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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. It certainly was a great trip. No one could complain about the lack of action, even if they were smaller fish. The highway #7 is a beautiful area to be out fishing.

    We had far too much man meat for our gang. Enough to feed 10. I guess I'll have to go meat free for a few days to level off the cholesterol. We had meat with a side dish of meat. Meat for brekkie, with a side of fish. Pepperoni and sausages for snacks. Of course, there was the Roadkill Chilli ( we just told Jeff it was venison :P ).

    A few more pics





    And , yes Virginia, Santa now has a tan to match his red suit. :lol:

  2. you better not have gotten yourself into trouble by staying out fishin too long today,seeing as you are arlready supposed to be going away to my trailer tommorrow night for a few days :rolleyes: Where you sitting around the house like this :w00t::w00t: so you had to get out?????..just couldn't wait to hit the road tommorrow :lol:


    Better not get to your house to get you and find out you are grounded,if so..we are bringing your beer :o:lol:

    On a beautiful day like today, you had better expect me to be going stir crazy otherwise I must have died.

    No chance on me getting grounded. I'm outright gnarly when I'm stuck at home. Besides, Mr Bill was there to make sure I didn't get into any trouble like falling out of the boat or whacking myself on the console again :blush: As long as I have a chaperone all is good.

    As for the walter. The stocking program is paying real dividends. I've caught fish in 4 year classes this year with sizes from 11" to 20". The pike fishery will quickly improve, as well, with the changes in the regs.

  3. Got a hold of my buddy Bill to come out and play on the river today. Beautiful day for fishing. Blue skies, nice breeze and fish biting. The great thing about rivers like the Welland, you never know what's gonna bite.

    The drill: drift trolling with the wind.

    Gear: a 5' lite rod and 10lb braid.

    Weapon: Ugliboys harness.


    The drift covered a 1/2 mile section of water. A few perch and rockbass interspersed with some of the following:






    and my guest for breakfast


    We would have stayed into the evening, but we could already feel our ears burning. :whistling: Would not want to upset our lovely wives, now would we?

  4. I've got a big old beastie that does almost the same thing to my spinnerbaits. Over the summer I've been to the same hole 8-9 times. I'm standing on a ledge 6 ft above the water so I get to see every movement. Toss a spinnerbait and tail out and half way in the retrieve this fish comes up and smacks it. Once or twice and then turns. Won't hit the same bait twice. I've gone through the same ritual every time with a different spinnerbait each outing. He swipes at it, never opens his mouth and turns away. :angry: Hasn't chased body or jerk baits at all. Before season's done I'm gonna get him. And if the spineerbait won't work, dynamite will :lol:

    It's frustrating Rizzo. Just keep at him and you'll finally get him.

  5. Take it from someone forced by illness to stop working before I wanted to. Keep it in a safe investment as a rainy day fund unless you can handle some risk. World economy seems to be in turmoil wait a year and see if things calm down. Better a 3 or 4 percent return right now than a loss.

    Here is some real sense. If you already have a decent salary, try and keep it as a nest egg for now. Life can and does throw some wicked curve balls. Illness and disability bring about radical lifestyle changes and that nest egg can suddenly be a big blessing.

  6. Air mattresses are O.K. for warm weather camping, and can be quite bad for you in early spring/late fall. As air temps drop, so does the temp. in the mattress. A solid matress or roll will at least offer you more insulation. If the ground is cold, that cold quickly transfers through the air mattress to your bag.

    One good all weather cheat for your sleeping bag is a fleece liner. They even make a great difference with a cheaper bag. You should see some of the sleeping bags some boys will bring with them on their first all weather camp. Can't blame them, its all their folks could afford. I've always kept a few extra micro fleeces and they have been the difference in avoiding a bad camping experience.

  7. I never had a dad, but I have an old uncle down in the maritimes who doesn't get to fish any more due to his lack of mobility. Every 2 years he comes and stays in Ontario and i get him and my mom out in the boat and we try to fish waters they knew as kids. He may have to crawl in and out of the boat but wouldn't miss it for the world. We never care what we are catching. We're simply fishing. Doing together what our family has shared a hundred years and more.

    Every moment on the water is pure gold on those days. Well share bull and banter, reminesce and tell a number of tall tales. It also gives us time to remember our forebears who we miss so dearly now in our later years. I am ever so thankful for these brief moments in time that we share. Only too soon they too will be a faded memory. I'm sure you all feel the same way as well.

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