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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Great looking job GCD. Given 3-4 years to grow in sufficiently and it will look stunning.


    Of course you do realize you broke the unwritten law of landscaping(who cares) :lol: Planting in 3's.

    Rules were meant to be broken. :thumbsup_anim:

  2. Rick O'Banion has been a moving force far beyond OFC. Folks at NFN also have a lot of respect for the man. In that vein NFN is hosting an open invite swill in Rick's benefit.


    The date: SAT. DEC. 13th. 6pm-?


    Place : LAZY LIZARD, St. Catharines





    If you can attend, please post a response that we might get an estimate of numbers.


    Your participation will be greatly appreciated.

  3. To tell you the truth, I found saltwater fishing here rather disappointing. But the mackerels are plentiful when they come in, and they taste pretty darn good.

    That's because most of the inshore fishery had collapsed a long time back. For every 30 or so mackerel you'll hook, you might haul up 1 pollock, haddock or cod.

  4. Congratulations Joefish.. I havent found the knack just yet but one of these days I'll figure it out... Sweet ride BTW, gotta love those Geisler (a.k.a Bernie) cedarstrips.. A tried and true Nipissing favorite....Just waiting to find a beater to fix up and call my own!!

    I grew up using a cedarstrip as our working/fishing boat. they are beautiful. The one thing I hated was sanding down and recoating the fibreglass every other year.

  5. Dung has been used for centuries as a primitive cooking fuel in parts of Asia. Simply apply new age tech to a primitive resource.

    Compost can generate more than methane. When the process is accelerated, the heat produced is phenomenal. It is not unusual for compost mounds to spontaneously combust. It's happened in my pile a couple of times.

    Nothing more embarassing than standing knee deep in hot garbage with a pitchfork and a hose in the middle of winter trying to put out the hot spots, while a crowd of curious neighbours look on :blush: I had too much rabbit waste in the pile.

  6. ok well im heading down to P.E.I for the summer for work and want to do some fishing the last time i was down there i was catching ghaspero (weird little things look like bass but teeth like piranhas) , mackerel and brook trout. But i was talking to some one that said there where striped bass out there but he never really said where to catch them. Im only going to have a kayak to fish out of and dont want to be paddling into the middle of the ocean for mackerel. So has any one fished for them if so can u lend some advise do they stay close to shore, what do the eat?

    They run into certain tribs in the maritimes, and the St. Lawrence, fall to spring for the spawn. Beyond that they are an offshore fish.

  7. Man, you golden horseshoe boys really have to stop being terrified of every creature that walks in the woods. We deal with them almost every day and we're all still alive up here. Bears, cougars, and even boars. When I encounter these creatures, I chase after them for the photo op.

    It hasn't been that long since they dropped the bounty on wolves and coyotes.

    A bear would be quickly dealt with if it showed itself within an urban area. Like the bear at the IGA in Parry Sound. People fear anything they cannot control.

  8. Pack dogs( domestics gone feral) have attacked people in the past. They do not have the same fear of man that wolves and coyotes have. Yes you can shoot them to protect yourself. There used to be a serious problem north of Toronto, early 80's. There was a 2 year shooting, trapping and poisoning campaign for them. Biggest pack we encountered was 23 dogs.

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