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Everything posted by mattyk

  1. nice catfish!
  2. very nice report, thanks for sharing!
  3. wow, some great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  4. great picutres, thanks for sharing!
  5. Sad to hear something like this. Pretty soon every thing will be privatized and only the rich will be able to use our natural resources. However, people should be aware of the crap that they leave behind. I have seen it so many times when i go to one of my favorite spots around the GTA and find empty Tim Horton cups, empty minnow boxes, cigarette packages, etc.
  6. that last picutre of the pike was pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.
  7. nice pictures. I tell ya, there is no respect these days. People are so rude!!! Sorry about the bad experience.
  8. i saw it on a cooking show once and it looked pretty good. now i need to eat lunch cause of all this food talk.
  9. very cool, thanks for posting the pic!
  10. atleast you caught some fish, thanks for sharing.
  11. thanks for sharing you pics!
  12. those are some bigguns.
  13. nice report, those food pics look real good.
  14. very cool, thanks for sharing.
  15. nice report, thanks.
  16. nice pike!
  17. nice little muskie, very pretty colours.
  18. nice report, thanks for sharing.
  19. thats really cool!
  20. very nice, thanks for sharing!
  21. nice trip thanks for posting pics.
  22. nice picture, thanks for sharing!
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