombings unlike the coalition.


    They are covering their as....







  2. If you ask me, we should all mind our own business and take care of our issues in our own country before worrying about the rest of the world. We have plenty of people living on the streets here in Canada, why bring a bunch of refugees over here?

    Look after our own problems and when all has been fixed on the home front, then and only then worry about the rest of the planet!!

  3. You can't make this .... up!!! :wacko:





    (Innisfil, ON) Sometimes, our officers see things that are hard to believe.

    Early on Saturday, October 31, 2015, around 1:00 a.m., officers were dispatched to the Stroud Arena for a fight call. When they arrived on scene, they saw a man in costume as the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, being treated by paramedics. Three ladies, dressed as Dorothy, Glinda the Good Witch, and the Wicked Witch of the East, told the officer that the Tin Man had been punched by his friend the Scarecrow. The Scarecrow didn't have the brains to stick around, and ran away with the Cowardly Lion.

    Turns out the Tin Man didn't have the heart to lay charges against his friend, and refused to tell the officers anything. He was treated for minor injuries.

    Officers believe alcohol was involved.




  4. There were two pictures.

    One was inferred as Moonshine in the form of Maple syrup. :dunno:

    The other was what appeared to be MJ. :dunno:


    Both must have been illegal to have been taken down. :whistling:


    It's kinda sad someone would actually post illegal moonshine on the site and pass it off as Maple Syrup.

    There is nothing legal about moonshine.

    Now MMJ on the other hand is legal here in Canada.

    To post illegal MMJ would be on that same line as well.


    Funny how back words the ideals of some people are in this regard.

    More hypocritical from a lack of knowledge really.






    I don't know what the big deal is?

    Here's my uncle Cletus running a batch of home brew!!! :jerry:



  5. Seems you have to watch out for these things in the big O!! :w00t:


    From the Mason Dixon Boys FB page



    This is a real Gator taken out of Lake okeechobee, FL. We are still getting a confirmation on size and weight . Thanks for the picture Jim Mccoin.






  6. Anyone know how the laffs are doing?


    Reminds me of a good joke.


    What goes 1-7-2 Thud?






    The laffs hitting rock bottom!




    Things are going perfectly!!!

    Lot better chance @ the #1 draft pick finishing in the basement.

    Don't expect to see a lot of improvement for at least a couple of years.


    By that time the Sens if they're lucky will be able to say "well we gave it a good go but lost in the 1st round again". :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease: :tease:

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