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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Nice catch....i've not tried perch yet....too many walleye up here...lol.

    I know what you mean. I grew up in the Skokas when pike and (in the old days) pickerel were plentiful and easy to catch. Down here perch are plentiful and you have to work at the pike and walleye.

  2. They can't behave like a wet blanket all the time :P The young princes seem to have the same spark of mischief that Uncle Andy had. He was a real s---e disturber at times.


    Of course, the Windsors all have the same problem when it comes to keeping things buttoned up "in" their trousers ;)

  3. no big surprise they are doing bad!! Been bad since 1993 season and will continue!

    They've been doing bad since 1970. Back then, the only team worse than the Leafs was the Redwings, and they , at least, have managed to win the Stanley Cup since then :blush::blush::blush:

    Yes, I too, am a Leaf fan, and remember the Leafs playing Redwings from my center ice, top row grays, seats. The score was 7-1 with "Mr Elbow" scoring the only Detroit goal. They then lost the next few at home games in quick succession. The worst beatings came from the Sault gangster and Parry Sound's boy wonder. Toronto's big celeb, "The Nose". :P

  4. We gotta practice what we preach. Far too many out there making noise and using up precious oxygen these days. Here's the fall "harvest" to date:



    Don't know what I'm doing with this collection, but the summer round up bought a number of kids rod & reel combos


    It's a pity I can't collect a bounty on all the plastic lying around. There are two poly bottles thrown around for every can I find.

  5. Well done snag :worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy:


    That is the most interesting way I have ever seen anyone preach the oudoor gospel. "Take out more than you took in". I pick up about $25 a month in beer empties a month to fuel my boat for most of the year. If you want to throw your money away, kindly deposit it in my driveway. I don't mind. :D


    In addition I retrieve 1000 lbs of pop cans a year from my neighbourhood and numerous fishing holes. Of course, I have a very specialized gaff for snagging my catches.



    With this gaff I can snag hundreds of those beauties in an hour.


    Thank you for giving us a truly "Pythonesque" presentation.

  6. Been there a few times GCD. Glad it punched through easy enough. It's a lot worse when someone else gets hooked and they ask you to get it out, Yeesh!!

    2 best first aid tools in the boat, a good set of plier/cutters for hooks, and duct tape for even the worst pike gash. Last gash i got was 2 inches long, shoulda had stitches. Got back to civilization 4 days later and it was sealed up pretty good.

  7. It did rain in some places, and still is in Niagara. Forecast is a general prediction, not a site specific estimate of weather activity. Years back there was this invisible weather line through Hammy Harbour. Blue skies from burlington to Oshawa, and snow from Hamilton down. The weather man kept predicting blue skies. He wasn't wrong and he wasn't quite right.

  8. Looks like some of you are just as thick between the ears if you can't see the sarcasm in my comment. Guess some don't see sarcasm or irony as humour. Lighten up will ya! Geesh!


    Oh well... at least I added a couple of logs to the fire. :whistling:


    I don't agree with fees, but then again maybe the idiots that leave a mess behind everywhere they go will wake up when they are hit in the wallet. I see this problem anywhere I go. It doesn't matter if it is public property, a private park or boat launch, people just don't give a damn.


    I also heard a couple of years ago that the school litter clean up days ended because some "parent" didn't feel their kid should be picking up trash. WTH!


    In a lot of schools, environmental action has gone the way of the Dodo. As for trash cleanups, that is now a punishment reserved for those on detention. It all depends upon whether the staff actually care any more or if they are just marking time until pension day.


    As for the average Canadian they don't really care, unless someone cleans up for them. The dogs and I just came in from the morning walk and, surprise surprise, we've picked up another full bag of pop cans in the neighbourhood. Just like we do every day, anywhere we go.


    And to answer a question I get all too often, I don't pick up all the trash in view for 3 reasons. The walk would be very short after filling the bag in the first 2 blocks. Secondly. I would have to pay a $1 a bag to dispose of all these bags of garbage, or excess bags of recycling. Third, the cans get recycled at the scrap yard and the funds have gone into several worthwhile youth projects over the past 8 years ( the beer empties fuel my boat :thumbsup_anim: ). Besides some people are getting paid to, supposedly, keep our streets and parks clean.


    As I've already said, We anglers are an easier target to find when we make a mess. Worm boxes, fishing line and lure pkging are dead give aways. So we become the scapegoat. We just have to police ourselves better, or face further loss.

  9. WTG! Nice looking perch. Were you at Pier 8? That's where the Discovery Centre is. That bullhead is that fat from eating all the bait we put in there for carp. :rolleyes:

    That be the place alright. He was quite the little football. The darn gobies were real fat too!

  10. Bruce..I see you are at it again, and got into some decent fish to boot...we need to get out soon,perhaps a pike mission is in order..my boat is home now too :Gonefishing:


    Anything is better than sitting at home all day. I can only handle so many hours of the dysfunctional clan every day. I'm sure they feel the same about me too. :w00t: I'm just not ready, yet, to be the hot item on the 6 o'clock news :wacko:


    No algae around today that I could see. As for the perch, like most other schooling fish in the harbour, they run in and out from L Ontario.


    As for any toxic crap, I've been eating fish loaded with crap from the mines and the mills up north since being a wee fart. Many a "pristine" lake up North have very high natural occuring levels of heavy metal contamination. It occurs in runoff and eventually ends up in fish, game, wild blueberries, and the meat at the grocery store.

  12. Wanted to get out today, but the chauffeur was not going into Niagara today. So I got wifey to drop me off in Hammy harbour for a few hours while she ran errands. The gobies really like minnows and twister tails, but despite that nuisance I found fish. All I needed to do was cast out a distance and let my bait sink in 30 ft of water, then slowly drag it back.

    This fella caught me off guard



    Tonight we will dine on some fresh perch. Only kept them because their swim bladders were right out the mouth, or they were gut hooked.



    It was a great few hour outdoors.

  13. If You own a piece of property, you have, within reason, the right to determine how, and by whom,

    the property is used. A municipality, as an owner of municipal park land has that same right whether we like it or not. It does not matter if the municipality enforces the by-laws or not, or even if it is impractical to enforce. I believe Niagara-On-The-Lake requires that you posess a permit to fish the town shoreline. Preference being for residents of the town. Numerous municipal parks now have rigid curfews enforced by police. IF your vehicle is in the park it gets locked in, or towed, after dark. If you are on the property after park closure you are charged with trespassing.


    Local residents have demanded action from their municipality and are quite happy with such restrictions. We may like to grumble but think about this. When the law is being broken, how many people look the other way and pretend they saw nothing, not their business, don't get involved? We who actively get involved are a minority. Civic pride and responsibility have been forgotten. The result is another layer of rules and restrictions.


    Considering the horrendous messes I've seen, I understand the harsh measures that are being imposed. One group of night anglers were caught having broken up and burnt 3 picnic tables in the bonfire and using 2 more as fishing platforms along the marsh bank in a local park. In Charles Daley Park I have seen people leave 20 odd carp dead on the grass tied on a rope for all to see. Shore lunch carcasses left where they were filleted instead of being disposed of. The mouths of most L. Ontario tribs are littered with trash during the spring and fall spawns. We are getting painted with a very broad brush, and that just means "we" have to be more diligent in policing ourselves, because all anglers will pay the consequence.

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