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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Brother in law is stable, and they've shrunk his tumors as far as they can. That new drug they were touting a couple of months ago near killed him. Now we wait and see.

    The neice, with clean bill of health after removal of lymphoma 4 years back, is now preggers. WooHoo! :clapping:

    The Mrs has now been diagnosed with cancer and will see the surgeon next week. Waiting for the biopsy results was tough enough for Judy. On top of all her other health issues, this is not gonna be good.


    At least I have a few shining rays of hope to point to here on OFC.

  2. Level "and " shaded might be tough.

    The Rec canal in Welland has handicap access platforms in various parts of town. Niagara R in Ft Erie by the train trestle has a good level area for perchin. East and west piers at Pt Dalhousie provide good access.

  3. With the long weekend coming up I'm sure a lot of us are thinking of "throwing out all kinds of fishing line" and a Million Vacations.


    Brings me back to Muskoka summers, hanging out at the Kee, The Bear/ lateTerry Steele and his antics up on 6 Mile and Friday nights at the Bayview or Algoon.


    Our fave roadtrip tape??? Jethro Tulls greatest hits part 1



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