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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. We all know that government is not going to stand up and take off the kid gloves.


    Stop stocking the Nippissing and French, remove MNR supports and provincial subsidies for those fisheries, and let the NFN manage the fishery for a few years. They will learn to make it work or collapse. If they go to the province for help, it's negotiable. This approach has been taken before some years back

  2. This is nothing new. Bombings, targetting women and children, bystanders, have gone on non stop since '39' and earlier. What's new is the fact that this behaviour has finally made it across the pond, and hitting North America in a big way

    The biggest mistake we have made is this. We welcome all sorts from the war torn regions of the world. People with stronger allegiances to their old world than to this new world that took them in. They bring their disputes grievances and wars here and carry on in their wars at our expense. There needs to be tighter restrictions and screening, and thinking long and hard before welcoming folks from regions caught up in long term war and feuds.

  3. That's quite a good quality painting---an excellent choice of subject, too. Isn't there a dam where the Severn flows into Pretty Channel, and a rapid where it outflows into Six Mile?

    The rapids flow from Pretty Channel into Lost Channel, then 6 Mile flows out into Gloucester Pool via White's Falls ( we used to body surf it in the day) and a little known place called the jacuzzi hole

  4. I've always managed to have gear to give to kids. Some of it my own. Some I've refurbished from yard sales. I also buy a few kids combos for the local charity @ Christmas. Biggest kick was taking 3 combos to one family's home on Christmas eve late in the evening wearing my float coat and Christmas cap. The mom made sure the kids were peeking through the window as I Ieft the gifts by their door. The stories I heard from those children still leave me grinning from ear to ear.

    Another option is the OFAH Tackleshare program.

  5. I am aware, I have it myself, but primary progressive, a constant progression. I believe like 85% or so are diagnosed with relapsing remitting, LOL I had to be one of the lucky ones!


    Needless to say retirement isn't going the way I had planned? Oh well, stuff happens, I guess it was my turn! LOL

    I remember you had mentioned your condition, just not how long you had been dealing with it. You have my whole hearted sympathy. Amazing how our visions of retirement can be drastically altered by circumstance :wallbash:

  6. Despite the high winds we still had an OK day. Spot #1 is slowing down now as the bullheads and gills start moving in, but other spots are just starting to warm up.

    The boys' collection for a feed tonight


    This young girl insists in calling me Santa. Could be..... She has this one goose trained. It follows her around every time she visits the hole.


  7. ALthough you folks to the north are still waiting for ice out, we've had 3 weeks of good crappie fishing, with the best yet to come.

    Those who expect 100 fish per hour, aren't usually willing to put in the time, and leave frustrated. The son and I on the other hand....





    A lot of success is coming on a new line of jigs we started producing, and experimenting with, this spring. The son even started making his own floats. Gotta admit I'm having way too much fun.

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