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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Hmm, unless I can't read, the first link is to the MNR Ontario regs(the common ones everybody reads) and the second one is Ontario fishery regulations, absolutely nothing to do with Federal.

    The second link is a GOC link for the federal justice dept, pertaining to the Fisheries Act. Act being assented by the Governor General , not Lieutenent Governor, under the advice of the Minister for DFO. If you look at some of the season dates (ie Pike and walleye cosing Apr 15th), they don't jive with provincial dates. One date for all zones.The link is also for a document dated in 2007. Even the MNR made numerous changes to the Regs in 2008.

    You would be amazed at just how much duplication and contradiction there is between the Feds and the province. Even between different govt agencies at the same level of govt..

  2. Dyspepsia isn't too dramatic a problem. In fact, pretty common. A lot to do with diet and your metabolism.


    Start eating a lot more fruit. At least with every meal. Here is the tough one. Knock off the highly processed foods, deep frieds, baked. Alcohol, coffee and tea can also be a problem.


    I love pasta, KD, etc.. but hardly touch the stuff. One serving will have me bloated, distended, and uncomfortable for a couple of days.

  3. Good stuff Bruce. Lookin prim and proper with the beard all trimmed up!

    Winter is finally gone, so now all the sheep need shearing. My beard's trimmed down, the son is now clean shaven, and Casey will get his shearing in the next week or so.

  4. Wiki is not very reliable as a source. In fact any shmuck can write for them with little verification and a lot of innacuracy.

    History of Lord Stanley's cup has its beginnings generally accepted as around 1892, and the cup's history is not the NHL's history. The first 9 Stanleys were won by Montreal teams. You can be certain that Toronto counts the wins made by the Blueshirts and Arenas in their totals as well.

    These titles are attributed to the Ottawa Senators- 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1909, 1911, 1920, 1921.1923, 1927

    Also interesting is that Kenora once won a Stanley Cup, as did Victoria and Seattle.

  5. If you wanted to kill innocent people, why would you pick a VIA rail train? I mean, wouldn't you want something with some people on it?

    This whole story reeks of one of three things:


    A) It's budget time at the RCMP

    B)"Look at us!! We're important enough to be bombed too!!"

    C) It's a slow news day


    If you were a real terrorist cell, why would you bite the hand that feeds you?


    I'm sure the RCMP is not going to give out all the facts. It it was a cross border train from Toronto, it would be the daily Amtrak to New York. Again, an American target.

  6. Was such a beauty afternoon. I was not going to waste the evening sitting indoors. Off Casey and I went to a nice little spot. With the full moon coming on, the crappie were hungry.

    A couple of samples



    They were in real shallow. Less than 2' of water for the most part.

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