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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. there is Ling in Erie...it's not bowfin I gather the guy is talking about....I know for a fact they are in the lake...Bigugli got a nice one in the river end of last winter down the road from my house..a huge one probbaly 12-13lbs

    You mean this thing.


    Near as UGLI as me :lol: Never saw a tomcod this big before. Wasn't a clean catch, hooked in the side of the head so I never weighed it. Swam off to get fatter for someone else.

  2. watchin' a big hit on the ice from an aggressive pike is always a rush. they fight hard and make for some great photos once they're winded. pretty beasts they are. if you're on a a lake with a decent population ,, winter pike make for some excellent table fare. my fav. ,, no question.

    Got to admit, big pike through the ice are a blast.


    Then again I feel like a kid let loose in a candy store when I go jigging for smelts. :blush::D

  3. It's the price we pay for convenience, and the price we paid for not supporting the local area shops. There used to be numerous bait and tackle shops on the #11, and on the old #69. They are gone. Only a handful remain. Even into the 70's many a marina kept a good supply of bait and tackle. It's all gone. They were always open by 6 and the coffee was always on. Nobody wanted to pay the extra to keep those places going. With fewer places around, and open at a convenient hour, you still end up paying that extra.

  4. Bruce, too bad for selling the rifle and shotgun..... I own a Lee Enfield modified stock and a Baikail one shot 12 gage for birds.... Love those two..... it's my pride and joy

    I've sold all my guns before because of a bad experience and regret it but now will keep them for as long as I live


    but to get back on topic.... think pink, just before hitting the pan with ash browns..... here it is




    I know.... me bad :blush:

    Gotta enjoy the fruits of your labours (and boast) a little. I'm sure that was absolutely heavenly.

  5. You sir are a Lucky man to have your daughter's fish with you...(I envy you)


    Great report Bruce,you seem like the fella who truly deserves it :thumbsup_anim:



    Only the pike queen is my daughter. The other girls are my son's girlfriends. I get them to come out and put them on bigger fish than the son is catching. He hates that :D But they get to enjoy something different and keep coming out for more.

    Like I said, the real fun is in sharing my time with others.


    I still like going out with my daughter for some "silly fishing" Like the person who caught the fewest rockies or gills, etc... buys . Of course Dad will try hard but we both 'know' who is going to be the 'loser'

  6. oh man.... i can remember the pulla and the ginger cookies my grandmother used to make. i havent had that stuff in years.

    do you happen to have recipes for those? it'd be killer to try and make some and suprise my mother when we go over there during the holidays.



    Easiest way too this. I'm still using my Gram's old Five Roses Cookbook with her notes.


    Get a 5 Roses book. Use the basic sweet dough recipe. Replace the lemon rind with 3tsp ground cardamom.

    Best I can say is that the reipe is only a guide. There is a texture and feel to the dough when kneading that tells you its right. Dough needs to feel smooth and has a light satinny texture and no longer stick to your fingers as you work it.

    You will also find the basic rolled cookie recipes there. Make cardamom cookies by using cardamom, not ginger. Can't help you with the cookie designs. I still use Grams cutters.

  7. Hey Bruce that looks real delicious :thumbsup_anim: but remember that




    That is what I'm having tonight..... still marinating and will gulp it a little later on :whistling:


    The fella I barter fish/venison with is having a bad case of skunkitis :whistling:

  8. :D Seeing as I'm confined to the house, again, figured it was time to start on the Christmas cooking list. Our celebration runs the whole month of December, and food, in a Finnish home, is central to the festivities.


    Today, I spent 5 hours cranking out Swedish meatballs. They'll be heavenly once they've soaked in Lingonberries and wine. Next will be Pulla, ginger snaps, cardamom cookies, etc.. We don't do Lutefisk (blechhh!).

    Don't have too much time to get ready for an open house and fish fry. Not quite the same as my Gram's traditional Finnish open house, but good enough.

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