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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. that just made me really sick to watch, with all the efforts we make for conservation of the species, I guess someone would say it's a cultural thing but unless they are feeding the entire population of their village, this is just disgusting.

    European fish farming. Can hardly be called wasteful. People on this side of the world have obviously lost touch. Better than a lot of N American netting operations where pike and other bycatch species lie in rotting piles on the shore. Saw enough of that up North.

  2. After having owned an HT flip shelter, I would not reccomend their product. Thinner grade canvas, poor stitching and soft hinges mean a lot of repairs. I'm on my third season with the HT 2 man and I have spent a lot of time restitching seams and replacing pins every season.


    I would go for the Clam

  3. I taught my kids to never start a scrap, but to make sure you hurt them before they hurt you. The daughter has a disability, and used to get picked on at school. After decking two boys she never had a problem again. The school threatened to suspend or expel Anna. I asked the principal what punishment the boys would be receiving. He said there would be no reprisal for the boys so I called the lawyers. problem solved.

  4. Girls never got in the way of fishing! Might be still half drunk and not know the person in the bed beside me :whistling: , but at 5 am I was still going fishing :Gonefishing: Part of that primitive Canadian instinct. Had booze, had woman, had to kill something for breakfast :canadian:

  5. The only problem with running a sled all out is there is no room for error or reaction time. Friend of mine got killed last March on Couch on his sled. Was running full out and hit an object jutting out from the ice.

    I used to trail ride a lot on the HCSA trails and we never ran more than 60kph on the ice even though our machines could do 120 ( yeah, yeah, I'm dating myself <_< )

  6. Costco in St Catharines fills 20 pounders for about $5 less than the truck stop or garage here in town. I looked into a small tank, 5 pounder, some time ago ago to run a propane cooking burner on for day trips, more expensive than a 20 pounder :angry: They seem to be priced like AAA batteries vs AA, pay more for less. :dunno:


    It all evens out. Think of how many trips to the chiro you won't make because you are lugging a 5# instead of a 20# tank.

  7. They have the look of Calabrese texture but it's hard to tell fer sure from pics. My wife made me stop baking bread of any kind cuz it was immediately gobbled. Man, warm fresh bread with butter ................



    Same happens here. Made 2 loaves yesterday and gone in 24 hours.


    The folded loaf and the crock loaf both look great,


  8. Links to both:






    The floor plans are not quite filled in yet. Curious to know how much vendor overlap there is for both shows.



    Any one from last years Fish and Boat show remember if vendors sold lure parts (0.062 wire, big Colorado blades, 4/0 trebles, powercoat paints, etc)?

    Luremaking.com used to be there but not last year. There were no parts vendors at the fishing show.

  9. Give angling sport or Lambeth rod and tackle a call. Also theres like 4 canadian tires in london and one in St.Thomas. I know in St.Thomas there's a variety store near the library that sells them which is about 4mins down the way from Canadian tire there.


    On second thought, why does the OMNR not have a list of fishing license retailers?


    Unfortunately, not all CTC stores, or tackle shops can issue licences. Only so many retailers within a specified area get a franchise. So a readily available list on the website would be great and make sense. We all know that the words 'government' and 'sense' are contradictions :wallbash:

  10. Was out again Thursday, tougher bite, but good time with good friends. Got the son's better half out and she was first to catch a fish on her first successful ice outing. She certainly outdid RobD :w00t:


    Mind you, it took us 5 minutes to get Amie to hold the fish in her hand :lol:

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