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Posts posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. i dont really want to see pot taxed and sold in stores, there would be too much administration and bureaucratic effort, it would also put it under government control like everything else we complain about. Just make it legal (or decriminalize) to grow it at home. That would give it back to the people and gangs would have much less power/money.


    All of the states that have legalized it allow a certain amount to be grown @ home for personal use.

    Having it sold in dispensaries like booze will allow those that don't have the time or ability to grow their own to have access.

    No different than brewing your own beer or wine.

  2. I'd also be looking to tangle with monster pike if I were Alaska bound.


    Alaska is not the place for monster pike.

    There are a few places with some trophys but there are way better options in Canada for the species.

    Now a trip to the Kobuck for world record size Inconnu is another story. :good::good:


    All my Alaskan friends want to come and fish my water for big poikes. :whistling:

  3. Gbay-some adults choose to buy pot rather than put clothes on their kids backs or food on the table. That's an issue when you look at a family living in poverty. Kids suffer because of the choice made by their parent.


    Some parents also buy fancy cell phones and big screen TV's but get food stamps and welfare from the government.

    They spend their $$$ on non-essentials while their kids go without essential items.


    Both these scenarios are about poor choices nothing more.

  4. Our sick leave accumulates and there is no maximum.

    We do however have to use it for sick leave, and after 3 consecutive days need a Dr's note.

    We also can not cash the days out which is the way it should be.

    The same goes for special leave when there is a family emergency.


    We are only allowed to carry over 1 years worth of annual and lieu time as well.

    We are paid out for any time over that.

    Personally I would rather have the time than the $$$$

    I've been paid out a couple of times and it sucks. :(

  5. You got that right.

    He tells it like it is and holds everyone accountable.

    I was very happy when Babs signed on as the Leafs coach and this is the reason why.

    He will given time mold the Leafs into a winner. Just watch. ;)


    He is right that the team did not play well last night like they had in previous games this year.

    His dressing room speech during the second intermission did some good though as the team picked it up in the third.


    PK in the last couple of games as well as inconsistent goal tending are big issues.


    GO LEAFS GO!! :)

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