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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Standard pop and go. Cash, cards, anything electronic they can quickly grab and pawn. Easy dope/booze money is what they are looking for. Same thing happening in household break-ins over the past 20 years. Once in a while they get caught, but not often enough, and the judicial system has them back on the streets in under a year.

  2. Good luck with the police.... my car (acura TL) got stolen last May from theater parking lot (401/morning side) so I called the police, they showed-up after over 2 hours as this was not an emergency while I was standing out in cold waiting them. After they arrive they even did not bother to get off from there cruiser, all they did is took my info, car info and insurance details and then a lecture about not to approach if i see my car but to call them and on there way back a report number to pass to the insurance.


    Funny was, when I asked what are the chances that I get my car back... they were well its over 20 cars per week average in this division and over 150,000 cars per year across the country, you would be lucky to get it back but don't worry your insurance will take care of you.... and when I was talking to insurance guy while settling my claim, he was, your car might be sitting in some trailer for shipping out of the country...


    My experience over all... well cops know how it is happening, insurance know what is happening with stolen cars but seems no one is interested in tackling the problem. How it is possible to export a stolen car out of the country without the support of law enforcement and customs??


    Read these report, quite interesting



    Really simple. There are thousands of seatainers leaving and entering the country each day. You might have the manpower to inspect 50 a day outbound. At present, authorities can't keep up with the inbound traffic of goods, so outbound shipments are low priority, as opposed to inbound containers from Latin America or the Far East.

  3. Had the car broken into and stolen a few years back. Took the police on a hair raising chase for nearly an hour.

    The idiot had just drawn probation 2 weeks earlier for another car theft, and had just been thrown out of a bar. He smashed open the car window, jimmied the ignition, and proceeded to stalk the bouncer at bar closing. The cops saw him slowly cruising the block with lights off and gave chase. By the time they caught him there was $5000 in damage to the car.


    The worst part. He was back on the street in 48 hours despite the parole violations and repeat offense. The guys family had the nerve to come to my house asking if they could search the car for a ring he had lost! I got a warning from the police for losing my temper with these people.



    Yup, our criminal justice system works real good.

  4. My uncle Bob was with the horse arty in WW I. Fought the whole 5 years in France. Gassed twice, was at Ypres to hold the line when the French broke ranks to escape that big first gas attack. Drove their horses right into the gas cloud and kept their position til help arrived. They survived the gas by pissing on a piece of cloth and tying it over their face.

    He rarely talked about it. When he did, you could see in his face the emotions welling up. As if he was reliving another horrible moment. I can't imagine how much it hurt just to remember. He never went to the Legion for weepers, and would never leave the house on the 11th.

    I and a couple of cousins have been fortunate to have never seen combat, but I have lost friends in peacetime. I can understand why he did not want to remember. The faces of friends lost frozen in memory. Being one of the few original old sweats to actually survive pained him.


    ..."At the going down of the sun and in the morning WE SHALL REMEMBER THEM"

  5. Would you eat one? and i never seen one on a restaurant menu, I would prefer walleye, trout and Atlantic's for good table fair.

    I've eaten sheepies from the smoker and in good old fashioned "fish-head soup". That was what was put on the table, and that was what you were going to eat.


    As for edible bottom feeders, there is cod, halibut, haddock, sole, catfish.. You could even put perch in that category at times.

  6. Pure water is distilled and only comes from a lab. All water, even the sweetest spring water you've ever tasted, has trace metal, or salts, in it. That is natural. Removing all of that is not necessarily good, You need some of those trace elements in your body.

  7. The law is very specific. You must have running lights to be on the water at night.


    Years back we spent a long night trolling for the bodies of 2 anglers who got creamed. They did not have any running lights and there was no moon. One fella was found alive in the water, the other was found washed up dead on the shore the next morning.


    Better safe than sorry.

  8. I'm not worried... becaus I didn't enter! ;)


    ... but anybody that enters a contest like that should know that's what they're after... that's why I didn't enter.


    Everybody knows that!... roight? :whistling:



    Just like 'Enter our Free draw for a Dream Vacation'. My wife must stuff a hundred or more ballot boxes a year :rolleyes: We get phone calls 6 months after the Sportsman Show for the draws she entered. But every once in a while she scores :thumbsup_anim:

  9. I can't remember my own birthday, let alone the wife's , or the anniversary, or the day of the week. I've been early on Judy's special days. I've also been caught off guard when the kids leave the cards on the kitchen table in the morning. Then I quickly run to my stash, because I at least bought the stuff ahead of time.

    Judy on the other hand, can tell you the birthday of every member of the extended family, twice removed.

  10. BIGUGLI,


    Looks like you had a nice day out on the water, was this to replace take your kids to work day?


    As a father of an 12 and 13 year old and a smoker, at what age did you let your son start smoking?




    I have always believed that quality family time has far greater value than a day of school or work. It took a heart attack to learn that lesson

    Funny you should ask about the smoking. I never allowed him to smoke. He was there when I had my M.I., and was there when the doctor said quit now or you'll be back on the slab next month.

    He didn't take up smoking, or hid it well, til he was almost 18. Being an adult, there is not much I can tell him to do or don't do outside the home. He saw the consequences up close but chose to ignore them. Kinda like a person coming from a family of alcoholics and saying "booze can't hurt me"

  11. With a weather forecast of warm air and clear skies, I just could not resist. The brood and I hopped into the van at 6 and ran for the lake. Weren't sure where we were launching. Depended on the wind. Barrie or the south shore. Wound up on the south shore.

    The bite was not hot and heavy, but steady enough to land a few hundred over the course of the day. Lots of small stuff. Not cold enough for the big jacks to really move in. My daughter has never been out on Simcoe and she had a hoot.





    The son got a few pigs:





    We managed to have a great day with a fine take home meal or two to boot :D


  12. I'll keep the whitish complexion. I've burnt my skin far too many times over the years. Burnt and blistered skin is far from pretty. Smells bad too.

    Same with always wearing the hat. Sunstroke sucks.


    The hard lessons we learn when we are young and stupid.


    As for the portly stature. Its bought and paid for. They make us big where we come from :lol:

    And I like living large.

  13. Have y'all never been to the beach or community swimming pool? :canadian:


    Regretably, I am old enough to remember when, in Toronto, the only places a guy could walk around without a shirt was at the pool or at the beach. The moment you stepped off the beach you had better have a shirt on. I think it was a $10 fine for public indecency. My Mom got a warning from the good constable because we were at the playground without our shirts on.

    That was back when T.O. was known as "Toronto the good"


    In many cases I think it is still a pretty good idea



    I don't think little kids need to be traumatized by seeing Santa in the buff :o:santa:

  14. Disney has a full service C & R guiding package. If you go that route take the guide out of Ft Wilderness. Not difficult to pick up 20 bass in a 2 hour session.

    If you want the 'real deal', hook up with Roland Martin's marina and the guide service they provide. I know a few people who have tried the Martin's operation and have none but good things to tell of. At that time of year they are usually big on fishing with shad on circle hooks

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