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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7M1Se-p7uk


    Heh thanks to this guy & Joni Mitchell generations of 'dem foreigners thought Canuckistan was populated by nothing but Liberal voting socialists that wore plaid lumberjackets. Then they found this site......and well........nevermind.


    A lot of great talent in Yorkville passed through the doors of the Riverboat in the 60's and 70's. They got things wrong with Joni. Wouldn't give her a shot. Thought she was only good enough tobe a dishwasher. Talk about bad judgement calls.


    Anybody remember Mephisto Joe?

  2. I have to admit I've never given Cabela's a try. I just have no faith in mail order. As for BPS, I go twice a year armed with a list. When I want service, help or information, I have two very good local shops in my backyard. Angie or Denis provide the kind of customer service I remember from the old LeBarons, or Epps in its heyday.

  3. It was a fun day out Bruce and a pretty good day for a day off until we dodged a few downpours in the late afternoon. :rolleyes: The fish were definately on a minnow bite and were ignoring all our lures except for one of your tubes. That one Rockie u caught the day before was lucky to have survived that toothy critter attack.




    If'n the minners weren't working I was gonna have to pull out the spare 'red stick' I keep in my back pack. A sure fire cure for even the worst case of lock jaw :lol:

  4. lol i thought that is what TIPS is for is so that they can charge the people who pull stunts like that.....rather than "look into it"....geez

    They still have to catch the bum in the act. Odds are the perp. had left before a CO arrived. You don't win convictions on hearsay.

  5. You should guide the newbie, novice, etc... in the right direction eather than scold and belittle. Pointing to the "Ask a CO" site and other such sources will generate a far more desirable outcome.

    Sometimes, the newbie you rag on is just some 13-14 year old kid looking for answers. Unlike many of us, they weren't raised from the cradle with 'silver hooks and fishing line', and don't have somebody at home to teach them about the outdoors. Or they come from a part of the world where sport fishing is unknown. As experienced and skilled anglers we should provide sound advice on the forum rather than treat someone asking questions like a useless teat.

  6. I thought that the savings and loans fiasco in the early nineties put in regulations to stop some of this stuff. How can they be going through this all over again?



    BIG LOOPHOLES. Most financial regs look great up front, but read the fine print. You could run a battleship through some of the holes. Oops. Somebody apparently did. :wallbash::wallbash:

  7. As are many ingredients in our processed food nowadays. Poisons that are banned in N America are still used in China and imported and accepted here thanks to our lousy food inspection agency. Farmed fish in China have levels of banned poisons in them too.

    But we keep listening to the same whining. There 's not enough profit in running food processing plants/canneries in Canada. We buy foreign produce because Canadian farmers charge too much. Fact is a farmer receives a lower wholesale price for much of his fresh produce than 20 years ago, yet you pay more in the store.

    Either buy Canadian made and pay the price, or buy cheap offshore goods and pay the consequence. Don't wait too long. There might not be too many famers left in 5 years.

  8. Replay to many shows :whistling:


    Or i think i am watching to much of this channel, i need help :stretcher: .

    Yer watching far toooo much of the boob toob. Get out and go fishing.


    Watch too much and you'll start looking like Henry or Chronzy :o:blink:

  9. Wait for it as China is going to get theirs!!!!!!!! With the cost of fuel their cheap stuff will go up in price, the Dollar store is now the Tooney store.

    Actually, a lot of your high end giftware, gardening and Xmas goods are Chinese made. If the wholesale cost of some trinket was $1, the profit margin is set at 100%, then the shipping and duties are factored in at 300-400% over cost (Lower if you bought in bulk). How else do you think C.T can retail a rod and reel at $29.99 and then clear it at $12.99

    That $1.99 birdie for your Xmas tree had a wholesale price of $.40, then it got marked up.


    China is not going to get theirs, we just keep paying the added difference.

  10. Despite the cold front that blew through, I was bound and determined to find some fish these last 2 afternoons. Yesterday, could not find the bass. Just some large pannies.






    Out again with my friend, Dave, doing the chauffeur duties. Again, tough time locating the bite. Found schools of minnows at a discharge pipe and watched the bigger fish busting the surface chasing them. Once we trapped a few minnows it was game on. No monsters, but lots of action just the same.




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