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Everything posted by scuro2

  1. BillyB you get so uppity sometimes...share your brillance with us.
  2. If your politicians (tea party types included) and businesses like Walmart didn't hire them for years on end...you wouldn't have this problem. If you make your bed, then so to you must lie in it. Or do you beleive the US should be a country where you use people to do all the jobs that you don't want to do, pay them very low wages, and then shaft them if they have a life threatening illness? The only free access they have to health care is emergency care. If they seek this health care they can be deported so it's not like they are lining up at clinics to get their ingrown toenails done. Do you honestly believe that the hundred people who got their transplants revoked are all illegal aliens? If not, isn't it a bit disingenuous to blame all of this on illegal aliens.
  3. Governor Jan "Grim Reaper" Brewer has eliminated some organ transplant coverage to medicaid down in Arizona. Looks like when times are tough people die because they can't afford to keep them alive. "Every day, one opens the Arizona Republic newspaper or turns on TV and there is another one of those 100 people telling their story. They need hearts and livers and bone marrow and they cannot believe that one day they were entitled to state-funded transplants and then the next day they were not. So there’s an emotional debate unfolding here. Gov. Jan Brewer is receiving quite a bit of criticism for not calling the Legislature into session to reconsider the cuts. One local columnist, E.J. Montini, dubbed her Dr. Grim Reaper today. The worst part is that the cuts may have been made based on faulty information about the mortality rates of the transplants in question. That is what the American Society of Transplant Surgeons said in a press release today. It quotes Dr. Michael M. Abecassis, the group’s president, as saying: “The exclusion of coverage for these specified transplants is baseless. We have made the case convincingly, yet several patients awaiting transplants are still being denied coverage, putting the lives of Arizona citizens in serious peril.” http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/09/how-is-your-community-dealing-with-budget-woes/
  4. Deep sea is all that I have heard is worth fishing.
  5. Lots of great info to work with and think about, thanks!
  6. Any of you fished this area...seen this lodge? http://www.merseylodge.com/
  7. I've caught mackerel in Cape Breton. When they are on they are on...fish every cast. It was a lot of fun to fish mackerel with my daughters at the time because they were still young. But...I'm looking for more of a challenge. I've heard a lot about stripers...is that time of year the right season?
  8. My mother turns 75 this year so I am taking her to Nova Scotia and staying at a cottage or resort for the week. She normally lingers in bed until 10 and goes to bed early so there is the chance to fish mornings or evenings. She likes to sight see in the car so a location in the central part of the provience near lunenburg or on the corresponding western shore would be ideal. We can go anytime from the 2nd week of July till the 3rd week of August. I have heard about stripers but don't know if that would be a good time to go. I love fishing lakers, brookies...bass if they are big enough. Basically I like fishing anything that is "on". Any suggestions?
  9. Great pics...especially of the fish while you reeled them in.
  10. If it is brookies and lakers you will need some sensitivity because a bit of line will be out and the take is not always strong. I fish browns and bows. The downfall of normal yak fishing is that the rod isn't in your hands unless you are still fishing. The hobbie inflatable allows you to move with foot power so you can hold the rod in your hands. I feel the hits and know a fish hit from weed by feel. The inflatable does not the have the speed of a regular kayak nor would I take it out in cold water if waves or very strong wind was an issue. There are trade offs with everything.
  11. It is not the tarpon season...you would need perfect weather and a good guide to have a shot at inshore tarpon and you may still be skunked. This time of year I think they are fishing reds. It's great to fish on the ocean but if it is not warm do the bass.
  12. Great vid with bears on either side of the shore, if some would have come down the path you came in on you would have been surrounded....were you ever afraid?
  13. BillyB, your country doesn't have a nest egg. You guys sold the farm long ago. Your social security is NOT funded. The US doesn't have a dime in the bank to support future obligations of all the old people. The boomers are tipping the scale now...soon their weight will crush what is paid in. Medicaid is in a similar mess. You've run massive deficits for 10 years and the party will soon be over. On top of that you have the Boomers getting to the age where they are REALLY going to need services and you guys just don't have the money. Too much of your population are simpletons who always voted to get the cheapest taxes possible and soon you are going to have to pay the most MASSIVE credit card debt in history. America WAS the greatest country in the world. Kind of like Britain at the turn of the century...the sun is setting. Yes we are tied to America but who wants to be tied to a dead weight? Resources can be sold to anyone. Canadian companies are already decreasing the amount of business they do with the US. You folks are going to hurt us but the real hurt is already being felt south of the border, you should know this. The US has hurt the whole world with the massive corruption and fraud that you folks call the housing crisis. No one went to jail for that trillion dollar fraud. You guys brought down a number of international banks and small countries with that bogus housing paper. It gets worse, no one is talking solutions down there either. The Tea Party is the answer???? The TP wants more tax cuts and less oversight of the crooks who put you in the spot you are in now.
  14. The US has gone on decades long "cut taxes" bing. There is going to be a lot moaning and gnashing of teeth south of the border when you folks finally pay for what you use. The Boomers are going to explode costs on every government program and you can't even pay for it now. Your social security is totally unfunded as I believe your medicare is also. You haven't balanced a federal budget since Bill Clinton. Your states are going into bankruptcy and are firing firemen, policemen, and teachers to balance the budget. You folks were gullible and believed you could get something for nothing. The rich control your political system and will make certain that they don't pay the bulk of the costs when they come due. Guess what that means for your fellow middle class americans...BB? Do you have a good pension, do have a rather large nest egg? That is what you will need in your old age, that is if some ailment doesn't wipe out your savings and put you in the poor house.
  15. You don't go 20 billion in debt for underselling power. You go 20 billion in debt because nuclear power costs billions and billions of dollars to create, maintain, and then mothball. The government was never properly charging the citizens for the true cost of nuclear power and now everyone is whining about it.
  16. Ontario did price out two plants at $26 billion dollars and thought better of it. Cost overruns are common with Nuclear Power, as are shut down plants, or plants working at a reduced capacity. Then there is the issue of the cost of decommissioning plants and getting rid of the nuclear waste. Canada's nuclear power plants produces hundreds of thousand tons of tailings each year along with 85000 radioactive spent fuel bundles. Where do you think Ontario Hydro's 20 billion dollar debt and the 0.7 ¢/kWh debt reduction charge on your monthly bill came from? Do you actually believe that new Nuclear Power plants are the cheaper long term option...or even the cleaner option?
  17. and... So if demand is going up and there are times in the day and times in the year when Ontario Hydro can't cover our demand. Inputted energy from other provinces and states is expensive and could be unreliable...what solutions do the wise ones on this board have for Ontario's ever growing lack of production? It is like crying over split milk..you can't have what you had before.
  18. Heat can reduced during peak hours if you are not home with a programmable thermostat. Your dishwasher can run anytime of day. Laundry can be done anytime of day. Showering can be done anytime of day. If you are going to use electrical tools or other electrical devices...some of these can be used off of peak hours. Recharging of batteries..etc etc
  19. Solo, what is the length and weight of that lure?
  20. Join this forum. http://www.worldseafishing.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=55
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