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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I lived in Toronto in the 70's and 80's :blush: The Don, at that time was a festering sewer. Along the banks of the lower Don there used to exist heavy industry, soap factories, brick works, etc.. The lower was a dead river. In the 70's the river was so toxic that mere contact with the water would get you sick. It was years before anybody would even consider doing a shoreline cleanup. DO they still dump road snow below the Bloor Viaduct?

    I used to work for the cemetaries. Pine Hills had a beautiful nature trail along the East Don. Yes we occasionaly spotted trout. The portion north of Hog's Hollow used to be absolutely beautiful. York cemetary backs onto the valley. I've fished there as well. I only remember big chubs back then. Small trout in the upper portions of Black Creek befor Vaughan was turned into a giant strip mall. People used to think I was strange fishing the Ross Lord reservoir. That was over20 years ago.

  2. I've heard of male lions mauling other cubs, but eating them? Can a fish with a wee brain be really that proactive?! LOL


    Like most important aspects in nature, feeding, breeding, surviving, are all governed by brute instinct. Kinda like teenage boys once puberty takes hold. No brains required as the hormones take over :w00t:

  3. GBay is really producing some bigguns this year. Congrats on a nice fish.


    Love the $50's Terry, you da man.


    Maybe its just the handle, but I thought Northamfishing did make lures? I have some of their spinnerbaits bought at the Sportmen show

    Yup. HE does make the lures. The lure he caught it on is part of the product line. I've got some of the red and whites for bigger pikies.

  4. Got a call from my part time son Matt ( I have several part time sons through Scouting). I'm free, want to go fishing? That invite is always sweet music to my ears. Even sweeter coming from one of the boys. :clapping: The bite was certainly slow, but we still managed some nice perch and walleye for the table. Even the dinks were avoiding the harnesses today. Not a banner day, but no white stripe.


    Young Matt





  5. Great compositional photo. What makes it different from the usual land/sea scape is the way in which the line of view is broken. Instead of looking, normally, from bottom to top, toward the horizon line. The fog patch breaks right into the centre of focus and forces the eye to follow the horizontal lines through the entire frame.

  6. I used to work at a garden centre that sold plants and fish for the garden. Every year cottagers would come in and buy new fish. I asked them what happened to the fish bought last year. They released them at the end of cottage season. Now there are all sorts of koi and ornamental carp swimming around Point Abino, the Welland canal, Port colborne. The garden centre, for its part, would not post or display information on releasing exotics or invasive species into the wild. It might affect sales.

    All across the province people get tired of their aquatic pets, but don't have the heart to kill them. So they release them into the wild instead. Add to that the numerous accidental releases that occcur every year from flooding. Yet the government sees no need to set tighter controls on the exotic pet trade.

  7. This does happen naturally, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be alarming. Besides, its simple (grade 9 or 10?) chemistry that CO2 holds heat....and its even simpler chemistry (grade 9) that burning fossil fuels (or wood, paper, virtually anything carbon based) generates CO2 + H20.


    whether you believe in the politics or not (and for some reason this seems to be a political issue) when you know that burning fuel generates C02 (and we burn a LOT of it) and that C02 holds heat....what's the big disagreement about?

    The planet could take the rising CO2 levels in stride a lot more readily if the green forests weren't disappearing as fast as the ice fields, and there is no quick fix for that dilemma.

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