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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I had long promised a smelting adventure for icefisherman and his son Jordan. Today was the day. Beautiful weather and temps made for a perfect day. Co-operation from the fish also helped.

    The show stealer was Jordan. What a joy to have with me on the ice. Emil was also having a great time, but he was playing second string to the wee lad.

    Here is Jordan working on his stringer.



    Enjoying a break from the action.





    Jordan's bounty. Notice the look of concentration :lol:



    I am so glad the day worked out. The sausage was great. Well done Emil. Your little boychuk is welcome around my corner any time. Watching his excitement was more fun than catching fish.

  2. I avoid using the debit card. A few years back, Beamsville area residents were bilked out of hundreds of thousands by a fraud artist at the local Pioneer station.

    He had connected a portable tracer to the card reader to record everybody's card data and rigged a hidden overhead camera to pick up peoples pin numbers. After a week he disappeared and never caught.

    I try to stick to cash.

  3. You are so busy you forget to take pics. We were up on one of the small iced up marinas today. Started off slow, but when they suddenly turned on I could not keep up with the 2 rods. 30-40 dinks and enough for a generous supper before I called it a day.


    But it is only a tall tale without fish porn so I went out and built me a school



  4. Surely the Legion will have to open it's membership restrictions now.


    They did years back with associate memberships. The result was that some branches became cheap nightclub/bars on the weekend.

    Full membership is still available to all Reg Forces, the children of Vets, and reservists who took an active tour.


    My uncle Bob was one of the Old Sweats who actually survived the 5 years in the trenches and lived to his 90's. He would never go to the legion. He did not want the added reminders. He only talked about it a couple of times when I was in the Reserves. Passing on a few tips for 'getting on' in the service.

    Won't be long before the memory of the "Old Sweats" is lost and the last of the WWII Vets are gone.

  5. For Cliff

    Straight from page 20 of the 5 Roses bible ( with modification)


    2 cups boiling water, 1/4 cup sugar

    1 cup quaker oats , 2 tsp salt

    1 pkg dry yeast , 1 heap tbsp margerine/butter

    1 tsp sugar , 5+ cups all purpose flour

    1/2 cup lukewarm water , 1/2 cup corn syrup


    Pour boiling water over oats , stand for 1/2 hr. Mix tsp sugar in lukewarm water, sprinkle in yeast, let stand 10 minutes. While oats are still warm add syrup, sugar, salt, butter and blend well. Stir in dissolved yeast. Add enough flour to make a soft dough. Turn out onto the boardand knead til smooth and elastic, but don't overwork the dough. Place dough ball in greased bowl and turn to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until double. Punch down and knead for 2 minutes. Divide in 1/2 and plce in 2 well greased loaf pans and allow dough to double. bake in 400F oven 45 mins. appx. I use the poke test with a bamboo skewer to make sure she's done inside.


    To solo:

    the kids would have a blast.

  6. When cooking for company, and i experience this type of individual............i make sure i buy them hamburger for their next visit. Its sacrilege. Not to mention always screws up the timing of the other steaks

    No problem with timing. Start her steak 15 minutes earlier. Once it is black outside/grey inside, put the rest of the steaks on for 1 minute a side for regular steaks, 2 minutes for the 2x6 slabs we had last night.

  7. The problem with the worms, or any other item exported across the border is easy to explain.


    Any meat, plants, live goods, are supposed to be inspected prior to crossing the border. I certify, as a crop inspector, that the goods are, to the best of my knowledge, free of pests or disease. Government agencies occasionaly spotcheck such shipments to "ensure" compliance. If my shipment is rejected by a customer, I cannot simply bring it back. I need to have it reinspected. There is no way for me, or the border services, to know that the load has not been contaminated or cross-infected in its travels. It is cheaper for me to send the load to a landfill.

    In the United States it even gets more complex with state regulated rules of export, import, quarantine laws and border disputes. California is like an armed camp when it comes to live goods. Florida requires all trucks and campers enter there inspection stations as they search for contraband food. If you caught a L Erie walleye in Pa it is illegal to bring it across the state line into NY, unless they have lifted the VHS export ban issued a few years back.

  8. Funny, but I just finished cleaning up after the carnage in my kitchen. (but I had to cook supper first)


    It's a good thing I let Cliff take the lion's share home tonight. 250 in a little more than 2 hours. It will take this back a few days to rest up :stretcher: Being bent over the hole gets tough after a while, but it is so mesmerizing to watch these fish attack the hook right up into that hole. I can't believe you let that 20" monster get away :lol:


    It was a great day to be out. Even better when i get to share the day with great company.


    My partners in crime in action.




    P.S. I know what I'm having for brekkie :D

  9. My thoughts:


    The piratical fiddlers were a bunch over the top. I'd have preferred Natalie McMaster to MacIsaac if they wanted to get in the maritime celtic thang.




    Have to bow to pop trends sometimes, not.


    Truth be, pirates and privateers were a way of life in Nova Scotia for 100 years. The early wealth and history of Liverpool is steeped in it.

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