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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Some landowners do actually own the stream beds that run through their properties, and pay taxes on that portion of the stream. These deeded rights go back to some of the earliest land patents granted to Loyalists and government cronies.

    It could also be an overposessive landowner. Its not unlike the cottage owners who post bogus sanctuary signs on their docks while allowing their kids to fish the same dock. They think they own the fish.

  2. That is just oh so painful to read. We learnt, years back, to check all bolts on the new trailer, and to repeat that check every year. A cousin dropped his axle and totalled his Lund on his second trip out some 10 years back. I would never have thought to take the trailer through a drive through

  3. Thing about bass is they'll smack just about anything. I use a spinner bait for searching. Stick baits for flat water. When the bite is slow I downsize to crappie baits on a slip float with some phenomenal results. Of course every method mentioned is gonna bag fish. it's all about establishing a comfort zone and styles of fishing that work for you.

  4. surpized ya didn't get into more pike with the water in that area being actually green like that...should be able to peg off a few walleye soon too :Gonefishing:

    SHHHH! There are no walters in the river! Yer gonna get the pair of us lynched by the local rednecks. You know they don't like sharing " their river ".

  5. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze. There are idiots who think nothing of fishing near bathers, and there are bathers who love to swim at boat ramps because of the lack of weeds. Just another few weak links in the evolutionary chain.

  6. Well I convinced the warden to come out and play today after an extended sleep in. Loaded up the gear and the dogs and made our 20 minute run. Fishing was slow, but steady on harnesses. Only 3 large fish made it to the boat. Gotta warn ya, some of the fish porn is kinda graphic. Even Santa :santa: needs a tan :lol:



    One 30" freight train. Watched him smack the lure as it hit water.

    The Mrs.


    The fish theiving dog. Eats the head and tail and leaves the bony middle alone.


    A little appetizer for tomorrow's brekkie.



    Wifey did have a pig smallie up to the boat but it gave that one last jump and said 'bye bye'. I wasn't fast enough with the net.

  7. I bought from the same Legend dealership and, yes, service after buying the boat sucked. At the time I bought they were bending over backwards to make the sale at the fishing show. As was the Lowe dealership. I crossed the floor a couple of times to haggle a better deal.

    The dealers for Lund and Princecraft were just snots. Could not be bothered to give me the time of day. I went to the show with the intention of buying a boat and brought a wad of C-notes for the downpayment. I spent the prior 6 months doing my homework and had planned on the Lund or the Princecraft. If you behave like an :asshat: you don't get my business. Legend worked for the sale.

    Not the first choice, but the price was right and the boat has stood me well over the last 7 years

  8. I don't seem to get out in my boat too much these days. Most days I am stuck on shore because of health probs.(Wifey won't let me out on the water by myself any more}

    Anyhow, son got up early and we were down to the river just as the fog was lifting. It was just beautiful and quiet. Too perfect. With all the minnows swimming around, the bass weren't interested in our offerings. Just the odd short bump hear and there. Went up a feeder trib to pick apart timber and the son finally got something to make it worthwhile for him.


    A 3lb tree hugging bucket.

    As for me I got the white stripe. That's OK. I got out, enjoyed a beautiful day out and relaxed. Better than being stuck at home.

  9. As for criticizing building a city at or below sea level. lets tell the Dutch to relocate half of their country. Besides, Canada has it's own flood cities out on the prairies. I guess we will just have to move them back from the flood plain.

  10. For just starting out keep it simple. A decent $50 mid range reel spooled with 6 -8lb. mono on a medium light rod. Maybe a 6' Uglystick Light because they handle the abuse a novice can dish out on equipment. My wife of 20 years is still a novice, and boy does she punish the gear.


    Just remember to breath deep and smile.

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