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Everything posted by Terry

  1. that would do it where the snowmoblie tracks end , start casting
  2. I couldn't find it at 9am on my bell expressvu guide
  3. I think these guys have huts out on cooks bay DAILY HUT RENTALS Daily Hut Rentals Include: Shuttle out and back via Argo from Glenwoods Ave (and Lake Drive) ramp ONLY, Keswick Heated fish hut accommodates 4 Padded bench seats All minnows for the day Potty facilities Prices Per Person $35.00 Monday to Friday $45.00 Weekends DIRECTIONS North on Leslie or Woodbine Left on Glenwoods Avenue to Lake Drive ramp Some parking left or right of the ramp for early arrivers or park on the ice at your discretion FISHING BUDDY PACKAGE Minimum groups of 4 at B&B Two nights accommodation 2 Big Canadian Breakfasts 2 Hot Lunches delivered to shanty Two days fishing Transport All minnows B&B completely outfitted with all linens, towels etc. Just bring your warm clothes and fishing gear $320.00 Canadian per person We accept Visa and Mastercard, 25% deposit at time of booking (905) 476 2652 We book fast, call soon Follow Directions to B&B, for Fishing Buddy Package only all daily rentals must follow directions to Glenwoods Avenue for shuttle
  4. Stone's Live Bait Rr 1 Apsley, ON K0L1A0 (705) 656-4268 I don't think he is right on 28
  5. I would be on pins ans needles, thinking about going for Accupuncture.... pins and..ah never mind.......lol
  6. so this is how it looked yesterday.... so don't go too far out looking for whitefish cooks bay looks great
  7. " Petrocan north of BPS on the 400 ... they have been a pretty major supplier of minnows for the Lake Simcoe crowd and others heading north " I guess the question is where does he get his minnows from if he buys them from a northern supplier then no problem but, if he get them from the south, he has a problem and he is on the north lanes of a divided hiway, so people picking up minnow have to go north...sure could be a problem
  8. fishinonthebrain, no one is putting you down or anything.......really but about 8 to 15 times a year someone new does start the same thread......and most of us find it funny others go "here we go again" and put in little jabs but it's all good..you didn't know and you just did what so many before you have done...........enjoy the ride
  9. most people put NF in the subject line to show it's not about fishing and when I see a subject line "my truck is in the shop" or whats your favorite music, I figure it out pretty quick that it's not fishing
  10. well it seems the owner and the exowner and some mods and some members are having an argument aobut..well lots of stuff... who know what the final outcome will be but boards do have growning pains and not all plans work out the way they want them too it just went down a little while ago
  11. Classic rock Pink Floyd The Hip
  12. need my fishfinder.......... can't live without it
  13. anyone that calls them "pickerel." must be OK welcome aboard
  14. I do believe he is renting it in mid July and when he said Has anyone fished there during this time, he meant july not now, but thats my opinion and what do I know......
  15. not at all .. I know what you are saying..but some of the people who emailed me are afraid to say anything negative on the board and to show support they send an email or pm....I myself always say what is on my mind...the good the bad and the ugly... I like this board or I wouldn't be here......just level the playing field, everyone like to know where they stand and no one likes it when someone else seems to have special privileges
  16. well I think I did say what the main problem is and how to fix it as charlesn just said, one person can do/say/post anything and the next person get shut out time and time again..there doesn't seem to be one rule for everyone...make one rule for posting and stick to it and atlest people will come to expect what is happening but this on again off again, is confussing a lot of people and making lots of people think you are picking on them, well that what I am getting from the many emails and PM people are sending me... yes the board is changing and yes it seems you are trying to go a different direction but it was the members and the threads that made the website what it is today and I can only guess the big changes is to try to make money, to get sponsors/ads from this site, instead of it just being a part of a bigger business..which you sure have every right to do..... ...............but .....................
  17. and TJs hunting threads are what........ you guys are killing a good website, from where I stand...
  18. again..the word MAY is the problem..do it to all or none and the world would be a better place.....
  19. I think as long as they set themselves a set of rules and stick to them all will be good.. but with what seems to be off the wall, good one day bad the other day, good for one mod bad for the other mod.. good for one member bad for other members...system of deleting or locking threads..stinks.... a level playing field and clear rules for everyone would go a long way to holding on to members that are showing up on other boards in big numbers
  20. "As you will notice in your terms of service, any question as to reasons for a thread being pulled are to be done by PM." we can still carp about it...can't we
  21. yeah they show someones butt..that's ok people post.. about how to bring fishing stuff across the border without getting caught and having to pay duties and gst but you can't say poker.... but GOD does gets to inflict his morals on everyone else doesn't he
  22. anal.......... .......amazing / amusing what get pulled these days
  23. Headhunter, now that's funny.......lol
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