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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. The government doesn't run the hatcheries anymore. Without the sporting clubs, that keep places like Ringwood alive, there would be no added fish stocks in L. Ontario.

    Sarnia's club used to run a hatch for L Huron. Is it still running? Walleye are stocked in Nippising by a group of lodge operators who know where their bread is buttered.

    Some stocking of various tribs on Huron were stopped after it was found certain groups were netting in the tribs.

  2. Seeing as you were disappointed by the lack of culinary pics in my last post, this one's for you.



    Part of the bushel of beets we were canning.

    I did cook up a pot of "Fish head soup" but it was inhaled before I could take a pic. A wonderful old Finnish recipe of my Gram's.

  3. It wouldn't surprise me if the big fellow had an argument with a prop. We were drift trolling on the electric when we got a big thump, thump, thump. Thought I hit a snag, turned of the motor. Looked down just in time to see one big muskie hit the prop and dive. Obviously our lures weren't big enough. :lol:

  4. If I`m not mistaken that was in 1980.... I have on video tape somewhere the news reports from all the damage done....





    I thought 1980 was the Labour Day riot. What can I say, years blur over time. There were a lot of great concerts back then at the Ex, the Gardens, and Massey. I kinda have to guess at what year was which. Tull, Bad Company and Styx, ELO, ELP, Lighthouse, BST, etc.....

  5. "HOney Do" list eh Bruce???... ya gotta get that in once in a while iffin ya want to get out fishinas much as you have been I guess :dunno:

    Yup. Cut the grass and cut wood. Start clearing out the junk in the workshop, decide on what I'm throwing out and keeping. Got a bushel of beets dropped off at the door for canning. $5 a bushel's pretty cheap. We'll be canning into next evening.

  6. Just another little backpack diversion yesterday afternoon. Wifey is doing one of those major reshuffles through the house and I prefer not to get in the way. I get into enough trouble already.

    Went for a change of scenery and hit some shoreline along the Lower river. First stop produced nothing, nad, zilch. Not even a goby. Second spot was at one of the bridges. Now, when I am beating shoreline I carry 2 rods. A baitcaster and an ultralite rigged for float fishing. Under the bridge was panfish heaven. Every pitch with the float brought another slab gill or crappie. This went on for a good 2 hours. That was fun but no predators around. They all got C & R treatment as I already have enough pannies in my freezer for now.

    Picked up and moved to another spot. Finally found something a little more aggressive. Found a pair of snotters hovering by the one weed patch.



    Walked down another 60 feet to a patch of grass and rushes and found me a path. Took me to a nice little ambush with just enough space for a few fan casts to the edge of a slop matte. In that one little spot there was a nice little school of bass. No monsters but I did get 6 to come out and play. They were hitting the spinnerbait within 2 or 3 turns of the handle. Check out this piggy:



    The rest were a more respectable size. All caught with the space of 1/2 an hour. One more teaser pic. I was too busy to take any more pics.



    I was gonna run out again today, but I was given the dreaded "HoneyDo" list. Busted

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