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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Those are the best kind of fishing photos. The smiles tell a story than no words can clearly express. A special story tween you and your daughter.

    I've got dozens of those priceless moments, and I look forward to capturing another similar picture every chance I get.


    I wish you and your daughter hundreds of these special moments.

  2. After having coated your fish with the fish crisp do not throw it out. Mix a little milk to the dry coating to make a thick batter, or thicken your left over beer batter with flour. Fry it up as a bannock. put some chopped onion in the leftover mix if you like. The result is quite tasty.

  3. I have a bit of a different take on BPS.


    To let the employees of the store ruin my visit would be like not having a good time at the fair because the guy running a ride has bad teeth.



    Got to love it :clapping: . Great explanation. I live just over an hour away as well. I love going to BPS for all the "candy", then run up the road a bit to do a little shore fishing.

  4. BigUgli,


    The recipe starts the day before, for a coupla hours on the counter, then overnight in the fridge. The long rise makes it sweet and chewy, and the steam tray in the oven makes the crust cripsy, with a nice poof pumping up the bubbles.

    Gotta have that steam else any bread stays soft. if its pulla no steam wanted.

  5. Hard to comment because it is unkown who gave it to you.

    Some people buy gift X just for the sake of buying a gift. Sometimes they do the best they can. Fishing is hard to buy for unless you leave lots of clues.


    My mom bought me a fly fishng rod once. It was not cheap, she paid too much and I used it only a few times because it did not suit my application.

    Last year she got me something for several hundred dollars....its sitting in the closet unopened...what a waste. I think she would feel better if I was able to exchange it for something else.


    Exchange it for something that will work for you fishing related.....most people could appreciate that.



    When the gift is coming from an adult it's not too difficlt to return/exchange a gift. ( except not always the Mrs) A gift from a child, nephew, neighbour kid, etc.. is a totally different story. The only thing that matters is the thought, and the ownership/ pride that goes with it. I will never willingly do anything that is going to diminish a childs pride/ satisfaction in knowing they did something good.

    That is a lesson I learned very quickly as a cubmaster. You reward the effort today, and encourage a better result tomorrow. Some of the kids that once gave old packs of fishing hooks are now the adults who send me cognac which we share on fishing trips.

    As for gifts from parents, what does one say to a mother without getting a guilt trip when its not the right thing?

  6. We all receive some absolutely wonderful presents at this time of year. Many thoughtful gifts posted this season.


    That being said, many of us have, I'm sure, received some not so stellar gifts at times. Tacky ties, 6/0 Aberdeens, bargain bin leftovers. I know that I have received a few headshakers, I just never let on that it is a lemon.


    This year was no exception. I got a 5'6'' casting rod in combo with a Mitchell U/L spinning reel. Again, its one of those gifts that had all the best intentions, even if the sales person did not. I will, of course, be a good sport and use the combo. The thought counts and I would not want to downplay or diminish the gift givers intentions.

  7. I was recently at my cousins house in vaughn before christmas. She lives walking distance from the vaughn mills, and walk we did. We went to vaughn mills and I spent 3/4 of my time at BPS (and most of my other time at dip'n Dots :lol: ). I don't know if maybe I just got a bad sales person or if there all like this,but who knows. I was inquiring about some hunting gear for my grandfather, the gentlemen asked what I was generally interested in buying and what my budget was, I told him that i'm posativly clueless when it comes to hunting and I only have 30$ to spend ( this due to me not having a job). He said that theres not much he could do for me if I didnt know what I wanted so he sent me over to someone else, across the other end of the hunting section, Upon ariving there, the person I was directed to was just about to leave for there break and insisted that a wait around for the next person to return, 1o min later a man arrives and I tell him my situation, he directs me back to the origional person I talked to, This whole ordeal took me aproximatly 25 min, and I walked away with a gidt card :wallbash:<_< . Really what i'm trying to get at is has anyone else had an event like this occour to them or was it just a one off thing, It'd be great to hear about everyone else's good and bad BPS experiances. I don't wanna bash e'm to much cuz my friends dad is the manager :thumbsup_anim: . anyways thats my schpiel for now :blahblah1:


    tight lines,



    If your friend's dad is the manager, I hope you remembered the names of the sales clerks and handed the list to the dad. If not, send an e-mail to H.O. No company likes bad press.

  8. The family is out digging elbows at the mall while I prepare another Christmas feast for this evening. I've got more fishing stuff than I can use, or carry, already.


    This evening's menu includes the following, but not exclusively:


    Turkey and fixins, whipped potato, turnip casserole, sweet potato casserole, glazed carrots, corn, fresh baked rolls, and trifle for dessert. All washed down with 4 different local Niagara wines.

  9. You've raised up a mighty fine daughter. I'd be as proud as a peacock with a daughter so talented ( mine's pretty creative too). Hard part is making sure the guy she pairs up with is worthy. I'm surprised the young hounds on OFC aren't lined up banging on your door.


    I use a variation of the "parents rules for dating" quite frequently.

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