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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I guess it is trending upward again, but there is no scoring anymore. How many 50 goal scorers do you see? The whole game now is get it to the point, have the guy blast it at 100 mph and hope for a tip or a screen in front. You get the odd burst of speed and skill, but coached hockey like this can get boring really fast. Worse than football. lol


    The one thing I will say though, is I'm glad with the new style of hockey there isn't room for goons anymore. But at the same time I wish there was more room for the real skill guys to skate and make plays. The 3 on 3 overtime is a blast to watch, just for that (until coaches find a way to ruin it).


    It would be nice if they made all the rinks Olympic size.

    There really isn't much room on the ice with the size of players these days.

  2. Bummer...what a shame...Thanks for letting me and others know. Much appreciated!



    Dumb if you ask me.

    I was there in '92 when the Jays won their first WS in Atlanta.

    35,000 people all donated $5 to get in and that was given to charity.

    The stadium made $$$$ on food, drinks etc.

    It was an awesome evening!!!

    Just me and 34,999 of my closest friends watching the game on the big screen!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:

  3. No, not at all. And cannabinoids stay in the system long since they like fat cells.


    Only way I could tell is the pupil test.


    But i am positive a simple test could easily be designed to measure cannabinoids in the bloodstream. It wouldnt be hard



    All of the states that have legalized weed have blood tests that are administered when one is suspected of driving under the influence.

    The test measures the amount of THC in the system and if above a certain level you are considered impaired just like if you had too much to drink.


    Unfortunately there is no roadside breathalyzer type test.

    The cops are trained in spotting the symptoms of stoned people.


    Even if a breathalyzer is used road side to arrest someone for alcohol impairment they do several tests back @ the station in order to confirm the fact the person is drunk.

  4. I don't know where these old fart politicians who have never smoked pot went to school, but I went to U of T '69 to 74, which would correspond to when most of the old farts were educated. 5 years I stayed in a men's residence that housed students taking professional degrees, doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, pharmacists, architects and even lowly foresters like me. THEY ALL SMOKED :tease:





    Found this old pic of you Dave!! :D



  5. I have been of the mind that pot should be made legal for many years now.

    FYI, I don't partake in it but drinking and cigarettes are much worse health wise.

    If legalized across the country the taxes from sales of it will really help pay down the debt if handled properly.


    It will also free up our police to concentrate on more serious crimes and free up space in the jails.


    When pot was legalized in Colorado there was $60,000,000 in sales in the first month alone!!!!


    We will have to wait and see what happens.

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