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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Cowboy Groom




    A Cowboy and his wife had just been married and




    went to a hotel for their honeymoon. The man went




    to the front desk and asked for a room. He said,




    "This here is a very special, it's our wedding night,




    and we need a good room with a strong bed."




    The clerk winked and asked, "Do you want




    the Bridal?"




    The Cowboy thought about it a while and then




    replied, "No, I guess not, I'll just hold on




    to her ears until she gets used to it."

  2. It's a good change I see from this. I am glad to see our fallen receiving the final respect they deserve. That Canadians once again care for their sons and daughters.


    It wasn't that long ago when the news media and the public could've cared less about them. I've 'stood to' for friends and messmates and seen only a handful in attendance back during the Trudeau years. A minister of defence who declined to attend the funeral of a local son in his riding, killed while peacekeeping. Back when "soldier" or "sailor" were dirty words. Careers " only deemed suitable for backward yokels and the mentally challenged" as one Canadian journalist put it.


    They faithfully served their country. They have, regretably, died on Canada's behalf. They deserve to be honoured and respected for their sacrifice. Thank you for your report Hammercarp

  3. I have the 2 man version. I like the convenience of use, and it is light to carry. Got it as a gift I did not ask for. Wife really surprised me so I can't really complain.


    Downsides. Hinge pins for the canopy are cheap. Replaced with good ones.

    Canopy and back pack use common thread and poorly stitched. Many seams repaired with sailmakers thread and a palm.

  4. Built many a quinzy, yes they are warm. Built numerous winter camps and shelters to live in and learn on winter weekends. Making sure you keep your clothes dry in bed or out is big. Dry bedding area is also important. We would drag in a few bails of straw as an insulator and dry layer.

  5. Come on down to Saskatchewan. I was called a racist on this Board a little over a year ago when I said I would rather see Canadians move here than going outside the country to get workers. Not like Saskatchewan isn't trying. Just last Month the Premiere had a Job Fair in Toronto with recruiters trying to lure workers. Move or Starve it isn't the end of the World. There is a Canada outside Ontario and Quebec.

    A bunch of young lads just came home from Alberta last week. All laid off because the oil boom went bust. They were all told it was indefinite. Too bad the young lads behaved like young lads and blew the money on the worlds 2 greatest evils.

  6. .I wasnt even going to entertain a post in this thread but the shovel comment kinda made me laugh ...because we had two feet of fresh snow fall last night and my snowblower just went on the fritz....


    Anybody got a shovel???...preferably with an operator...lol...


    I got one set you can have. It just eats its weight in beer and groceries each week :P

  7. i would have to agree that posting a person's pic, without consent, would not normally be appropriate.


    Have to say I have not heard any one bash OFC. We all, for the most part, have the ability to pick and choose what we read and don't read. A lot of the NF stuff is a hoot. As for some of the more colourful personalities I have read about..... :w00t::devil::P:lol::wacko::clapping:

  8. It's all about patience. I remember how upset some of the younger cubs would get after putting up their bird feeders. I'd always get a phone call from some young child, and he'd be just a sobbing, thinking he had done something wrong, expecting the birds to show up the moment he put the feeder up.


    The birds will come in time. Snow will speed up the process as it buries a lot of the available food on the ground. Make sure you keep the cat in the house.

  9. they do look really good, anybody care to share a recipe or two, if not i understand

    Right in the good old 5 Roses cookbook under butterscotch cookies. Use either the vanilla for flavouring or replace with Cardamom.

  10. The Canadian govt was duped for over a decade by Massey Ferguson. Back then it was development grants, interest free loans, purchases of thousands of tractors for foreign aid.

    Don't get me wrong, they built a fantastic tractor then. They also priced themselves out of the market. The bailouts stopped and MF folded soon after back in the 70's. Someone bought up the remains of the company and continues the brand name, but the plants are long gone.

    It is only too likely that we will get into the same financial mess. We will pay through the nose, but the plants will still disappear, and we will be left holding an empty bag.


    Carp starter:


    Your math is a bit off. Not all adults are actually paying an income tax. Reduce that number by 1/3 down to 10 million and you have a price tag of $400 per taxpayer for each dig into the pocket.

  11. Love this type of music. Grew up listening to it. Took my wife(Mainlander :lol: ) home 2 years ago for her first mummering experience where you get to see this type of music for real. I grew up playing the fiddle, squeezebox spoons and the tinwhistle. Should of seen my wifes face. Great now I'm homesick.

    I got a good dose of it as a kid. I'd spend a month at a time with my uncle in N.S. up Jeddore way. That and watching Don Messers and his fiddle music every week on the CBC.

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