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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Despite the slush and freezing rain I got out for a few hours on the canal. Had a bucket full of minnows and the panfish were biting. After 5 hours I didn't have a minnow left. I think there was one other fella fishing about a 1/2 mile down from me. As usual, a few of the pigs got greedy, so I invited them home.


    They were the guests of honour for supper.


    Nothing like fresh fish for dinner.

  2. We used to have one of the Worlds Best Pipes and Drums band called the Black Watch. But Alas the Liberals got rid of them, just like our Airborne. Too aggressive and English Canadian. I think maybe the Calgary cops maybe our best now, I could be wrong.

    There used to be a number of grade #1 pipe bands in Canada. Black Watch, Toronto Scottish, Metro Police, etc.. But that was in the days of the Scottish World Festival in the 1970's. That was a world class tatoo. Nothing like the sound of a thousand pipers marching into the stadium to raise yer hackles. I had the privilege of participating one year. Many brass bands were also in the same class. The 48's ( under drum major Brian Mackinnon), RCR's (under the direction of Capt. Gino Falconi), the GG's ( where my brass instructor was from, home of the Sopers), The Stad band (home of another instructor, Sgt. Llewyn).

  3. Thanks for the kind words guys. Since I was a little one, fishing was a family thing. It is always more fun when there is somebody around to share the day.

    That way I always have a scapegoat for when the day goes wrong :P

  4. That was funny! But to be honest, all I hear from my 4 year old is that dam transformer song. It's only going to get worst because Santa has spent over 200 dollars on transformers! :wacko:
    Buy toys that you and the child can share. More fishing gear, an ice hut, a father and son weekend with the mouse :lol:
  5. Grew up in the Victoria Harbour/Midland area until 82, there were no fish left at that time and moved to Windsor. Been here since and I am still surprised that an urban area has such an unbelievable fishery-walleye-musky-bass-perch and rainbow.

    Yup. The fishing along the south shore, all the way into the Severn Sound, was really poor back in the early 80's. It has changed a lot in 20 years.

  6. As I sit here, stranded at home for the day, I have a lot of time to reflect on my fishing year. Finally made the effort to join OFC. A smart decision. You guys are a hoot. It's not the numbers of fish caught. Like Dan C., I can go and catch fish anytime. It's the quality of my outings and the time I share.















    I am only so glad to have had the opportunity to share my time, and my passion, with others. I get my biggest kick watching youngsters and newbies catching any fish. I am blessed with good friends and a loving family who make my days out a joy. Life is far too short to worry about how many or how big. The biggest catch are those in the net beside me.

  7. We used to go jetty jumping on the East coast as part of our training. Quite a shock when you hit the water, and I was used to it. 2 minutes of immersion in the Labrador current is enough to kill a man.

    We grew up with having winter saunas . Even with that kind of conditioning it doesn't take much before hypothermia sets in.

  8. Start off as a Muskoka brat with the stretch from Waubushene to Mactier as my playground.

    Lived in 8 different parts of the GTA over 20 years while running back up with relatives every chance I got. Never could find solid work up there.

    Been in Beamsville (pronounced- Buhmsville), Niagara region the past 17

    I'd move to Orillia in a heartbeat but wifey is skeered of snow

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