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Everything posted by scuro2
Nice beautiful fish...thanks.
Yup I am thinking of a classic flutter spoon like a Sutton spoon that can be wafer thin and weigh next to nothing. Some are thicker and longer but most people wouldn't cast even the thickest and longest spoon they make. Your spoon has the same sort of profile but looks chunky. Totally different action in the water.
Flutter spoons flutter because they weigh next to nothing. If there is any sort of slack in the line the spoon flutters slowly downwards. Bass do like flutter spoons but they like many things. These spoons can not be cast so you would have to troll them and somehow get them down to the desired depth. Too much bother if something else will work just as good.
Could be catfish.
Water is still too warm for that. I thought trout were supposed to be "on" in the fall. It is actually tougher than fishing in the summer!
Been fishing a not so big lake that is dammed on the outflow. I had bows all dialed in at the end of August but today I went out and nada. So how to bows transition from late summer into the fall?
Big...big fish.
Most determined fishermen can get the 40. Many a fishermen have spent a live time in pursuit of a 50.
ADMIN what happend to the gun registry disscussion
scuro2 replied to chessy's topic in General Discussion
The thread took the direction of all the threads on issues like guns or climate change. Initially a few good posts are made but as soon as anyone can make the opposing argument the majority of Cons throw civility out the window. Soon the reasonable people leave the thread and you end up having numerous cons making personal attacks on one or two people. That is because too many cons are certain that they know the issues but all too often they may have little more then a basic understanding of the topic and even that understanding can be faulty. Rather then educating themselves through civil discussion they attempt to "win" the argument the only way they know how. It's really pathetic that they can't use their minds to persuade people and even more pathetic that not one reasonable conservative pleaded for civility. -
ADMIN what happend to the gun registry disscussion
scuro2 replied to chessy's topic in General Discussion
The Harris-Decima survey conducted for The Canadian Press says that both before and after the release of the report, about 52 per cent of respondents said the registry does some good and should be kept. Facts seemed to be bugging some people. -
It looks like Leaf fans will have the last laugh this year. P-R-I-C-E
"Relax, chill out," the Montreal Canadiens goalie said Thursday. "We've got lots of time. We're not winning the Stanley Cup in the first exhibition game." The comments came a day after Price was booed as he allowed four goals on nine shots in a 4-2 pre-season loss to the Boston Bruins."It wasn't a good performance, obviously," he said at practice. "It's not how I planned things. http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/story/2010/09/23/sp-price-fans.html#ixzz10OuO5DHg Poor Pricey...he feels the pressure....WILT. Those Montreal fans can be so mean! http://www.talk-sports.net/nhl/sucks.aspx/Carey_Price
"Montreal goalie Carey Price gave up four goals on just nine shots in a 4-2 loss to the Boston Bruins on Wednesday". :clapping: :clapping: He even has his own website http://www.talk-sports.net/nhl/sucks.aspx/Carey_Price Habs fans fired the first shot this season on OFC but you traded your best player by far away. How Stoopid!!!! I believe all the bad hab fan Carma will turn on the team this season. Best of luck hab fans yousa gonna need it!
Loverly!! Thanks for posting.
been out of the country for the last 10 years?
That was the pic that caught my eye. How long did he stand there holding bass and drinking beer?
The end result of cheap boltcutters...hook in Fishermen. The blood on fish belongs to him too!
I was impressed too by the RB. Never knew they were down 30 ft!!
I'm new to any type of trout fishing that isn't laker fishing. Gotta say I love these pictures.
Here is the update on my daughter's Good Life Fitness account. "Patch" the President of Good Life Fitness did respond to my e-mail!!! "Hi if its re autism its been corrected. Sometimes things get lost went her company stretches countrywide. All the best patch" Well my e-mail wasn't about autism but he did direct my complaints to the, "Supervisor of the Member Experience Department". Finally I got to speak with someone who had a first and last name!! This is what contacting the head honcho will do for you. All the other plebeians with their complaints get hung up on the #1-800 phone tree where no one with a last name will talk to you. The SMED looked into the matter and then responded the very next day!!!!! Hello XXXXX, I have reviewed your daughter's file and would like to explain the reasoning behind the information you were previously given by our Member Experience Department. Although I understand this is not the information you were hoping to receive I can assure you it is correct and want to ensure you have all of the details. When a payment is returned as being unsuccessful it is GoodLife's practice to notify the member using several methods in order to ensure the member gets informed and can clear up any balance right away. When XXXXX's payment for April 9th, 2010 was returned as non-sufficient funds we prepared and sent a letter to the address on file explaining what had happened and that we will be resubmitting that payment into her account on a specified day in the near future. That letter was sent from our office on April 15, 2010 and informed her that the payment would be attempted again with a default charge on May 1st, 2010. XXXXX's next scheduled withdrawal of April 23rd was also returned from the financial institution and similar to above another letter was generated on May 3rd, 2010 to inform her resubmission dates for that payment. Our resubmission process will stop any future payments once the resubmission is also not successful therefore when we attempted to take funds out of her account on May 1st, 2010 and were unable to do so; we discontinued any payments from that date on. We also had an outgoing call sent to the phone number on file on May 19,2010 to inform XXXXX that we need to discuss her membership with her. It appears our first call from XXXXX was received on August 24, 2010. It is unfortunate that XXXXX was charged a considerable amount from her bank however these attempts were made on the payment schedule that was agreed to. I do see that in one of your previous conversations the retrieval of XXXXX's file was discussed; I do urge you to continue to proceed with that request to ensure you have the outline of the terms in the contract. I apologize we are unable to adjust the balance owing however I hope this has given you a better understanding behind our decision. Warm regards, XXXXX XXXXX Here is a pic of my daughter's bank account. The bank had significant difficulty pulling up the totals for the attempted withdraws but one can see four attempts within a month's time. What was irksome was that a manager, administrator, and a SMED all said that GL would never pull funds out of a non-paying account 4 different times. That to me is wrong so I sent this reply to the SMED. Hello again, I do not understand why Good Life would attempt to withdraw ("resubmission") money a 3rd and 4th time, weeks after they had already been unsuccessful twice. This was a minor's account and it stands to reason that if there is no money in the account after two weeks, there will be no money in the account 2 weeks later. You would think that Good Life would personally contact XXXXX to make sure there would be money in the account and to make sure that Good Life's actions did no needless harm to their under aged client. This is a population that generally has little financial experience or money for that matter. Good Life should have phoned promptly and explained what was happening. Contrary to what you stated, Good Life did not attempt to contact my daughter "using several methods...to clear up any balance right away". We are talking about a girl who felt she needed two bank accounts, one to save and one for Good Life. XXXXX mistakenly withdrew money from the Good Life account to "cover" her Good Life payment and drained the wrong account. XXXXX was incredulous that she was receiving your letters and it wasn't until the August 24th phone call and someone talked to her that XXXXX acted. It was with the first phone call that she acted. Had Good Life also only unsuccessfully attempted to withdraw funds twice I'm sure we could have gotten all the NSF charges eliminated bank. We couldn't negotiate that but the bank understood that this is a minor and that they needed to make sure Evelyn comprehended the situation. They reduced their fees. They treated her differently because she is young and didn't comprehend what was happening. Could you please reconsider the circumstances? It would be appreciated. Thanks, XXXXX Well the SMED didn't respond for a week, not even after a second e-mail request to do so, so I forwarded the e-mail to Patch and by coincidence got a response that same day from the SMED. Here it is. Good Afternoon XXXXX, I do apologize for the delay in my response. I have been giving this situation some serious thought. The conclusion that I have come to does not allow me to change the previous answer. In doing so I would be undermining both the associates you have spoken with as well as the policies of GoodLife. Being part of a company that lists Integrity as one of our core values I feel I must uphold the decision that has been made. Best Regards, XXXXX XXXXX To which I replied to Patch and the SMED: Hi XXXXX, Thank you for your prompt reply and consideration. I would have hoped that the issues at hand could have at least potentially trumped group solidarity. Integrity has everything to do with doing the right thing and nothing to do with following policy. That would be especially true for a business that generates all of it's income by building relationships with it's customers. Company policy and employee solidarity dictate that I pay. I hope that no further penalties have been added to the total while these issues were under discussion. Where should I make payment? XXXXX Needless I never got a reply from Patch or the SMED. I did pay and there were no further penalties. My daughter never expected much at all from Good Life but she thought the same from the Royal Bank and was pleasantly surprised that they listened. She paid every penny of GLF's penalties. In her first experiences with private companies she learned about decency and speaking out if you feel something is wrong. My wife is in that pic above too and she was ultimately responsible for paying the missed payments and penalty fees. They both are personable women and would look great on the camera or in a newspaper article. If you know someone who works in a SW ontario tv station or newspaper and thinks they may be interested in this story...pass the thread along. OFNers didn't disappoint the first time when I had become very frustrated by goodlife. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=46589&st=40&p=498593&fromsearch=1entry498593
Couldn't get a pic of the first bow...next three are browns.
Had a few hours to fish on the monday of long weekend and went to my favourite trout lake. I had a bow on within minutes (no pic) but then had some gear problems and then fished for about two hours. A BE-U-tiful fish Another purdy one For some reason they seemed to be gathered within a small area Caught this fellow probably in between 20 and 30 ft. ...and finally my second bow. Had a monster hit as I was coming in. I had no light so I couldn't go back fer her. Next time.