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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Bruce that looks real delicious.... good job :clapping:

    But have to say that those would of been a good addition to the supper I just had :whistling:



    They will be put on the table tomorrow as part of a smorgasbord and fish fry.


    My family used to always put up a huge open house at Christmas, but it faded away a few years after Gram's passing. 50-60 people would pass through our doors on Christmas eve, or on Boxing Day, for food, laughter and friendship.


    It is a tradition long overdue.


    Hyvaa Joulua ja Onnea Udele

  2. The boys and girls out there on the line are doing their duty, regardless of the politics. They died, rightly or wrongly, in the service of our country. In war, peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, whatever,..., they have died on Canada's behalf. That is all that has to be remembered as we sleep in our warm comfy beds.

  3. I had planned on doing some of this earlier this week, but today is the first day I've been well enough to get anything done.


    So for our Svensk and Suomalainen members, and the harfers in between, Nothing like fresh baked cardamom cookies. Fresh from the oven.





    I was worried I had forgotten how to make them. had a couple of false starts to the batch, but all is good now.

  4. Newspapers do not sell news. They sell advertising. That is rule #1. If JK and his column were not generating enough advertising revenue, they replace him with someone else with an interest that might.


    That rule of advertising should be transparently obvious to anyone reading the Sun, but it is true of all newspapers. Subscriptions do not pay the bills.

    Same rule for television, radio, and the internet.

  5. It is on Bertmount, a one way street heading south, 2 streets (?)east of Jones Ave. on Dundas St E.

    There used to be all sorts of strange looking homes, and people, in that neighbourhood years back. The face of one house used to be plastered in hubcaps. One yard was all pink flamingos. 'Aunty Doreen' and her cat haven always left the basement window open for all the neighbourhood cats. The 'Librarian', didn't know he had died til we smelt him 2 weeks later.

    A really different neighbourhood. My apartment was only a 5 minute walk from work at the Greenwood yard.

  6. I know of a lot of Europeans who catch and keep carp along with perch, pike and walleye. All of these species exist in central and Northern Europe.

    For my grandparents, coming to Ontario was like never leaving home.

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