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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. gonna leave some of those at my house tonight Santa????, I thought it was supposed to be the other way around....alright we will just leave ya a beer :Gonefishing:


    All the best to the Ugli's this season..pass it on to Judy,Anna...and I guess even Rob :lol: ,from everyone here at the JWL house...PS, invite still stands for Boxing day if you guys are in the area :)


    It'll be my turn to cook turkey on Boxing Day, but we'll see if we can stop by in the evening.

    Merry Christmas to you and your lovely femmily ( :lol: ) my friend. You tell Emily I'm watching her like a hawk. I need another nose for my collection.

  2. Hark, Hark, did you hear the latest news. Elizabeth ( ex Yank) Mays was embarresed to be a Canadian.http://pelalusa.blogspot.com/2008/12/elizabeth-may-embarrassed-to-be.html


    If its fat, and feels comfortable. Maybe its a Senator. I'm a Global Warning Alarmist, just like a Big three Auto Alarmist. Come on down. Saskatchewan is minus 40 but the sun is Shining and nobody is crying. Lots of jobs.


    Remember while your shoveling, every scoop is improving your SLACK and IDEL BODY


    That last comment reminds me of a D.I. from Cornwallis " Thank you Master Corporal for building my weak body and feeble mind"


    I love winter. Bring on the snow.

  3. DSCN2271-1.jpg


    To all at OFC, the Ugli bunch wish you all a




    PS: Due to austerity measures in place to weather current economic conditions the "eight tiny reindeer" have been replaced by two miniature sled dogs :lol::santa: HOHOHO

  4. Not all deer are large in their stature. Whereas the red deer is a very large and majestic creature in size and stature, the fallow deer would be a 1/2 it's size. A fallow doe might reach 40" at the shoulder, more likely 32-36". A fawn even smaller.

    I agree that no creature at 150lb is going to show so little impact damage to the car, but a fawn?

  5. In our household, what won't we be feasting on over the holidays?


    Because our Christmas is a month long celebration, it is difficult to list all the food we will stuff ourselves with. Might need a couple of pages.


    Dec. 6th was an open house with sil, swedish meatballs, devilled eggs, slaw, potato salad, pickled everything, and a mountain of fish. Desert was trifle, ice cream cake and X-mas cookies.


    Tonight we have roast beef, baked chicken, baked squash, creamed peas, boiled new potatoes.


    and in the week up to Christmas there is a special dish every day. Prime rib on the 25th. Turkey on the 26th. and a glazed ham Jan 1st.

  6. My wife spent 3 weeks in the "house" at McMaster, during one of our daughter's surgeries. I have nothing but good to say about the charity. Back then it was 2 dollars a day with access to a stocked kitchen. You needed to bring in some perishable groceries.

    Even back then, we could not have hoped to afford hotels for 3 weeks for my wife, or cafeteria and restaurant meals for that length of time. Hotels were not a good option either as they weren't near to the hospital.

    They allowed the wife to be at hand for my daughter at all times, and staff there bent over backwards to help in any way they could. What more could I say, a great support for parents.

  7. What is life without love and laughter. In these times we need them more than ever.


    Despite all that happens around us, we have lives to live out. What point is there if we do not have hope in a better tommorrow. Make do and enjoy the blessings you have. Despite all the bad things that are going on in our family's life we are still here together, loving each other, and having a laugh or two when we can, and we know that there is always the promise of tommorrow.


    Having said all that, I need some feel good music.

  8. These are yummy!


    Christmas Cookie Recipe


    1 cup of water

    1 tsp baking soda

    1 cup of sugar

    1 tsp salt

    1 cup of brown sugar

    1 T lemon juice

    4 large eggs

    1 cup nuts

    2 cups of dried fruit

    1 bottle Crown Royal Reserve



    Sample the Crown to check quality.

    Take a large bowl, check the Crown again, to be sure it is of the highest


    Pour one level cup and drink.


    Turn on the electric mixer...Beat one cup of butter in a large, fluffy bowl.

    Add one teaspoon of sugar...Beat again.

    At this point it's best to make sure the Crown is still OK, try another

    cup.. just in case.


    Turn off the mixer thingy.


    Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.

    Pick the dangg fruit off floor...


    Mix on the turner.

    If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a



    Sample the Crown to check for tonsisticity.

    Next, sift two cups of salt, or something.


    Who giveshz a sheet.


    Check the Crown Royal.


    Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

    Add one table.


    Add a spoon of ar, or somefink.

    Whatever you can find.


    Greash the oven.

    Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over.


    Don't forget to beat off the turner.

    Finally, throw the bowl through the window.


    Finish the bottle of Crown Royal.

    Make sure to put the stove in the dishwasher.




  9. Lions Clubs in our area raise funds through telethons and local fundraisers throughout the year. When delivering the turkey, the food vouchers and baskets of toys for the children the smiles on the faces of the less fortunate make the time spent working throughout the year all worthwhile.

    So Santa does do his deeds through us all in some way. :santa:


    Area Lions are busy helping community care package Christmas for 320 families this season.

  10. I dont know whats going on but that looks really good. insert homer here,,ummmm grease


    Funny thing is I'm using them 0 trans fat, 0 cholesterol oils. When the batter is cooked they come out shiny like that, but nice and crispy

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