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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. 'Eh, I still got one of the original Ugly Stiks my dad gave me, and still use it every spring for catfish. There hasn't been a rod built since then as perfectly suited to cats as that one.


    Like I said, I was just buggin!


    I know ;)


    And the original Ugly Stik had a lifetime warranty. I have one as well. Great for bush fishing.

  2. Because I walk a lot of shoreline and bush when backpacking the rod has got to be durable. It also has got to feel good in your hand.

    When it comes to sensitivity and light bites, there is no diff tween a Walmart special and a St Croix. I just watch my rod tip. Arthritis has buggered up a lot of the feeling in the hands so I can't justify the $2-400 price tag

  3. Nice fish, but...


    There have been some amazing advances in the fishing rod industry! Maybe check them out? lol


    Just buggin'

    That 5' glass rod is 40 years old and has never failed. A present from my Uncle Jonni. I still like using it for pannies. And that handle is solid cork. Lord knows how many times its gone swimming :lol:


    The gear from the past may not be cutting edge but it was built to last. Just like the old 300A or my old Rapala knife that Gram bought me in Finland before they were available here. :worthy:


    Like they say: "Why mess with perfection?"

  4. A far more fitting and dignified end for the old girl Lew. My cousin had the priviledge of serving on HMCS Ottawa on her last tour doing the 'good will and show the flag duty'. She was both his first ship and his last.


    My uncle was a life long carrier man on the Maggie and Bonnie. I was a weekender, couldn't pass the physical. My family are bluejackets.


    Hey Biteme. I saw the Fraser a few years back and she was a sorry state. Sad really. Don't know how well the work has progressed since. The South Shore link wouldn't open for me.

  5. Sounds great, big and ugly.


    Here's some down home music for us.




    And some more if you like leeks. I know I do.



    I actually remember hearing the tune, not the words, when I was small.


    One of my fave recordings is a 1981 tape from the Tapiolan Kuoro That my Gram bought for me at the Suomi Aitta. Always played at Christmas and when I spend long hours cooking.

    The fave track would be " Vesi vasyy limen alle "

    I know every note and harmony of the following even though I don't know the words


    Gram would have me play it on the horn every once in a while.

  6. No kitchen sink pic? ;)


    Did that Poike die of "hot oil" disease? :stretcher:


    Glad to see you got out!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


    No kitchen sink. Mr Poike and 5 of the larger perch will be guests of honour at a later date. Having one of our notorious pot luck fish fries here at "Ugli Acres" in a couple of weeks. we end up with 30-40 redneck fisherpersons for some good clean fun and stuffed bellies. Great way to start my Christmas season.

  7. Daniel son, if you have a Mrs, or other significant other, do not, I repeat, DO NOT! even hint at the price of your addiction. Yer in for one big heap of pain and sorrow otherwise. THat or you are gonna have to buy a real big suck up gift :lol:

  8. I went to a bag a few years back. Talk about making life simple. No more rats nest in the bottom of the box. Easier for organizing species specific or tactic specific gear. Especially when you have a limit on the amount of gear you can carry. Just take the trays and packages you need, and leave the rest in the bag.

  9. I remember in private those I knew who died peacekeeping or in training. Regretably, we also laid to rest a good friend today.


    I admit I turn into a blubbering mess every year. We never forget. In that vein



    The lament is called "Flowers of the Forest" it is played to mourn the fallen. The dead, the missing, the wounded who never heal. Those we knew. Those we would never have the honour of knowing.

  10. I had an uncle that was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. Never talked about it much and I often regret asking him to share his stories. He's long gone now, so I really missed out on something there .. I'm sure. I'm sure our veterans could tell some reall horror stories about their experiences. Give our veterans all the honor and glory they so richly deserve.

    Do not feel bad about not coaxing the stories from your uncle. A lot of the old sweats just couldn't bring themselves around to talk about the wars. My uncle Bob didn't talk to me about the trenches til I was 18-19 and a reservist. Every sentence was a struggle. Even at 90, faces of his mates and memories of that living hell still haunted him. He told us about fighting in the gas, the death, the stench, but we never knew about the "gongs" he had been awarded. First time we saw them was when we were gathering up his things after he had gone.

  11. Yep, Rob runs a nice outfit, but, I froze my arse on the outdoor crapper, at -30 it's a bit rude. There's not much biting after dark anyway, we do the cottage on shore routine, nice warm relax, get fuzzy and don't have t hang your appendage out in that crazy cold.

    Rule #1 one of winter necessities, when going to the honey hut, never sit on the seat. Especially at night. Yer likely to leave behind a patch of skin.


    L Nippissing has a lot of good operators to choose from.

  12. Brains never were my strong suit :wallbash::oops:

    Don't feel bad. Most people wouldn't know. My family serves and, I hope, will always serve.


    There are three different types of military medal. 1) campaign medals or stars which identify the military campaigns one was involved with. If you look at the bars on the Boer War medal, it has added distinctions. 2) Battle honours which shows that, not only was the recipient in S. Africa for the campaign, he actually fought at certain major actions. 3) Then there are "gongs". These are the medals you read about in the news. These are the ones given out for distinct acts, leadership, bravery or sacrifice. The greatest distinction is the Victoria Cross, easily recognized by the solid burgundy/maroon ribbon and the simple inscription "For Valor"

    I almost forgot to mention that the VC is such an esteemed award that the wearer of such an honour customarily receive a salute. Even if that means a general having to salute a lowly private. It is recognition of the honour and the recipients selfless sacrifice.

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