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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. To a degree I get the Dawg's point. Here on the board, when we complain about the losers out there, we are preaching to the converted. The posts here won't change the behaviour of those losers. I'd be embarassed if I had been caught leaving my crap lying around. These people don"t care.


    It does far more good to carry around the extra bag to bring some extra back out. A positve result.

  2. I always make a point of getting out on New Years Day. No takers to run out with me to check out some spots, Must have been somethin in the water :whistling: .

    Most places in the Niagara area have open water or very skinny ice. L. Gibson is now posted as a trespass zone for ice fishing.

    Rec canal is too skinny. Shore ice on the Welland R. is still too iffy. Finally found one old quarry pond with 3 1/2 to 5" of black and white ice that has large schools of gills.

    Unfortunately the fish didn't seem to care too much for the Gulp maggots I was using. Got one OOS bass, and a few sunfish. the biggest being this fella.



    Not much of a result for 3 hours, but it beats being cooped up inside. Besides it was a beautiful afternoon to get out.

  3. Yeah, I got a "Live Release" gaff! :blink:


    That I'd have to see. :blink: Live release you say?


    "Wuts wrong with the Mitchell set up its just as good as a St Croix or G-Loomis lol"


    It's how a spinning reel got paired with a trigger grip caster rod. As said before, the sales person saw the kid coming. The kid's heart was in the right place, and in that light I will, of course, use the combo for panfishing.


    Actually the intent of the thread was not to gripe but to look at some of the odder gifts we receive. I think the Dawg and Clampit got the idea.

  4. I get a 1/2 dozen neighbours showing up News Years at my door. Each with a bucket of olliebollens or appelflappens and the bowl of icing sugar to sprinkle on top. The custom is to share it with neighbours and friends.


    So I gather you are a klomper.


    New Years Day is usually a fishing day. Rest of the family can't seem to crawl out of bed.

  5. Looks to me like you've got it down just right :thumbsup_anim:


    I like to do up a batch only a few times a year. 4-6 hours of kitchen time eats into fishing time, and I refuse to use one of them mechanical bakers. The best breads have got to be worked by hand.

  6. I am suprized Joey hasn't replied here extolling the virtues of the pepperettes up at Noelville...


    If you ever make it to Lakair, give 'em a try !!!


    I forget the name of the place, either in Noelville or Monetville, but the pepperettes and the jerky are to die for. One of the Lions picks it up for our annual fishing trip.

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