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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. You got my 3 today. There's something about a guy who saves snacks in his beard that I just got to admire
  2. Fine collection of stripers there.
  3. Truckstops for showers. Charging from the battery takes its toll. Especially if you have other more important accessories like a lamp, radio, car kettle, electric cooler.
  4. Looks sum good there Dawg. One little itty bitty question. How could you serve that up without chittlins or grits? Fried sweet potato even?
  5. Same here over the past few days.
  6. Seems a lot of the B.A.S.S. folks are plugging for Ashlee. I've gotten 3 e-mails in tthe past couple of days looking for votes. Maybe the mods could send a member wide e-mail?
  7. The regulars are the sheepies and cats, but there are always other surprises. Just be prepared, if going to the pier on the weekend, expect to see 2-300 people crowding the shore and the pier. You gotta be there early to get a shore spot.
  8. I'm right green with envy at the moment Jacques. you're having far too much fun. Great report.
  9. I'll ape what the DAWG said. I want to see people having fun whether it be muskie or sunfish. Heck, some of us at OFC have a blast jigging for smelts. The fun, friendship and sharing is where it's really at. Nice report.
  10. Could be worse, you could be in Alert for 6 months. Nobody is ever quite the same after being in Alert
  11. Carefully check into the gig they are offering, the pay, and the allowances. Don't forget yer little fella. Do you really want to miss 3 really fun years of growing up? I'm all for taking up life's adventures, but not at the expense of your family.
  12. The lake has the full range of pannies. The pools hold rockies and smallies. Don't try to wade the pools.
  13. Get a full size van for sleeping in. It's that much more room with all your gear. Bring a tent, fresh air is a good thing. Purchase no more than 2 days meat or dairy. Keep meals easy and simple. One pan and one pot. Buy an aluminum griddle for using on your Coleman stove. $15 investment for a single cooking surface. Pack all dry goods like flour, pancake mix, cereal, biscuits, in tupperware. Once you get to your starting point, try to keep driving time to a 4-5 hour max. daily or you will miss so much along the way. Most important. HAVE FUN, and take lots of pics
  14. It's a big lake. Boat traffic is heavy on weekends and fishing settles down by Tuesday usually. Lots of pike and bass, for walleye you really have to know the humps and shoals. There are big gar, pannies, etc... as well. There were trout once, but not since the mid 70's.
  15. Wauwatosa Marina on Crooked Bay rd. used to allow launching, for a fee. The only bait available on the lake is worms. The park and marinas have a decent map of the lake. As for as a water feature? Cut across the mouth of Hungry Bay, you will enter an area known as Pretty Channel. 1/2 mile in on right are the rapids and pools. You can beach either side of the rapids, its crown land, walk in and fish the 2 pools, picnic. Further into the channel you will get into a really isolated and picturesque (in my opinion) backwater. Yeah I'm biased, I did a lot of growing up there at my uncles house. Pay close attention to the markers, some of the channels are only 6 foot wide, less in low water years. My buddy Ronnie has dragged up a small fortune in lost props and motors over the years
  16. For a small piece of land, Nova Scotia is a big package. Doesn't really matter where you start, there is lots to do. Spent many months staying with my uncle as a kid. Paraded the legth and breadth of the province with the cadet band from Cornwallis, and took my GS at Stad. After all these years still haven't seen or done all in Scotia. E mail the tourism office and they will send you a mountain of info in the mail ( books, maps, guides,) to sift through to plan your vacation. Be sure to take the kids jigging offshore. Just don't book it in Eastern Passage, you'll be disappointed.
  17. The Dory shop in Shelburne has been running since 1880 and still works with the original tools. Wifey bought a lobster trap there and I almost convinced her to let me order a custom built dory. I came sooo close. If you time it right you can be in Lunenberg for the festival and the international dorymen races. Dartmouth and Halifax have a great festival on the civic long weekend. Fireworks over the harbour. The canoe and rowing competitions at Banook lake, etc.. Get a taste of rustic N.S. living at Jeddore, Oyster Pond. My uncle had a house there in the 60's before it became a heritage site.
  18. The fish in Martindale will be spooked for at least a week come Friday and there won't be any available shoreline. The Henley rowing regatta beings this weekend. Hundreds of rowing shells and motor boats zipping back and forth 12 hours a day.
  19. Same thing, just depends if yer Americain or Canajun The rubber cray will work. If you want put some liquid attractant on it. Rebel crayfish crankbaits are great if you can get them bouncing off the bottom during the retrieve.
  20. Haliburtons in August eh? Crayfish. If it looks like, swims like, tastes like, a crayfish, that's the ticket. There is also the tube.
  21. Half the fun in fishing is in what we share and the friendships we form in our adventures
  22. It was actually a purple tube and a blood tube that were the working baits. My hooksets were not what they should have been seeing as I was rigging the tubes weedless. My bad
  23. Had 2 hours this evening to unwind, so off to another Niagara backwater for smallies. Got bit off twice by something toothy, but still went 5 for 10. I was going to stay later but the skeeters were hungry and the DEET wasn't working any more.
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