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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. On another note, my aunt, down East, has been diagnosed with late stage cancers. Her options are extensive and aggressive chemo. or 30 days to get her affairs in order. It was a bit of a shock, and very upsetting for Judy, when we first heard.

    Amazing how we went from a family without a history of cancer, to 4 people with cancer in less than 5 years.

  2. A much better week for the Mrs. Judy attended a women's workshop at the Wellness Center. Lots of info shared by staff,volunteers and survivors. Friday's visit to Juravinski was great. We had the staff physician's undivided attention, and he took the time to clearly answer the wife's questions and show us around the chemo suite.

    Next stop, North Bay, to relax,... and buy a few pink boat tickets.



    Looks like next week will be booked up with tests.

  3. Taking the Mrs up to North Bay for a short breather, Sunday and Monday. Our anniversary plans are busted now that Judy will be starting chemo, but she is a little overwhelmed with everything she has had to take in over the past 2 weeks. We'll probably hit the boat tour and just look around town.

    Any recommendations for dinner?

    Anywheres along shore worth casting while the Mrs sleeps in?

  4. Ask questions Bruce and tell him you can wait in the room 'till he comes back with the answers. Remember... you're the customer. Sounds odd, but you are. The resident / fellow's boss is there somewhere, probably just seeing another patient. We've been there.. done that similar to your today.. but after 3 years of this we don't leave unless we know what we came in for, although there are indeed some questions we never ask as with some things knowing isn't the best avenue to take.

    Next week's visit will have a different tone to it. Starting with medical staff with a clear command of the English language.

  5. Well, today was the big first visit at the cancer clinic. A lot of information to go through from a resident who barely has command of the English language. (the staffman only had time to stick his head in and say hello) The Mrs walked out of there at the end of the day totally confused and overwhelmed. Lots of statistics and data, not a lot of clear answers, and a number of questions avoided. Heck, I used to work in hospital admin, and am used to medical mumble, and I had a hard time following what the resident was trying to say.

    Definitely not a good start for the Mrs.

  6. Because many stores are franchises, each individual owner can treat their customers as they please. I must admit, since the Grimsby store underwent major upgrades, that customer service has improved somewhat.

    Of course, the bigger the client base, the more you can get away with. I've seen the same unequal servise levels at Home Hardwares. Kala's will bend over backwards to help. Other Niagara area franchises aren't worth walking in the door.

  7. Such a good story to read. I am ever so thankful for the good people who make these organizations so successful and put a ray of hope and happiness in our lives. 18 years back, it was the Sunshine Foundation that gave my daughter the royal treatment after major life saving surgeries through Shriner's Hospital in Erie.


    I am also glad to hear your son is on the road to recovery.

  8. Today was the follow up with the surgeon.


    The wife is healing pretty well so far for 2 weeks post-op. They removed all the cancerous material in the breast, but the mass was larger than first anticipated.

    The bad news is that the cancer is an aggressive, fast growing strain and is at stage 3. Next step the oncology dept at the Juravinski Cancer hospital for further treatment options.

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