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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Well it looks like things are going to get complicated in Quebec. Quebec's Ministry of Forests, Wildlife, and Parks has found more than a dozen sites with evidence of Reed carp in the Trois Rivieres area and tributaries. Not pretty.
  2. The key problem across Ontario, let alone the Ganny, is a lack of enforcement and deterrence. I applaud the efforts of the MNRF's ground staff, but 2 CO's for a large area just does not provide adequate coverage. More importantly, our fine structure is a joke. Look south of the border where fines start are routinely issued at $500 per offence. In Florida poaching can get you 60 days. Texas levies fine upward of $10,000. And they all just love confiscation of property. You also pay all court costs. Some state fisheries depts . recover 10% and more from fines. I just shake my head when I read about court imposed fines less than $200
  3. The biggest problem is the precedent being set. Another tax grab where every conservation authority begins demanding an additional license to fish their waters The Grand River Conservation Authority looked at this possibility a few years back, Next in line would be numerous municipalities. NOTL only allowed residents with permits to fish public lands within their municipality. Thankfully it has since been repealed. How many others might follow suit. We would just be like England with 100's of jurisdictions each demanding their own fee.
  4. GRCA has been talking about having a separate permit to fish their waters as well.
  5. The line is Latin but it is from the war poetry of Wilfred Owen
  6. We did not learn any of Robert Service's work. For us it was .... "the old lie, 'Dulci decorest et pro patria mori' ".
  7. So sorry to hear this. I do hope and pray that it was found ealy enough and you will beat this. We have lost 3 close family members in the past few years to cancers, but my wife, Judy, is now 3 years cancer free.
  8. With this beautiful weather, I'll have the smoker going all day Sunday
  9. Living the life, Eh????. Nice report. I'm just a little green with envy at this point.
  10. Our deepest condolences from our family. We understand only too well that sense of loss of someone dear to us
  11. Make whatever, you think, is the best use for the stuff I sent. Another event, local kids, etc..., it's all good
  12. Glad to hear you are getting out and getting in some fishing. I'm just waiting for the ice down here to firm up again
  13. Back in the mid 80's I lived and worked at Beechwood. We were always amazed by the diversity of wildlife we would spot so close to Toronto. There were always deer and yotes in the back 40, and twice we spotted a lynx.
  14. Well the results are in. Probably had the meat in the brine a day too many, making it a little more salty. But, you can really taste the apple juice from the brine and the wood. The outside of the pork belly has a beautiful gold colour to the 2 lb. pieces. Got to have some good egg buns tomorrow for my sandwich.
  15. These are the pop up ads I get on OFC
  16. I keep seeing cougars all over this thread at the top and bottom of the page. Chinese ones, Russian ones,....
  17. Seen them in a number of Niagara stores. The daughter's significant other got one. Don't much care for the feel of it in my hand.
  18. I've got 8 lbs going in the smoker tomorrow.
  19. Still no better hunting rifle, IMO, than the Lee Enfield, but Enfield has also made solid guns.. Mind you I have not picked up a gun in 25 years
  20. Where have all the fishers gone, long time passing. Where have all the fishers gone, long long time ago

    1. spincast


      They walked the line.....

  21. Not doing any serious cooking today. I do however have a pork belly quartered and soaking in a brine for the past two days. Needs to sit in the brine for at least another day in the fridge before I put the pieces in the smoker. Not sure what wood I'll use yet. Have not looked in the bin to see what I've got cut. I'm hoping the bacon turns out as good as last year's. The brine is simple: for a large 8-10lb pork belly 2 qts apple juice 2 cups water 1 cup brown sugar 1 1/2 lb pickling salt 1 tsp ground pepper 1 tsp chili powder ( make my own very hot version) 1/2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
  22. For us it was shooting squirrels or blowing up frogs with checker bombs (only during non-fishing season when bass were closed)
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