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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. To put this in perspective, there have been a few colourful politicians that folks loved to hate. Some with real issues too. Sir John A, founding father and conservative, was well known for his "diet" of scotch.

    100 years later we had Pierre eh?. Gave Canadians the finger. The media wanted him strung up. We re-elected him. Admitted he smoked some pot in Jamaica, where it was legal, he was declared an unfit leader by the media. Canada still re-elected him.



    This is all nothing new.

  2. .this is a very serious issue and isnt getting the attention it deserves....who would have thought that something that happened in Japan two years ago would force me to read labels on food products....i havent had a tuna sandwich in years! More reason to STOP the great lakes nuclear waste repository...people need to start paying attention to what is really going on in this world

    It won't get the media attention it deserves. Government and industry cannot afford to have us publicly questioning the safety of current nuclear power plants, nuclear waste facilities, or the wisdom of current policy surrounding nuclear energy.
  3. Been a few weeks. Judy has had a very busy, and rough time of things. Started a new Chemo 2 weeks back, Taxol. Creates a lot of muscle and joint pain and neuropathy. She also threw a couple of blood clots as a complication to her chemo regimen. They missed them on the first ultrasound, and only found them when they realized they could not start an IV due to moderate edema. Now she gets to give herself 90 days worth of heparin injections to break down the clots.

    Thankfully, today's chemo session was relatively uneventful.

  4. Well I feel very bad as my dog has been sitting beside me since 7:10am look at this sad face he has been waiting for breakfast which is at 8:30am well not today. It's hard to look at this face for the next hour until its feeding time today. Poor guy did not understand it when I tried to explain it to him that his stomach is wrong I even showed him the time on my phone but he does not believe me and is still waiting. He has since moved to the doorway still sitting waiting for me to get up. Yes this time change does affect some in a bad way lol.


    Time change does not affect me and the dog. We get up with the sunrise. Whether that be 7am or 5am, My dogs have always worked me over at sunrise
  5. No it's called canadian sentencing.


    In the last 8 years I have seen very few people go to jail for assault. It was the breach of trust that landed him in jail

    Funny, Thorold Hilton often has guests in on assault. As for "breach of trust"... He violated the law, and betrayed his duty. Where I come from we call it treason.
  6. Nice haul. Did they have white grub?

    Some had them around the gills and tail. Not too bad.


    Nice !!!! What time is perch dinner at ?? Lol ...cheers !!!!

    Actually it was perch brekkie with a side of taters and eggs sunny side up.
  7. Well, session 5 has been cancelled until Judy can get rid of a nasty cold bug. Good thing too. She's been feeling right miserable the past few days. The past few weeks I've been wearing the pink ribbon around my hat at market. It has certainly attracted attention



    On a darker note, My Aunt Betty slipped peacefully, without suffering, an hour ago. A lively person who marched to the beat of her own drum, I will miss her deeply.

  8. The son insisted I take one day of the long weekend for myself and do some serious fishing. Off to Orillia at 6 in the morning towing his 12' tinny and makeshift trailer. Despite a slow morning, the afternoon bite was hot. A lot of quality 10-12" fish, and a 14" to boot.



    Caught more than enough for 2 hours late night cleaning.


  9. Burlington st. and the Redhill have a lot of scrap haulers running the roads constantly. Sadly those are my main routes into the hospitals. Every tire has been patched at least once.

    I had the same problem when I worked in construction. Trades were always sloppy when reloading their pouches with nails and screws. That only stopped when I (the site super) started docking anyone we caught dropping metal on the road. We were paying out $400 in tire repairs to new home owners with nail punctures

  10. fishNwire,

    The dying industry you talk about was surviving until the Liberals started interfering with it last year. The Liberals were warned about thousands of jobs being lost and business closures but in their infinite knowledge the Liberals went ahead with their plan as usual and devastated the industry. Now they are wasting 400 million dollars by throwing it into the wind to buy votes in the next election again. Important words for you to study carefully ....... >She caused the JOB LOSSES....She cause THE INDUSTRY TO DIE. Mistakes after mistakes and you defend them.


    I can't afford a Liberal Party. They don't care about tax payers. All these mistakes are millions after millions after millions and billions after billions after billions in wasteful spending and cuts. Wynne's Green policy is killing Ontario. I am sorry you don't see that.


    The list goes on and on. You certainly do sound like a closet Liberal to me or a troll. Sounds like you don't know that the Liberals are doing the same thing that you mentioned about the Conservatives but are causing much more damage to Ontario with their so called mistakes.

    Sorry, horse racing was not self-sustaining. Without slots, subsidies and grants, they (the industry) cannot hope to stay afloat
  11. Living on the shoreline of Erie we are always getting flybys by all sorts of aircraft. They use the shoreline like a roadway, easy to follow the shore I guess. The best is when there is an airshow and they head back to the states. As the Canadian Warplane Museum is only about 40 minutes away the Lancaster Bomber and other vintage warplanes fly by regularly, you sure know when the old gals are coming, talk about loud, we love it.

    Nothing quite like the rumble and roar of RollsRoyce Merlins, or a Packard, engine. Then there is the drone from the P&W engine on the Harvard Trainer.
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