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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. What are you talking about Bruce ?


    I have been fishing Port D for years and almost daily during the winter, and

    never once has their been fights.

    Actually during these years we have never once seen you out on the wall.


    We have seen you on the other side fishing for perch in the corner.


    Risks, now that's funny. The regulars down at Port D have an annual clean

    up of the whole place.

    Many of us help out with the Kids Day fishing derby.


    Also Bruce, your President of the St.Catharines game and fish, Jerry M,

    as well as many other directors and members of the club

    fish with us quite a bit. So I have no clue what your words are about.


    And if you look on this board, Brandon(bluetop) posted our monthly

    trout derbys we have down at port, getting many guys from out of town

    and also from the States showing up for the derbys.


    We have many guys down here that also bring their kids fishing,

    trying their luck at landing their first trout.


    Risk :lol: now that's funny.

    And how many anti-Toronto and anti-oriental comments have been made by some of the "posse" over the past year on other boards? How these people are stripping and raping the local fishery with their "white buckets".

    Bluetops partner told me he got a warning and a fine for decking somebody last year during an argument.

    Then there are those who like slinging lead at boaters drifting the channel.

    Then there is one individual who likes threatening people on a regular basis. You know who.

    When I am there, which is rare these days, I stay away from the crowd. I find no enjoyment in having to watch my back while I fish. I was on the legion side Sunday. Two weeks before I was up by the lighthouse. Away from the crowd.

  2. but everything had to be legit? LOL I don`t know how your system works up there. We have a social security retirement-disability plan here in the states.


    Cash money maybe nice if you use it wisely, most people I have seen here make it and use it. No money paid into the social security plan for it, they don`t bother putting it into a 401k. Ours is based on legit income, money you don`t report doesn`t increase what you get for a retirement check, or disability income if something should happen to you to cut short your working career.


    LOL I have friends and even family members that went the cash money way, now whining that they only will get 600-700 a month from social security and can`t retire.


    Might seem like a good deal now but it can screw you up later. Every job I took was legit, just made more sense to me.

    Not quite the same here, but the amount paid in is factored to a certain degree. There is also an income supplement for seniors also. Put together they still only provide a meagre pension to live on.

  3. you guys should wait until you get home before you start eating the fish there Bruce :lol:


    I'm a baaad boy :blush: I just couldn't help myself. One moment i"m just fishing away. Minding my own business. Next thing I know I've got this fish in my mouth and I'm hearing the music of ..... "da dum da dum da dum da dum..." Jaws! :P

  4. Went out for a few hours to see if we could scare up a few fish on the 12 mile. Needless to say the fish were not cooperative. A handful of smaller perch and one sheepie for the son.



    Who said fishing season was over?

  5. I think we can all agree that Canada and the U.S. of A. will be travelling a rough road the next few years. We are not going to be the ones solving the problems despite any good that comes from this discussion. The politicians won't give a tinker's damn for what we think. There is also no good that comes from all the feuding. Bottom line, we, as a society, got greedy and must now pay the piper.

    So for a minute take a hard lesson from the history books. Eighty years ago the crash of '29' brought on two decades of hard times and strife. The rich survived and flourished despite what was happening to the rest of society. But what about the regular shmucks like us.

    People like us got through it, survived, and still lived life to the fullest. They just became a lot more realistic about things. They worried about the things that mattered most. Despite the depression, and the war that followed, they worked harder, tightened their belts, worked together and took care of their own. My Grampa was known, sometimes with Gram's diapproval, for always helping his neighbours. If he had a good day on Simcoe and caught a bushel of whities my Grampa would share it with the neighbours. Same with smelt or perch. Gram got mad because she had cleaned all them fish first :lol: He would think nothing of leaving a quarter from some animal on a friends doorstep because they could not afford to buy meat. Four men would scrape together every penny to run out for the duck hunt and share 1 box of shells between them. My uncle took payment for jobs in produce to barter down in Simcoe.

    Anybody who fought knows that survival required teamwork and co-operation. You didn't do it on your own.

    We may just have to relearn those lessons.

  6. Glad to hear all is O.K. The son got in the same mess a month ago. Rear ended at the stop lightand was also lucky to avoid real injury, but the shoulder locked up 2 days later. The injuries can take up to 72 hours to show themselves.


    Take care of your family first. Us yahoos can wait. You'l probably spend 2 weeks playing games with the adjusters before all is settled.

  7. We keep making all these so called "protective laws to keep us safe from ourselves. They don't work. Here's why.


    The new set of limitations has escalating penalties, but.....


    1) How many police officers will be assigned to help monitor the situation

    2) How many new constables will be hired for traffic enforcement.

    3) Our courts are already backlogged. Are we adding new courtrooms, or are more cases going to be thrown out because due process was not served within a reasonable time frame. There are lots of DUI's still driving because it takes 2-3 years to make it to court.

    4) Most youth believe they are indestructible or too smart to be caught. I'm certain a lot of us older fools thought the same way.

    5) This legislation, like the motor manslaughter rules, like the cell phone ban, just adds more after the fact punishment, that is all. Like most of the new regulations, "If you get caught" becomes the big catch phrase. In other words, after you have your accident we will crucify you if you survive. Not much of a deterrent, but it makes the lobbyists happy.


    We already know that 10% of license holders routinely drink and drive. The numbers that actually get caught,and punished, is a pathetic drop in the bucket.

    Just like the thousands out there without insurance or driving under suspension. The deterrent is not there. A few years back an employee of mine had to be caught 3 times before the court imposed suitable sentence. First time was pulled over for speeding and got a 24 hr suspension for being "borderline". Pulled over again a month later and finally got hit for no insurance ( they didn't check the first time). A few more weeks go by and pulled over again for speeding. No insurance. No court date for a year so he continues to drive. Still drinking and no insurance. The court hit him, but they also hit his employer by making us help administer his punishment. $5000 in fines, to be garnished from his wages over a year. 30 days sentence on weekends and the employer, get this, was to ensure he got to the jail on time on Friday without consequence to his job. So I have to take another person off the job to deliver this :asshat: to detention.

    I do believe that the same mess will come about from all these new HTA regulations. The only gain will be a bigger mountain of bureaucratic red tape.

  8. I have a 2 piece survival suit- Mustang. The 2 piece allows a little more flex when bending over. It is also easier to cool down in the 2 piece when you get hot. As for warmth, WOW! I don't need layers. The inside of the suit is soaked by the end of the day. My son has the floatation coat and he needs to wear layers as they do not have the same degree of insulation.

  9. We have an HT Polar Express. It is a folding backpack shelter, 1 or 2 man. Weighs 20lbs.


    The enire unit unfolds not unlike a clam with a pair of collapsible seats inside. We have the rest of our gear on a small sled.


    The shelter is darn good for being lightweight. One drawback, and I'm finding the same problem with a lot of canvas product. A lot of the product sewn in thr Far East has poor stitching and cheap thread. It is only a minor inconvenience for me as I have had a lot of practice sewing canvas with a sailmakers palm. For most it would be a major problem.

  10. Managed to get up to Lake Simcoe yesterday with my dad and uncle.


    Here's the beginning of the cleaning assembly line. The pre-cleaning quality inspection by my little jack. She likes to give each fish a lick as they come out of the bucket.






    Your jack doesn't try to steal the fish? My fish thieving dog is sooo bad I have to either bring home a small one(live) for her to chew on or a few live minnows :lol: When we take her fishing she gets very excited whenever a fish is caught. :)


    Congrats on a successful outing despite the wind and weather.

  11. I am not yet 50 and I already suffer the inconveniences and embarassments that come with arthritis. I do not go canoeing anymore. There are days I cannot tie more complex knots ( Thank God for the palomar). I can no longer go out in the boat by myself. So What?

    Lately a number of us have placed posts of taking older family members out fishing, despite their age and frailties. I don't care if they have to wheel me out onto the dock in a wheelchair. My uncle does not mind half crawling to get into a boat from the dock. There is no limit on doing what you love beyond the limits we set for ourselves. We learn and adapt.

  12. It's now been 4 weeks and NO SMOKES. Been going OK most of the time now. Had an awful urge yesterday at work and today just sitting here with no pressure. Funny how that goes. Had that dream daplumma said I would last night. Ha I did feel guilty. Hope these major urges go away soon. Wasn't this bad the last time I quit.

    You're getting there Bernie. One day at a time. In this race there is no finish line to look toward. Each day gets a little easier than the last, but that temptation is always there. I was having the smoking dream a couple of nights back, woke up and, right away, checked my dresser to make sure I hadn't done something stupid.

  13. Despite a case of the soggies, I was on the shore by 7:30. The bite was pretty darn good til 1:00. Lots of perch, a 12" pike, a few bass


    My partner for the day got the biggest perch



    Can't wait to see what the weather is like tomorrow.

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