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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. This is a pretty HUGE story for Canada and Ontario. When was the last time there was a terrorist or attempted terrorist attack on Canadian soil. Very disturbing and hopefully this isn't going to be repeated.

    No real dangers since the days of the FLQ.

    After that mess the RCMP was crucified in the "dirty tricks" scandal for getting their hands dirty trying to keep Canadians safe

  2. Nice feed there Bruce. Funny though I've never seen a perch with whiskers before :whistling:

    If Robert gets a cat in spring time, I can guarantee it's coming home for dinner. Especially if its Dad's "turn" to clean fish (it's almost always Dad's "turn")

  3. A lot of tree crews I worked with used to use good old used motor oil as bar oil. I did the same for many years. With today's saws I would not try it. As already mentioned, viscosity is a big part of it. Also, the newer saw is a much more precise piece of machinery, having higher running temperatures. Dirt and debris from the old oil plays havock with the drive sprocket over time let alone increased wear on the bar and chain.

  4. Saw so many OFCer's I lost count. Was great to see you all, just the same. Thank you for coming out and patronizing. I think the swap and sale was a big success.

    Casey was so tuckered out he was horizontal before anyone else in the clan. :P

  5. C'mon gentlemen. Why must our morbid curiosity be satisfied by knowing the reasoning behind a senseless act? I don't see the point. No explanation would validate what they did. The eye for an eye approach is half complete. Take out the other eye and we will never see either of them again.

    They need him alive. Interrogation is not for pleasure . It's for gathering information. These people have declared war on the place they live in. Authorities need to establish a lot of details. They get nothing if the bomber is dead.

  6. There are all sorts of potentially lethal industrial plants nestled in hundreds of major towns across Canada. Think propane depot, or fuel facility, gas plants, union carbide, fertilizers, chemical plants all within your urban boundaries. All capable of producing a massive explosion or gas cloud. How about lethal chemical loads on trains running through the city like the Mississauga rail disaster. Nothing new here.

  7. Funny thing about this is that they started taking advertising dollars in to produce this a few years back, so it isn`t just out of our pocket to produce this thing. From what I remember, there were plenty of ads last time I looked at one.

    have not been able to obtain a paper copy since Jan 1st. I have always kept a hard copy in my vehicle.

    As to the ads, there were 22 bright flashy commercial ads in the 2012 regs. That represents a lot of ad dollars, especially when a number were full page. Also, on every other page was an ad for some govt agency , program, infoad, etc... , adding pages and cost to the production of the Regs.

  8. The MNR hands are tied due to the many years of cutbacks the govt will not listen to the biologists and will not listen to the people and fishermen the facts are still the facts the netting is decimating the spawning aged fish and the ones that are left cannot keep the fisheries going !!!!!! Too many years of unregulated native netting has ruined the fishery and as long as the MNR is being told what to do by the govt it's doomed !!!!! Stop the netting for a few years reduce the quota and listen to the biologists and the stakeholders and the FN

    The province cannot stop native netting. It is a federally recognized treaty right which the courts will uphold. The only way to stop the netting is for the natives to stop commercial netting themselves. Hence my suggestion the MNR walk away and let NFN manage the fishery.

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