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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Yes it is !! I wish the wait times for specialists were shorter tho !!!!!! As I'm in the middle of a process that was started almost 2 yrs ago for a major surgery and should know more at the end of October !!!! But the one neurosurgeon has between 18months and 2 years wait time to see him at st.mikes downtown Toronto !!!! And that's blamed on Ohip so I was told bty by several doctors and people involved that its all about how many surgeries and time availiable for the operating rooms !!!! Kinda like a salary cap !!! It's weird ..... But yes in glad we have out healthcare system as well and people like Wayne (irishfeild) and what they are going through as well as other members here who have had cancer and bad stuff !!!! The cost for things like that is enormous for sure !!!!! But like it was stated above in other posts I have had MRI several times and lots of tests and procedures even a bone biopsy all in a timely manor and have been looked after well and and really glad we have these professionals with us !!!! But everytime I get referred to another specialist is sometimes 6months to a year to see them !!!!! That part sucks !!!!!

    Doctors are always ready to blame OHIP for the surgical delays. They would love to be able to charge whatever they want for their services. Sadly, the shortage of specialists is due to the limitation on salaries. Many a specialist, upon completing their residencies, go running to the states to write their own paycheques, despite the fact that a large portion of their education was underwrote by Canadian taxpayers.

    Yes wait times would shorten considerably under a user pay system. That is because more than a third of our population could not afford services under a privatized system, and would be forced to do without.

  2. They are super easy, with very few ingredients. We use cornmeal with some chili powder mixed as breading for the fish, but grilled fish works just as well. Shredded cabbage (seems strange, but is key) for the greens. The sauce we make with sour cream, lime juice, chili powder and cilantro. IMHO, they are best with real corn tortillas, if you can find them. I prefer a fresh salsa - not store bought or cooked - to preserve the overall "lightness" of the dish: chopped veggies and fruit mixed with some lime juice.

    There is a farm at St Jakob's market that produces authentic pure corn, natural tortillas
  3. Third session in the books, and it has been a rough week. So far the nausea meds have been ineffective. Now we are looking at the possibility that the cancer is spreading. We top the week off with a meds reaction that hit the bride's kidneys. Spent all night in emerg with Judy in excruciating pain while they rule out all the possibilities.

  4. with the crap product the leafs have been putting on the ice for the last 45 plus years...they should be paying the fans to show up at all....but then again leaf fans are suckers for punishment :rofl2:

    it's a Canadian thing. Just like our government. We love doling out millions of dollar to be fed crap

  5. Every time this issue comes up, it has the same polarization of evil/ not evil. However, to play devil's advocate..


    Lets agree that guns are evil because of the harm they can cause. Ban them. Ban sharp knives. They can kill, therefore they are evil.


    Logically, we must also ban alcohol, and cigarettes, as they also kill.


    Cars kill too, perhaps we should also ban them? We could go on and on with this line of simplistic argument. Regardless of the circumstance, these are merely objects. Incapable of doing any harm of their own accord. I The problem is the people using and abusing the objects. Good and evil reside in people, not objects.

  6. I spent 20 years heating my home with wood. It is only economical if you can scrounge up most of your yearly supply. Drying is key. Know your wood types, burn rates and BTU's.

    Having been an arborists assistant, I burnt whatever I cut down or trimmed. That can include some really unusual species of tree. Back on topic, pines and spruce are fine for daytime burn, even willow for that matter, but only if you let it dry adequately. For me that means 2 years in the shed.

  7. No matter where you are these days, theft is a fact of life. The concept of respecting your neighbor, or respecting their property, are long gone. The law isn't much of a deterrent either any more. You have no other choice, Cliff, than to take steps to protect yourself and your possessions.

    20 years back, I caught a couple of teens in the act of trying to break into my workshop. Chased them 1/2 way into town, axe in hand. Never had any further problems. But at Halloween, few kids ever came to our door. Rumour had it there was an axe wielding psycho living in the house. :whistling:

  8. Chemo session #2 is done and so far so good. Judy has only had some mild nausea and the hair is just starting to fall out.


    On the negative, my aunt down east has discontinued chemo. They give her a month or 2 without it, but the multiple sessions each week left her weak and bedridden in hospital. I can understand and respect her decision.

  9. We are covered for the neulasta with a drug plan. It was one of the first things I was bugging the MD and pharmacist about.


    As for visitors, we know the drill. We have far too many family members fighting different forms and stages of cancer right now. Our daughter, the walking bug factory, is just going to have to accept the new restrictions.

  10. Seen the same thing with one of my daughter's friends recently. She has an autistic son, and gets letters from HER FAMILY telling her to euthanize her "abomination before God".

    There is lot of this attitude towards the handicapped. Particularly amongst certain holier than thou communities. Their view is that the child is either the product of sin, or a punishment for the sin of the parents.

    This may be the 21st century, but there are still a lot of backward people out there.

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