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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Wow do I ever remember that .. in fact I went to school RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD from Bill's house ... they used to have all kinds of hippy rallies in the park behind his house - of course I was in grade 5 at the time so we were just glad to get out of class :)

    I got to play at a few of his PR events. Used to play in a Sea Cadet band in the early 70's Had to have all those forementioned Canadian songs memorized.

    Brampton was just one big subdivision back then. Half the houses were built by Bramalea Construction back then.

  2. I hate sitting indoors, so grab my gear and the trusty backpack. A few back ponds just have skim ice here in Niagara. Hasn't been quite cold enough for real ice making. Must have covered a mile of shoreline looking for some action. NADA

    Been a while since I got me a white stripe, but it has to happen sooner or later.

  3. I won't apologize for all the flag waving. I am a very loyal, and rabid, Canadian :canadian:


    Oh, and one more for the "blue jackets" out there:


    Come cheer up my lads to the tavern we steer,

    To have us some more of that wonderful cheer'

    To the P O's we drink and the Snotties who sneer

    We'll have us some pints til we've drunk all the beer....

  4. God that does bring back a ton of memories. Emperor Bill ( Davis :lol: ) would always have a brass band or school choir to sing/play that theme every time a new provincial facility or program was opened.

    More important was our national theme from the Centennial and EXPO. Remember Bobby Gimby?

    "North, South, East, West, There'll be happy times....."



    Back when Canadians were proud of this country :canadian:


    And a few other forgotten Canadian tunes: Maple City



    Maple Leaf Forever

  5. Repetitive stress and over extension from long hours of fishing will get at the joints eventually. If you've had any previous muscular injuries the problem shows up much quicker. My shoulder locks up after 3 days of continual casting. I carry the usual assortment of ices and liniments for the quick fix followed by a few visits to the chiro to loosen things up. Its the price to be paid for the sport.

  6. I can't add much to what most have said. As long as you can maintain an open and honest discussion and dialogue with your son, all will work out. The big plus is you love your son no matter what, as any good parent does. The open affection/ sexual display is an irritation no matter the sexual orientation. Its a detail to be worked out.

    You're a good father, BiteMe.

  7. Lew, I've been doing the shore thing for the last few years down Niagara way and I personally haven't witnessed these incidents. Hey, I'm not saying they don't happen, just that I haven't seen it. When these scuffles happen and they're reported on the board, the impression is that it's happening all the time. Believe me, if it did, I wouldn't be going there. Maybe I should just let the negative press out there continue, though, 'cuz it may keep people away and gives me more shore space. lol

    There are days where fishing Port is like the Gannie on opening day years back. That also used to be a zoo (might still be). There can be 50 anglers along one small stretch. Some, especially after belting it back, are down right nasty. Knightfisher is correct. I have not been on the wall in over 2 years. I haven't been to the Gannie in 20. Like Lew said. Why bother? At this time of year I can find numerous quiet pleasant spots to fish.

  8. yeah it wasn't so bad growing up in Sudbury, but since I moved down south here by Long Point it seems like the whole winter is a write off...we're lucky to get 4 weeks of solid ice.

    I miss getting out on the ice Boxing day. Getting out to try our new sticks and gear we got for Xmas with a litlle pick-up game of hockey, or going for a run on the sleds doing a (wow) roaring 40mph on my Olympic

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